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The AR-15. My little tribute.

Published December 08, 2007

Yeaaa I know this isn't "game related", but it's still cool. So here are some of my pictures of "The patriot weapon of choice"...the AR-15. I just got that wording from this YouTube video [
">Link to YouTube video showing a ton of hooked up AR-15s

That video proves there are people out there who love this rifle as much as I do. Though based on some of the video's comments, they are probably not people I would want to associate with ;-).

I personally believe citizens of the United States should be able to enjoy their 2nd amendment rights, and their passion for firearms/weapons [ to whatever degree ] without being looked at suspiciously. Little punks like the kid who just shot up the mall in Nebraska are going to make things harder for people like me to enjoy our weapons in a safe and legal way, and without getting odd looks.

The little p*ssy killed himself before the cops even showed up, I guess mowing down grandmothers who were doing their Christmas shopping took it all outa him...having people actually shoot back would have been waaay too much. Scumbag.

If you can't tell, I'm a supporter of gun rights :-) I hope that doesn't scare anyone.

Also some might find it ironic that I'm creating a game with a gang-theme, well guess what...after this game I'm going to make a wargame, and there will be explosions, weapons, and death! I have the *sarcasm* rare ability to separate reality from the video game world.

Anyways, with that out of the way...I give you more screenshots [ errr pictures ] of my AR15.

Click For a High-Res version and tell me this gun isn't beautiful! :-D

I LOVE the reflex sight...I'm waiting on a rail that I can mount on the handle so it'll be closer to the eye, I could always just take the handle off, but I really like how the gun looks in it's current state.

Bottom line, a reflex sight is like the coolest thing ever.

Back to the gun...

Yeaaaaa. I wish I had time to go to the range more often...ugh.

Back to work on the game...

- Danny

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The whole US gun culture thing is plain strange for me, but I did enjoy the trip to a shooting range last time I was in the states. Can't get a link now, but I have some great pictures on Facebook... I was contemplating posting them as warnings prior to using my moderator powers [lol]

December 08, 2007 03:24 PM
Yes I can see how it would be strange...you either get it or you don't I suppose. What did ya fire...pistols, or some giant rifles? :-D

Dude, facebook me lol - http://ecu.facebook.com/profile.php?id=22209848
December 08, 2007 03:30 PM
Man that is a beauty. I miss all the weapons training that I did while in the Marines. Been so freaking busy studying for school and working on side game programming projects to keep it up. I still have a ton of rounds that I bought on the cheap, while I was in the corps, sitting in my closet for the day I pick up a weapon again. Good times.
December 08, 2007 06:16 PM
Guns are nice to protect yourself but it's crazy that anyone can get a gun like that with scope and everything in the states. There are a LOT of wackos out there and the thought of simply taking a walk down the street or inside a mall in the states is SCARY. Picture this, you or one of your relatives is enjoying a nice walk in the park or inside a mall and suddenly BOOM your head is splattered all over the floor, a wacko with a rifle just wanted to kill somebody and you happened to be the unfortunate victim. :(
December 08, 2007 07:23 PM
Sure, that could happen. In fact, it has happened. (google D.C area snipers)
It all boils down to whether you feel people should be free or whether the government should treat us all like babies from birth til the grave. Freedom doesnt guarantee you life, liberty or happiness let alone wealth, good health, and meaningful personal relationships. It only guarantees you the RIGHT (not even the ability) to persuit those things.

Too many people either de-value freedom (e.g. They say "freedom aint all it's cracked up to be if it means people can own fancy rifles that can splatter people's heads.") or they erroneously associate freedom with having a good job, a nice house and an expensive car. The more shrewd\cynical\practically minded individuals understand that what we have these days is largely an illusion of freedom, and within that context we shouldn't struggle against it, but work within in it to get as much for ourselves as we can(e.g. "play the game").

Freedom isn't always pretty. In fact, free societies are full of risks and dangers but those risks and dangers are (supposed to be) considered a trade off because "freedom" is (supposed to be) the most important thing and must never be sacrificed for anything ever.

But we Americans live in a country that has gone from a being a land where FREEDOM empowered men, to one where POWER buys freedom. And when freedom can be bought, then enter the zero sum game where for some people to have freedom, other's must necessarily not. It's not the Democrats' fault. It's not the Republican's faults. (at least not to the extent that both sides perpetuate the system) It's the banks and various other financial & securities institutions that have implemented a system that robs people of their freedom. What the Democrats and Republicans do is constantly manage "this problem" and provide perpetual damage control too this insiduous system. And you can hardly blame the sleepwalkers who've been indoctrinated into this system who like hamsters in a ball, scurry about their days, seemingly going places but never fully realizing they are trapped inside a plastic ball.

If you can see it for what it is, 3:10 to Yuma is a movie about freedom.
Russel Crowe plays Ben Wade who whilst "captive" throughout most of the movie, is the only really free man in the film. Christian Bale's character in contrast is the most enslaved.

Meh, forget all that. Just be happy.
December 08, 2007 10:04 PM
Whoa. Does that mean I'm a hamster because I like to buy shiny expensive rifles?

December 09, 2007 02:59 AM
Whoa. Does that mean I'm a hamster because I like to buy shiny expensive rifles?

They're just so...damn...shiny...
December 09, 2007 03:02 AM
Quote: Original post by ndatxcod
Guns are nice to protect yourself but it's crazy that anyone can get a gun like that with scope and everything in the states. There are a LOT of wackos out there and the thought of simply taking a walk down the street or inside a mall in the states is SCARY. Picture this, you or one of your relatives is enjoying a nice walk in the park or inside a mall and suddenly BOOM your head is splattered all over the floor, a wacko with a rifle just wanted to kill somebody and you happened to be the unfortunate victim. :(

Yea, it happens all the time...it's called the USA. There are a lot of fucking scumbags out there. Prep yourself, at least that's my POV.
December 09, 2007 03:06 AM
Sexy photos man real sexy.

I'm not going to get into some huge political debate. The bottom line is that most people fear guns because of what they have the capability to do. The fear is also magnified when you think about the type of people who have access to that kind of hardware.

So chew on this...I love guns, always have always will. I'm law abiding and tax paying. If the red on the American flag were to fade I'd bleed on it myself to bring the color back.

But you want to know what scares me. Car's are more dangerous than guns and kill more people too. So when an idiot gets behind the wheel of a car intoxicated you tell me when a death is most likely to occur.

I doubt you have to worry about the guy owning upwards to 20 guns. But your clean cut, good ole friendly neighbor who has had 8 beers, six shots and getting behind the wheel of his car seems more dangerous to me.

People need to get a grip.
December 09, 2007 08:48 AM
Guns are nice. I like my hands better though.
December 13, 2007 05:26 PM
Yeaaa...but your hands can't put a hole through a 1/2 inch thick steel plate at 100 yards. That's when magnesium tipped, armor piercing tungsten-carbide rounds traveling a little under 3000 feet-per-second come in handy.

I can't think of a better way to spend $100 in a few seconds than unloading a 30-round magazine full of $4-a-piece armor piercing incendiary rounds. Well...mayb....nah I got nothin'...that's about as good as it gets.

December 14, 2007 05:52 PM
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