
Illegal Sales Of Your Game

Started by December 31, 2002 01:19 AM
23 comments, last by ant-man 21 years, 8 months ago
quote: Original post by CrazedGenius
Actually, Metallica went after Napster, which was, in a sense, "publishing" their material. It's a fine line between selling something illegally and having a business plan built around the illegal distribution of something. After protracted legal battles, you can still download songs.

Not from Napster. Napster was in fact shut down, because it was based on a centralized server. Kazaa, Morpheus, BearShare, etc., are all peer-to-peer based. They have no central node you can shut down to bring the network down. Hence, even though the music industry wants to shut them down there's nothing they can do about them.

[edited by - FenixDown on January 3, 2003 12:48:05 PM]
Go to your nearest police station and tell them you want to sue:

Arbecey Investment Ltd
15, Agiou Pavlou Str.,
Ledra House, Agios Andreas,
1506, Nicosia, Cyprus
Voice: +44-207-9002952(option 1)
Fax: +44-207-9002952(option 2)

(owners of
They should atleast be able to point you in a direction, the IT laws works a bit different, suing a site might be near impossible. But a company is still a company, they know what to do and where you should turn. I dont know yet what resolutions cyprus has yet with EU. But im sure they have some cooperation. Another place could be to contact the embassy in london or something. This is not a civil lawsuit and the law system does not work as in US where you need lawyers for everything. They have broken laws, therefor you have the right to file an report on it. You might not get any cash for it, but you might force them to pay fines and remove your software.
Domine non secundum peccata nostra facias nobis
quote: Original post by Zorak
Go to your nearest police station and tell them you want to sue:

- the police handle criminal matters, not civil matters.
- Suing is a civil action, and does not involve law enforcement. It involves lawyers, the courts, and generally lots of money.
- all police worldwide have this curious concept known as "jurisdiction", which means they can only enforce the laws of their own country within their local region, or "jurisdiction". This is why people in the US do not get arrested for not circumsizing their girl children.
- the police are not in the habit of providing legal information to random people off the street. Especially since it can be illegal to do so if you are not a lawyer.
I''d tend to go along with Adam on this one. At least send a letter. I''ve used the services of a lawyer to stop outright pirating of our game''s material in a couple of instances. It typically works with the first letter and its possible the company isn''t even aware its doing anything malicious with your particular piece of software. (new management, new hires...) Carry on the conversation with them about its removal and then see where it goes from there. Be sure to include your lawyer on everything you do in case the situation escalates at which point he/she will be invaluable in helping you analyze your options.


ps You can and should fight the battle. The day we stop fighting is the day that wholesale theft of games becomes normal rather than abnormal. I wouldn''t sacrifice the farm over 16 copies but I''d certainly let them know I was watching.
Derek Licciardi (Kressilac)Elysian Productions Inc.
quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
This is why people in the US do not get arrested for not circumsizing their girl children.

Eh . . . ok. This is kind of a weird place to level a moral judgment based on your religion. But as a matter of fact, Female Genital Mutilation (Or "FGM") - which is what ''female circumcision'' is - is actually a basis for asylum in the United States.

I''m glad I''m American, and I love American men, who have a sense of honor that does not include cutting up their children for archaic religious reasons (male circumcision is for health reasons).

Anyway, Ant-Man, Kressilac and Adam are right, you should contact them and let them know that what they are doing is wrong. It may be an honest mistake.

CodeGirl - straight from the 21st century.

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