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Defect Reports

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150 comments, last by khawk 20 years, 10 months ago
This thread is for reporting any problems with the GDArena. Any reports given that do not give a sufficient amount of detail will be ignored (i.e. I need more information than, "it doesn''t work").

Admin for GameDev.net.

OK, major problem.
I generated a new skeleton, and put the following code in my Update method:

g_pCore->Taunt ("Hello?");

I then copied the resulting DLL that was generated to the "bots" folder, and renamed the extension of the existing DLL there so it would not be found. I then ran the arena, yet upon pressing F5, I get a "Memory Could Not Be Read" error, at 0x000000. I''m using an introductory version of MSVC, and this displays a popup box telling everyone I am so, when any application I generate is run. Normally an application simply displays the box until the user presses OK and then runs the DLL code, but it crashes GD:Arena.

Other than switching over to Dev-CPP to develop in, is there anything I can do?

This is the tale of a Northern Soul, looking to find his way back home
This isn''t a defect in the contest package, but users of VC.NET Professional (and possibly others) should be aware of a couple of typos in the files ObjIdl.h and OAIdl.h:
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IProgressNotify_OnProgress_Proxy(     IProgressNotify * This,    /* [in] */ DWORD dwProgressCurrent,    /* [in] */ DWORD dwProgressMaximum,    /* [in] */ BOOL fAccurate,    /* [in] */ BOOL fOwneri;

This complains, as you can see, that there''s a missing '')'' on line 10600 of ObjIdl.h.

And, a stray ''M'' character on line 4727 of OAIdl.h:
/* [call_as] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE ITypeLib_RemoteIsName_Proxy(     ITypeLib * This,    /* [in] */ LPOLESTR szNameBuf,    /* [in] */ ULONG lHashVal,    /* [out] */ BOOL *pfName,M    /* [out] */ BSTR *pBstrLibName);

(I didn''t really know where to put this, so feel free to delete it if you see it as irrelevant, Kevin)


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I''ve looked at the interface and I can''t figure out how I detect that I am up against the ''invisible walls'' at the edge of the arena. Any clues? There doesn''t seem to be a valid object type for ''wall''.
In the readme.txt it says "Bots cannot see walls (at this time; we''ll see how it goes)."
It would be nice to know where the walls are, but it could be inferred from a lack of obstacles. Perhaps some non-blocking little plants could be added to the arena to give better visual reference to the bots.
The crashing problem isn''t exclusive to MSVC 6.0 Introductory edition. It also occurs with DevCPP version I''m pretty sure it isn''t the compiler now, but my code itself. If I was to edit the skeleton that was produced by the generator and just add a taunt in the Update method, would that be enough to create a simple bot, or is there something else I need to init / do first?
I think it might not work with MingW (DevC++). It seems to run fine using the included SampleBot.dll, so I don''t think it''s a problem with my machine. When I tried to import the sample bot project, it did not compile, so I created a new project with the DevC++ DLL template, deleted all the template code and added the supplied SampleBot code. This compiled successfully, and produced a DLL, but when I replaced the DLL from the zip with the DLL that I had compiled, it didn''t work. The new DLL made the arena crash when I pressed the Go button.

Has anyone had any success compiling with DevC++ / MingW??

John B

And just for the record, my system specs are:
Pentium 4 1.7GHz processor,
256 MB RAM,
Radeon 9600 Pro with 128 MB or onboard memory
The best thing about the internet is the way people with no experience or qualifications can pretend to be completely superior to other people who have no experience or qualifications.
Did you change the .ini file accordingly? I''ve change dit, yet it still crashes, both under MSVC 6.0 and DevCPP.
Did you set the working directory if you are running the game .exe from the IDE automatically?
I''m copying and pasting the DLL and then running the game manually. Has anyone got a bot working successfully yet? I''m sure this is a stupid mistake of mine.

This is the tale of a Northern Soul, looking to find his way back home

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