
My chances... please evaluate.

Started by January 02, 2003 11:15 AM
9 comments, last by Muzlack 21 years, 7 months ago
quote: Original post by LaughingD
There''s an anecdote in a book about writing fiction that applies.

A young and talented violinist performed a solo for a renowned conductor. He really played his heart out. After the performance, he went up to the conductor and asked him "Well, do I have what it takes?"
The conductor said, "You lack the fire."
The boy was stunned, but resolved to take the conductors words to heart and to find another path in life.
Years later, the boy chanced to meet the conductor again, and told the man, "What you said to me really changed my life. Tell me, how did you know?"
The conductor looked at him and said, "It didn''t matter what I said. If you really had the fire, you would have ignored what I said."

That''s not exactly right (doing it from memory), but the gist of it is, the only one who can tell you whether or not you have what it takes is yourself.

Yes! It''s just like in the Matrix when Neo goes to see the oracle and she says "you''re not the one" but it didn''t matter what she said because he was the one and he just had to believe in himself. Then he got killed and came back to life and slowed down time and now he can fly!!!!

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