
resume paper type?

Started by June 18, 2003 01:52 PM
3 comments, last by quack 21 years, 2 months ago
Would it be cheesy to uses resume paper (heavier weight) instead of normal weight paper when submitting a resume for game programming? thanks quack Virus cleaned by McAfee
Absolutely not. A job''s a job. Go with the quality paper, hopefully it will show that you care.
I''ve gone over about 200 paper resumes at the different game companies I''ve worked for in the last 11 years. Using thick stock, creme type paper is pretty standard these days, for mailed resumes. However, for the technology profession where resumes are often emailed and printed out, the paper is not that relevant (at least it wasn''t too me). Textual presentation was relevant.

BUT there is a value to using a thick paper. That being, it is less likely to lie flat once removed from the envelope, making it stick out in a pile...making it more obvious. Now, if the resume sucks anyway this won''t help, but all other things being equal it increases the likelyhood that someone will lift out the non-flat one from the pile first (if nothing else, just to make the pile flatter.

Another trick is to use odd-colored paper, which makes it easier to find in the pile. However, never use dark colors or funky thread patters or even copious watermarks (one artist sent his resume on paper with a full-page artwork in the background). It''s annoying if xerox copies have to be made and they don''t replicate easily.

When I applied (and got) my first job, I used a light orange colored paper for the resume and put reflective red mylar on my name. The company head remembered it, even years later.

The real trick, with any resume, is an effective text layout and content. Spelling errors show you''re an idiot who can''t figure out the spellchecker on your word processor. Typos or inconsistant formatting show you have no eye for details, which makes you useless regardless of the innate talent you might think you have.

One thing that continues to astonish me is folks leaving out info. Don''t forget - in the game industry, they''re just as interested in non-game work/projects. Being creative is more than just programming or modeling or editing. So, mention that job at the concrete plant or the summer you worked at the dam pulling dead fish out of the screens or the fact that you''ve watched the Japan channel on cable for the last 4 years. Just don''t write down your life''s story either.

you have made very good points! I''ll go with the thicker paper and list items not related directly to games. Even though the reasone are humorous they do make since.
thanks! Virus cleaned by McAfee
Make sure your nice paper also allows you to make nice copies.

The first HR person will see your resume, after that, most resumes are sent photocopied, or even paperless.

If your nice paper doesn''t copy well, then don''t use it.
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