
Defect Reports v0.03

Started by August 17, 2003 08:36 PM
10 comments, last by khawk 21 years ago
Let''s have them... keep discussion of defects in your own threads. I just want lists of problems here.

Admin for

EDIT: i guess it might

[edited by - FAQ Master on August 17, 2003 10:43:11 PM]
Update cycle time.

what has it been reduced to? A new project with a single call to "GetJoyPosEX" (or whatever it is) fails as it takes to long.

is it now a tenth of a frame? it seems extremely short now.
Beer - the love catalystgood ol' homepage
another query - how much more processing time does gdarena take? it seems like it is roughly taking twice as much cpu usage as gdarena 0.2 did.
Beer - the love catalystgood ol' homepage
I think I know what it is.. I''ll be updating the v0.03 download shortly.

Admin for

quote: Original post by Dredge-Master
another query - how much more processing time does gdarena take? it seems like it is roughly taking twice as much cpu usage as gdarena 0.2 did.

If 0.03 is taking anymore processing time than 0.02, then it''s very minimal. I think it''s related more to the little update I just put in the zip. Make sure you download 0.03 again (I''m not going to announce it).

Admin for

tried it. my machine is obviously to slow for v0.03 now. (1ghz athlon, geforce 2mx)

I'll try again at v0.04 or the final release, whichever is first.

[edited by - Dredge-Master on August 17, 2003 12:51:05 AM]
Beer - the love catalystgood ol' homepage
I have one other idea that may have affected performance, but it's my last idea. Try downloading it once more (I have updated the zip again).

If that doesn't work, try downloading GDArena v0.02 again just to verify that it is in fact something new with v0.03.

I updated the zip once more.. at 1:00am EST.

Admin for

I used the new botgen to generate "SampleBot2", built a debug DLL, and changed the ini to be:


Everything works as expected unless I try to run with the debugger attached (i.e. hitting F5 in VC6). When I do that, I get "SampleBot2's Update() cycle took too long" as soon as I start the match.


If I change the ini to be "release" instead of "debug", then run with F5, the whole simulation just seems to stop as soon as the match starts. The "Draw-nobody wins" text is still up, but the bot's names are updated. It seems to be doing the same thing that it does in the debug version, but without the little dialog box telling me the bot took too long.

[edited by - Martel on August 18, 2003 3:26:35 AM]
quote: Original post by Martel
I used the new botgen to generate "SampleBot2", built a debug DLL, and changed the ini to be:


Everything works as expected unless I try to run with the debugger attached (i.e. hitting F5 in VC6). When I do that, I get "SampleBot2''s Update() cycle took too long" as soon as I start the match.


If I change the ini to be "release" instead of "debug", then run with F5, the whole simulation just seems to stop as soon as the match starts. The "Draw-nobody wins" text is still up, but the bot''s names are updated. It seems to be doing the same thing that it does in the debug version, but without the little dialog box telling me the bot took too long.

[edited by - Martel on August 18, 2003 3:26:35 AM]

Well, that''s more than I get... when I tried debugging like that with v0.2, it crashed on entry, and/or complained that the .exe had no debugging info available (gdarena.exe). This is/was with msvc 6.0

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