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Game design woes..

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18 comments, last by Niphty 24 years ago
Yo - Mr. Anonymous 10 years of experience!

Are you actually saying that the only ones who have a right to complain are the ones who (have at least tried) to make it better?
Doesn´t that make your job awfully simple, not having to take criticism anymore?

I complain about lots of stuff- The government, the education system, the weather or worms in my food!
But just because I´m not a member of government, not a teacher, haven´t performed a rain dance in my life and am not the head of a major food company does not mean that I can´t complain!

Besides, you shouldn´t take it personally. I think that a lot of good ideas came from all that complaining. Especially you as a pro (if you´re not another reincarnation of our friend halo9) should welcome the huge amount of ideas that´s to be found here. Of course there´s a lot of crap here too, but I think we can agree that there´s some gold to be found too.
And it shows you what the people think about RPGs. Nobody´s saying you´re to blame, just think about some of the ideas.

And yeah, you are missing something here - when was the last time YOU really cared about a project (apart from shipping date and cash in bank account)?

BTW I´d be glad if you´d register and reply, if that´s not below you.
-- Anonymous Poster Said --
First off, I''m not the previous anonymous poster. Second, I have almost ten years of experience in the industry, I don''t need to get registered to put weight behind my words.

You talk a lot of smack. Maybe you should hit us up with some credentials. Let''s see a design credit, eh? List of shipped titles? Anything?

us desighers? do our jobs? Am I missing something here?



Well, I have news for you... Some of us have been part of the game industry for as long as you and some even more and some not. Now, to clarify one thing, being in the industry for 10 years doesn''t mean that you know shit, even after 10 years you can still make a bad design decision and it happened to alot of good game designers I know. You ask for credentials, can you state some yourself of the supposed games you have worked on??? I didn''t see anything like that from you. You say that you designers do your job, well, I have one thing to say about it, you designers are the reasons why most of programmers make sacrifices when coding a game( And yes, I''m a programmer ). Anyhow, get your facts straighten up.

Headhunter Soft
DLC Multimedia
Two Guys Soft
[Cyberdrek | ]
OK, I started right out of college at Spectrum Holobyte. That was in ''90. I worked a little on a tetris knock-off designed by Alexei Pajitnov and a little on Falcon 3.0.

Since then I''ve worked on lots of things for lots of companies.

But you guys don''t care about that. It''s been pointed out that seniority != wisdom. That''s true enough. All I have to say is that actions speak louder than words.

Show me don''t tell me.

And don''t even talk to me about being a mercenary bastard. I gave over two years of my life to a failed startup. I worked like a dog for less than nothing. I''ve done my time, I''ve paid my dues. Why? Because I cared deeply about the project. Don''t even go there.

Oh I see, so just because you''ve "paid your dues" you have the right to tell others what to say? You think that only you have the right to complain? Well, maybe that''s because you''ve had 10 years of unsuccessful business ... if that were me I''d have a lot to complain about, too...

You have no right to tell someone what they can bitch about, it''s a free country. And hiding behind and Anonymous name doesn''t help you any, either. Oh, yeah, and we STILL haven''t heard a single one of your credits, only that you''ve "worked on a lot of things for a lot of companies." For all we know you were some worthless temp who couldn''t keep a job!

Changing the face of adventure gaming...
Atypical Interactive
------------------------------Changing the future of adventure gaming...Atypical Interactive
Right, this may sound a little weird coming from me, but let''s lay off him. He''s not being 1/4 of the prick Halo 9 was, and he may just know what he''s talking about. Kindof. But either way, it is the people who doubt you who are the source of your glory, right?

When I change the world, I won''t even laugh at the ones who doubted me, because I know they''ll all be thinking, "Damn, the little bastard was right all along. Oh well, my bad." Being right is reward enough.

Um. Yeah. Sorry.

This post was brought to you by the letter "Land", and the number "Fish!"
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
Really,where is this Halo9?
I''ve never seen him again on GDNet after all the flaming he took!
What a prick actually!
Here these words vilifiers and pretenders, please let me die in solitude...
I agree with landfish here.. this guy has just merely insinuated things, if you ignore it.. it''ll leave. That''s why i only made one little mocking paragraph about em

As far as things go.. Some people have tried and failed, and some have tried and succeeded. It sounds to me like the Anonny guy is just a bit peeved that he didn''t succeed dispite all his efforts. Unfortunately.. a project can''t survive on one man''s will alone. But that doesn''t mean you hafta get burnt about it.. and be all hateful towards those of us wishing to make a difference. Perhaps he''s doing this sorta as a way to discourage us from attempting, since we might end up like him. We all know the risks, i believe.

I also agree that i love skeptics like Landfish does. They provide motivation 9/10 times. They make you hate them, and envision them as the embodiment of those who''re against you, and that oft makes you work like mad And when this happens, you''ll find you get things done. Sometimes it''s even good to be your own skeptic when everyone around you is positive you can do it. We like struggle and strife, and we need to feed on it a lot of the time. It''s energy to prove them wrong.. And it''s exhilirating.. hehehe.

Seriously though.. if you haven''t stopped to think about what failure might mean.. then do so now. Heed the warnings and go back before it''s too late. Once you take that road to designing seriously.. you might never want to go back.. even if you''re broke and down. We''re artists in our own way... writers.. weavers of a land which people will be immersed in. Our books have graphics and sounds and are capable of pulling a reader so deep into the plot.. they may obsess or loose sleep over it. They will love and hate you for it. But most of all.. they will be able to interact in our books. We must plan for all the interactions they might want or desire.. and we must make those possibilities. Too few possibilities, and you had better have a very good plot that keeps people moving the right way. Too many possibilities and you lose those with ADD
Balance is the key.. and here we all sit, huddled around a small fire, talking and exchanging stories, ideas, dreams. And somewhere in the mess, one of us might be really successful years from now. I hope they never forget where they came from.. here, with us.. now

I believe it was Niphty who implied that people who don''t design games should not complain. It was not the Anonymous Poster.
It''s funny how Halo 9''s being an asshole has brought us all together. Niphty, the post was very deep, and I appreciate that. But also cannot forget that we are only makig video games here. To make them more than that is foolish (IMO). What we need to do is question: "What is a video game worth?
Now that changes EVERYTHING!

This post was brought to you by the letter "Land", and the number "Fish!"
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
quote: Original post by Niphty

As far as things go.. Some people have tried and failed, and some have tried and succeeded. It sounds to me like the Anonny guy is just a bit peeved that he didn''t succeed dispite all his efforts. Unfortunately.. a project can''t survive on one man''s will alone. But that doesn''t mean you hafta get burnt about it.. and be all hateful towards those of us wishing to make a difference. Perhaps he''s doing this sorta as a way to discourage us from attempting, since we might end up like him. We all know the risks, i believe.

that reminds me of the saying, "sometimes the biggest risk in life is not taking a risk"

- only a fool does not question one''s doubts -

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