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7 comments, last by Paladin 24 years, 2 months ago
... "And so it happened. After over 200 messages, the OtherWorld- group has been formed (but not organized , and joy is to come for all the RPG fans. The story is about to begin"... OtherWorld was formed about couple of weeks ago, and this team is creating network based MUD- stylish graphical RPG game, that is open source project and 100% free for everyone. Project has been going on actually REALLY fast, and it is unbelieveble that Novalis has already made, both, Client and Server of the game WITH INTERNET SUPPORT (Is it really ready ?). Lately, we have been discussing about the new / recycled ideas that this game would contain, and we have pretty nice list... for example, there is war going on between lightness and darkness, and this involves players differently than normal MUDs. Players can create REAL history that will be written, and powerful characters can involve how the whole system works (meaning, they can even assign armies... just an nice idea). Now, I would like to hear anykind of features that you would like to see in RPG''s. Technical information: Game runs "realtime", when it still is turnbased with refresh rate of 12/sec OR SO. Game is tilebased, but it is more accurate than MUDs (that usually involve large areas at one time), and so the player can see the area as he would see it, not with scaling at outwoods. Original idea was to connect "unlimited worlds" between each other, and this idea has been changing for putting portals that actually teleport players between main areas on this world, or send them to another dimension. Game "playground" is unlimited, because it is generated with servers randomizer, and every object (wall, sword, player, orc) is actually just stored on server, and every modified ground area is also stored on server. This means that if player builds own altar in middle of woods, the information of this tile is saved on the server, and so the actual original playground doesn''t take any space, but the modified areas and/or objects only take some space. Client will be open source (probably), and so everyone should be able to create their own clients, or just modify the old one. So... new weird/extreme/cool ideas for RPG''s

... Come on

Ideas! What would you like to see in online RPG''s, that you have probably never seen ?

I have suggested two features before: Gameworld will provide BIG WARS between races / sides (light & dark of course , like Asheron''s Call... it might be cool.

Another one is pretty unique: Players could adopt newbie players, and newbie players lastname changes to adopters name, and so he becomes his son
Also, if player dies old enough, he can continue to play as his old characters son/daughter, with same lastname.

It would be cool if the player could build-buy a castle or house. That would give the player something to strive for other than the most powerful player. Make them able to call, pay bots or monsters to guard their stuff. To prevent looters from ransacking their castle or house. The generation thing looks cool, but make the sons and daughters be able to get more powerful than the parents so a chain of characters would produce a great character. Thats about all the ideas I have the game sounds cool.

Castle / House / Town building has been under designing for a while... but no-one in our team seems to know how this might be possible to create... Should users ask for own castle from server-sysops, or could they build it by themselves ? how ? Reminding that these features are going for over 100 player online-rpg.

We are already creating (I think ?) a GOD-CLIENT, that is completly "management client", that can be used to control ... well... everything
User can move AI''s, maybe even armies, from point to point, make them to do things, and so on. This feature can be used to make some special situtations (Asheron''s Call''s "Assault of the Shadows" for an example).

For the houses and castles you could have the player either clear the needed land of trees etc. or have to buy it from the current owner,server. That way castles could change hands from players to players. They could have to wait for it to be built, no more than a few hours, if this is an online game. You could even have them design the castle, assuming this is a text based game. That might be alittle hard to implement if your real far along in it, and it looks like you are. But if they could design their own castle the invading people would have to figure out mazes etc to get to take the castle. It wouldn't take to long for the players to d/l the castle if it is text based.

The AI for the player's character sounds cool, but there should be some considerations. (I don't want to rain on your parade but with the amound to players you have I have to point this out.) Someone could bounty hunt your player while you are not online, kill him and start you over with nothing. boy that would suck, you log on and find someone killed your character. Maybe put in a safety zone or something and if the player wants the ex. points they can take the chance of leaving their character out in the open. The army thing sounds cool too. It would work real well with the castle thing.

Could you link to the source code or to a web page, I'd really like to look at it. I can't wait to play it, it really does sound great.


Edited by - Glandalf on 4/18/00 11:39:44 PM
Gandalf: http://www.egroups.com/group/OtherWorldRing

You have to register to get access, but hey, it''s not big thing to do

I''m wondering how the Ultima Online handles this castle thing, because I have heard that people can buy their own land, and build own communities in Ultima Online...

Well, about Pkilling:
We have came to idea, that Pkilling is really BAD thing to do (don''t even try it, or your character might get under a meteor that fall from middle of nowhere EXCEPT when you are killing players that are in another alignment... I have written pretty much stuff about this thing, and you can find old messages from the longer topic... It''s pretty complicated and long thing to explain.

Thanks for the link, I''m going to check it out. I''m not sure how ultima Online handles that sort of thing, but it couldn''t be too complicated or no one would play it. I''m going to check out that website. Talk to you later.

You may want to make provisions on how many people can build houses or castlesm if indeed they grant security and power (as I believe they should). I might suggest a system where only groups of people can build houses or castles, so you have to convince (pay/threaten/seduce) a group in order to get one built. It''d be fascinating to have an organization of players who play carpenters, building castles and homes for maney. Creating, rather than destroying as is so common in online projects.
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
quote: Original post by Paladin

Well, about Pkilling:
We have came to idea, that Pkilling is really BAD thing to do (don''t even try it, or your character might get under a meteor that fall from middle of nowhere EXCEPT when you are killing players that are in another alignment... I have written pretty much stuff about this thing, and you can find old messages from the longer topic... It''s pretty complicated and long thing to explain.

Ernest W. Adams have also written a good article about implementing a God in online games (complete with priest and everything). If you haven''t already read it I sugest you do so. See http://hometown.aol.com/ewadams/Columns/columns.html

Also alot of his other articles are worth reading also. I seem to remember that he suggested making people become ''ghosts'' when they die. This could be quite fun. Floating around half invisible looking at things until you come to a temple where you can be resurrected or something.
(Would also minimize the penality of getting your player killed while you''re offline).

He also has a lot of words for hack-and-slash pointless dungeons (like Diablo) and for degrading the player to a ''nitpicker'' loading different spells in-and-out of your brain like it was some sort of gun. I really enjoyed reading his articles!



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