
What sort of moeny to professional game developers earn?

Started by August 11, 2003 05:07 AM
2 comments, last by Kanamit 21 years ago
I was enjoying playing through Curse of Monkey Island for the second time yesterday and laughed at the gag: ''I wanna to make a living from other people''s talents'' ''You wanna be a project leader for a computer game?'' It got me thinking... I''m not new to programming but I am reasonably new to game development and 3d programming. I love everything about it so far and will be my No.1 hobby for many years to come. I''m not intending of try and take it further and do it professionally but I was just wondering what sort of money do game developers make? I mean the guys who actually do the coding, make the textures and write the stories. Not the management or project leaders. I read a post the other day saying a lot of software houses don''t pay such good money. Can anyone enlighten me on this? IMHO, some 3d programmers are ''The Right Stuff'' of software engineering industry. Thanks ................................................ How come my sister has 3 brothers and I''''ve only got 2?
How come my sister has 3 brothers and I''ve only got 2? :P
I heard that Carmack earns Millions().
"How come my sister has 3 brothers and I''''ve only got 2?"

HEY! ME TOO! it must be a plauge!
[s]--------------------------------------------------------[/s] - software with source code
Why not check out some site with game job postings? or or any job search site. Game developer magazine does a yearly salary report. I don''t recall any of the numbers but I know they''re about twice what I''m making in the biz... But then I don''t have to do 16 hour days either.

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