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Violent Animal RPG: What do you think?

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34 comments, last by Kingzoolerius666 20 years, 9 months ago
I''ve been thinking(for quite a while) about this game which only consist of bipedial vicious animals(none of that GameCube kiddy furries crap). These animals have the power to concentrate energy and releash it from their palms, very much so like Dragon Ball Z. It is a turn-base RPG and during combat you''ll be able to evolve into a more violent form of your character, you can merge with other characters within your party, and etc. Everyone has special attacks too. You can use your concentrated energy to fly and do all sorts of stuff. The mood of the game is dark and moody, very much so like the original Resident Evil. There will be lengthy FMV sequencial footage explaining the storyline and having soem dialogue between the protagonist and such. The primary antagonist is very sadistic. Hes a gargoyle who died along time ago and got resurrected by an unknown magicial. This gargoyle guy murder his parents and likes to kidnap children and molest them. I could go on and on but this is all I''m giving away. What do you think? ~~~ Signature: ~~ Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry.
~~~ Signature: ~~"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)"God is a game designer too and his game, 'Life' " - Me"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus
Sounds like a winner to me. It might even do for a first game. Just keep your tileset manageable, the number of your items short, and the number of your creatures small (I''d say 20, but no more than 30 including merged monsters). But, make sure each monster is really cool and different.

Save the fmv stuff for last. That stuff takes time. Try to tell as much of the story in the game itself as possible.

As for the story itself, go all out. Break as many video game story rules as you can. It can only serve to make the game more popular. Just make sure the story is good, and more importantly that the game plays well and people will play it.

That''s a cool sig btw.

Put on probation for insulting the President of the United States of America.

Happy Big Fun
Happy Big FunWeeelll!!!President Bush is a bitchHe's a big fat bitchHe's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world
good story mean cool thema

which thema will fit to your gameplay concept??

anyone has an idea??

well is this looks like more like the bloody roar design (graphically but darker)???

well it could work, if you build an apealing universe
since it''s animal and dark its far from stereotype you have a certain liberty, don''t waste this! (but for a dark violent story i will made a real time base system instead of turn base to keep pressure among the player)

take a look at the soultaker (a jap anime) for some graphical design, but find a more interesting story than veangeace (it''s easy if you find a cool and original thema)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be goodbe evilbut do it WELL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Wow, I didn''t expect anyone to like my ideas. Thanks guys.

My game will have stories inside of other stories. So there is really no primary storyline. Its much like Xenosaga, where you have to do real-life research to understand the game alot more. Its hard to explain. This gargoyle guy isn''t the only bad guy by the way. His son is a king of an abandoned planet inhabitted by vicious animals who worship the evil god(Satan in our world). Theres many religious references in my game. It also deals with anti-social issues and such.

I''m not designing this game from my mind. I''m designing it from the heart. This game is a reflection of my life. Theres also a spin-off to this game(alot of them). So when I present the design document to a publisher, I would be very angry if they were to change ALOT of things. I want the game to be AS IS because its a reflection of MY life. Its my life translated into a video game basically. So if it were to become popular(which I hope happens) then it would be hard for another company to duplicate my concept/design(like alot of other companies do with GTA: Vice City).

Bloody Roar is one of my favorite games but it didn''t inspire me to design this game. Human suffrage, social isolation, depression, domestic conflicts, and such are my influence.

~~~ Signature: ~~
Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry.
~~~ Signature: ~~"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)"God is a game designer too and his game, 'Life' " - Me"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus
I''d really like to have a look on the story if it''s ready and you like it. If you don''t want to show it until the game is done: even better

Breaking ''rules'' in RPGs often gets you attention. People will keep such events and games in mind and talk about it.
Think about Aeris of FF7, nobody exspected what happened.
Think of the end of FFX, I think many people couldn''t accept it.
Ok, these are too similar examples, but if you have such an event in your story, do your very very best to make that scene memorable.

And I agree to you for getting your influence from everywhere. If you don''t do that, you probably won''t be able to design good RPGs IMO. (I wrote RPGs since you perhaps won''t need that when designing Ridge Racer XII. Can that be considered ''right''?)
Politics, philosophy, actual science, science-fiction, classics such as Goethe and a lot of other ''external'' material merge with my thoughts about them and the rest of my feelings, I think that''s the way to go. Include everything you know about.
I tend to run around having pen and paper with me, so that I can always write a short idea down if I suddenly come across it.

And I completely understand that you don''t want your game changed. But perhaps that''s not possible if you aren''t popular enough. Create two extremely well selling titles and you should have your peace there.
Hope one doesn''t need to be successful like Miyamoto Shigeru or Sakaguchi Hironobu to have that ''privilege''.
But having it means being able to express yourself completely
Sounds like it could be a very interesting game, and unique game. An rpg that doesnt consist of dwarves, elves, and such is definatly a plus in my book. However I do have one thing to say...

I am not a person with uptight morals. I dont mind fighting, cheating, and stealing if i would feel the need IRL. However I think maybe your Gargoyle should do something with the children other then mosesting them (although i guess they would be bipedal animal children). Maybe he could like rip their heads off and make a power necklace of children''s heads. I just think it might be easier to sell if it doesnt include molesting animal kids. Violence is good. Molesting animal children is bad.. heh,heh

Really just do whatever you want, but i just felt like giving you some food for thought/possible flame materal.
yea, im defending the poor animal children on this one. If you were highly popular, and you wanted to get away with it, i would say go for it. But you are going to shrink the size of your market. If you are going to use it, make sure there is nothing graphic about it, it is just in the story, cause i dont think anyone wants to see gargoyals humping young maldeformed deer.
I didn''t want to add the child molesting thin in the first place. I just wanted to add something weird to the game thats all. It isn''t like this gargoyle''s primitive is molesting. He is really more of a murderer but there is one scene in the game where he gets so angry at the protagonist that he kidnaps children from the protagonist''s village and performs sacrificial rituals(which including raping them before sending them to his "God").

By the way, the background story is ALOT weirder than the game story. I''ll try to summarize it. There is a dynasty in hell that expanded so greatly that they invaded heaven and killed the seven important angels that held God/Heaven together. So, in other words, there was a war in heaven and "Satan''s side" won. What does this have to do with the game? ALOT, but I can''t releash such information.

Btw, I am not a professional game designer or anything. I''m an aspiring 17 year old game designer with many game ideas. I know little programming(C/C++, WinAPI, SDL and SDL/OpenGL). I''ve only programmed one game in my entire life and that was a crappy pong clone in Win32. I''m a better game designer than programmer but I want to do both professional and programming is so freaking hard.

~~~ Signature: ~~
Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry.
~~~ Signature: ~~"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)"God is a game designer too and his game, 'Life' " - Me"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus
Personally, it sounds like any other game that has people shooting things from their hands... except it''s animals.
_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios
This story is sounding very ambitious. Too ambitous in fact. If this is your first game you need to reign it in. One good way is to have a lot of your story as simply back story that is refered to like the first 3 Star Wars movies refered to prequels that weren''t made yet. And a lot can be forshadowing for sequels.

If you don''t keep your ambitions in check with the reality of what you can expect yourself to do in a reasonable amount of time, then you won''t ever get to finish the game. You can always add more to the story in sequels and prequels later. Use this big story to write a smaller story in your game, leave tantalizing mysteries about the past, forshadow things to come. In general, use references to the larger story to give your small game an epic feeling.

And unless you''re going to make the child molesting part of this monster''s character a focus of his character, you''re probably better off without it. If you''re going to put that kind of stuff in your game, you need to play it to the hilt or it''s not worth the grief you''re going to get or worth losing the players you''ll alienate.

Happy Big Fun
Happy Big FunWeeelll!!!President Bush is a bitchHe's a big fat bitchHe's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world

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