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Turnbased vs. Realtime - Please vote

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15 comments, last by Voodoo4 24 years, 1 month ago
OK.I was playing Moonstone (again) these days and though the game looks turnbased it surely combines both turnbased and realtime.Now that i design my own rpg i''d like to hear your opinion ,weather you like a game to be turbased,realtime or something between them.I refer basically to strategy and rpg games. So please vote about Turnbased or Realtime along with your comment and/or the game(s) that influenced your opinion. I really want to make some conclusions from this poll. Thanks a lot Voodoo4
Here these words vilifiers and pretenders, please let me die in solitude...
Well, it obviously depends on the game. For single player games turn based can work great, however for multiplayer games it can be very annoying waiting for another player to finish his/her moves.

The two best turn based games for both strategy and RPG that come to mind are: Civilization II, and Pool of Radiance.

Notice that Pool of Radiance had turn based ONLY for battles. As far as RPG''s go, if you want to follow the AD&D rules, then turned based battles are the right way to go.

And since we (ok I) am on the topic of Pool of Radiance, there is a Pool of Radiance II coming out fall/winter of this year. The interesting thing to note is that it has the same overhead look/feel as Baldurs Gate/Diablo, yet it STILL has turn based battles. At first I thought this was a step back, but the more I think about the old days, the more I like it. Instead of the click fest to get spells off in Baldurs Gate, you have time to plan and strategize throught the whole battle.

Personally, I rather perfer turn based (for single players) because of the additional strategy that is introduced.
- Houdini
Houdini nailed my view But I''d like to add some more things. You''d want real time if you think fast paced action is what you want...if you go turn based for an RPG you''d have to keep players interested by other things such as story etc.
You may want to check out Age of Wonders, as that implemented another turn based system that at least allows people to take their turns at the same time in multiplayer.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - The Shining
The Worms serries is another turn-based game that plays well both with singe and multiplayer. The turns have a time limit, and it''s fun watching someone else take their turn anyway, so you''re never really waiting.

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realtime, turn based they are both good as pure gameplay modes, however the more interesting games combine both.
one example iw Jagged Alliance 2 (the greatest game barely anyone bought)where the game is real time whenever walking in a sector, untill one meets an enemy. the game pulls this off almost perfectly (almost being the damn militia turns, which can get ANNOYING)

I''ve been thinking of a way to make a turn based game, where no player has to wait for the other one to make their turn playing? any Ideas, my idea revolved around having a timed "planning phase where players each give detailed commands to their team, including waypoints , and behaviors (ex: after breakding in the door, sweep the room and shoot on sight)and then having a real time phase where playes get to see their planning in action
all battles are based on charecter stats, and the player still has limited controll (in real time mode) where they can give radio commands.... any Ideas?
"Avoid needless embarrassment. Practice the correct pronunciation of your deity''s name in the privacy of your own room before chanting it in public. Flash cards are often helpful." --The Evil Cultist''s Hand Guide
For an RPG, why not make it optional. Chrono Trigger was optional between phased or turn-based.

Phased is where your guys have so much time to do something, and then have to "recharge"... used by Final Fantasy as well (7/8 anyway).

On the other hand, real-time "tactical RPGs" like Third World sound kind of interesting too.

- n8

Anyone remember the old "Battle Isle" series of hex-based strategy games? They were turn-based, meaning you got a certain number of actions each turn, and you planned them, together with ( and at the same time as ) your opponents.
When you''re done, you "committed" your planning. When EVERYONE was done, the actions would be played out by the computer.
That''s how I remember it anway.

It''s a reasonable system, because it allows for very lengthy games ( in the range of months ) to be played, something that''s definately an option for good role-playing games.

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~ Mad Keith ~
**I use Software Mode**
It's only funny 'till someone gets hurt.And then it's just hilarious.Unless it's you.
I''m a big fan of turn-based strategy games like X-com. The most recent of these games - X-com Apocalypse - let the player choose between turn-based or real-time. Playing in real-time involved pausing the play and setting waypoints etc. and then unpausing to watch the action, which seemed like a good mixture of the two game-play types.

Also, I agree with ziplux - Worms is great, because of the turn based strategy
MadKieth, I think I actually own one of those, but never played it
that''s very interesting and very similar to my Idea... (another game that did that to an extene was "gangsters: organized crime")
my Idea is to use that same system in a much smaller scale, with controll over the real time mode as well with Tribes like radio commands "charecter 1 cover charecter 2", or "character 1, take point" kind of thing.... allso, while in real time, you can take full controll of a charecter, and realtime mode is shorrt (20-30 seconds)with timed planning phases between realtime modes... think of Jagged alliance (1/2), interms of what you have to plan

I''m looking for a programmer to help me put this Idea into motion, cecause at the moment I only do 3D models, and even that has halted since Milkshape doesn''t like my new videodrivers....
"Avoid needless embarrassment. Practice the correct pronunciation of your deity''s name in the privacy of your own room before chanting it in public. Flash cards are often helpful." --The Evil Cultist''s Hand Guide
Turn based for single player and real-time for multiplayer. But overall I prefer turn based. Favourite turn based games include Warlords 3 and Alpha Centauri.

- Daniel
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