
Good game for sale!

Started by July 08, 2003 06:41 AM
-1 comments, last by Onebitheroes 21 years, 2 months ago
You can find the game at After 3 years continuous development we voluld like to sell this game with its all rights. About the system: it was written in Perl, the database is MySQL. You can run it under windows and also under linux. The difference is only one character in the 11000 line gamecode. The possibilities: a massively multiplayer webbased game. Players can fight steel and rob from each other, can trade, fight against monsters, play in casino, do quests in labirynths, explore and create new weapons, items... There are 400 unique monsters with its pictures, more than 700 items. In the hungarian version there are 40000 registered characters, 2000 are playing every day - in the top there were 1.200.000 page impresssions/day. Contact: e-mail:

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