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Violent Animal RPG: What do you think?

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34 comments, last by Kingzoolerius666 20 years, 9 months ago
I''m glad you noticed that part. That''s the confusing part. This is so confusing for me to explain. There is a god structure in hell that sorta serves as a "gate" to some sort of secret dimension that NO ONE(not even God, lucifer, or any of the angels) have access to. That golden structure been there even before God created hell(so he sorta created hell ''around'' that structure). Beyond human knowledge, there are several things higher than God(that no one even knows about of course). Several of those ''higher'' gods live in that golden structure. One of the Gods that live in the golden structure decided to leave the "secret dimension" and saw hell. Oddly, with his powers merged with the kind of hell(King Satan) and formed his own army down there(in hell).

In case you''re wondering in THIS video game, God was created by a billion self-creation souls(which creates itself) that lives down inside of the gold structure. Sorry if it doesn''t make sense. But I''m trying my best to express the idea.

~~~ Signature: ~~
"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)
"God is a game designer too and his game, ''Life'' " - Me
"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus
~~~ Signature: ~~"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)"God is a game designer too and his game, 'Life' " - Me"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus
Okay... I get it I think.

If you''re still afraid of getting a bad wrap from the religous sorts, I''d suggest making up your own little god (which you have obviously done). Also, make up a new name for this god''s son; this way no one will go, "Hey! That can''t happen!". If you make it some weird universe, give it its own god. You might even want to give it its own demon king.

_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios
i''m agree with aram

it''s better to attack belief in side or from the back you should make something which is related to actual religion but in a mask (different name etc...)

myself have a scenario with reference to religion (i''m not attacking religion but beLIEf, which are mostly empty and false and leads to the path to illusion and delusion)

be good
be evil
but do it WELL
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>be goodbe evilbut do it WELL>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Aramstudios hit it dead on.

If you''re going to make anything offensive in your game, no matter if its the good guys or bad guys doing it, it should be suggestive at best. Creating a religion, a god and all that that has some similarities and whatnot to a major, real religion is the best way to go. Naming exact religions in a story will raise a lot of alarms.

As a general rule for my own projects, I never make games involving God, Jesus, Allah, Buddah, Satan or any major deities, for good or for bad. You can make a god and religion that might have some qualities associated with these gods, but its best to leave it generic. If you make a Christian game, for example (down guys, down..Im Chrisitan too..put down the flamethrowers) a lot of people are going to find it preachy. In this modern age no one really wants to hear Sunday mass material when they''re playing video games. In general, people dont want to be preached to about ANY religion...So, putting actual religions in their faces might not be a good thing.

Conclusion? Just make some generic fictional religion if you insist on making a game involving gods.

Pseudo-religions are safe and easy to handle. Remember the Ogre battle games'' "Holy Lodis Empire"? Crap in a hat, if that wasn''t medieval Catholicism then all the history books are wrong. The genius of what they did there, though, was to create a religion that wasn''t just a representation of an existing religion, but a representation of one view of one period in the history of an existing religion. There were a few hundred years when the Roman Catholic Church behaved that way, but modern Catholics don''t take offense to the portrayal, since the church is profoundly reformed.

Or you could just target a wicked small demographic, like druidic shamans or something. You seem to be set in a fairly scriptural scheme, though, with the duallism and all. Maybe you''d be better served to structure it around a less formal, "folk" interpretation of the church? People love to hear about angels, and demons, and all kinds of other demigods that aren''t actually a major component of the judeo-christian belief system. In fact, they are more reminiscent of the old animistic pantheism of "pagan" religions. You''re "War in Heaven" idea lends some weight to this option. Imbuing angels with free will or somehow mitigating the omnipotence of God can lead to far more entertaining stories and conflicts than the usual "God did x, some people didn''t like it, they were smoten."

All in all, don''t let political concerns intimidate you so early in the planning phase. Build yourself a world, make it inhabitable, and then worry about making it acceptable to an audience.
Odd, when you said "Violent Animal RPG" I thought you would mean something much more literal and realistic, like on the Discovery Channel. Lions ripping the crap out of Zebras and so forth. The advantage of doing a RPG about the animal kingdom is you could get away with realistic mega-violence and society would not have the right to complain. "It''s educational." Let''s face it, Nature is a Mother!

Seems like someone could make money doing RPG mechanics with stuff that isn''t traditional RPG. There are *way* too many "young boys with swords gaining the foozle to save the world" out there. Mainstream people do not care about this sort of thing.

Brandon Van Every, 3DProgrammer, Seattle, WA
20% of the world is real. 80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.
Cheers, Brandon J. Van Every(cruise (director (of SeaFunc) '(Seattle Functional Programmers)))
Ok, thanks guys.

But I really want to incorporate real-world religions into the game.....I guess it was a bad idea to begin with...

~~~ Signature: ~~
"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)
"God is a game designer too and his game, ''Life'' " - Me
"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus
~~~ Signature: ~~"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)"God is a game designer too and his game, 'Life' " - Me"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus
Go ahead and incorporate real-world religions. Fistful of Boomstick had a priest in it.

If you''re too shy to tell us what you''re thinking about, how can you possibly release a game about it?

If you''re afraid we''ll steal your ideas, let me assure you that most of the members of this forum have placed bets on when you''ll give up on making your very own video game, and the optimists give you a month. Making it from the heart and expecting to get turned down (by who?) are a sure-fire recipe for losing interest the next time you think about breasts.

Just about everyone here has a game or two started on text files that current software can''t even open. My first design doc is still on my old Macintosh, but it''s in ClarisWorks 4.0, and there ain''t nothing in the world that can interpret it. Not that I''m interested in reading the background of Conrad Huxley and his team of freedom fighters anyway. I still think it was a good idea, but too many of the components have been thought of by other people, and the romance is gone.

Anyone around who was on the Black Hat project? I''m sorry to see that the board isn''t there anymore. We had some great ideas. I''d like to confess that a good chunk of the Fighting Report was drawn from the realm of Conrad Huxley. I dedicated enough man-hours to make me wish I''d done something that paid for that time, but my greatest regret is that the ideas we all had are now lost to everyone. And that was just last year!

So go ahead, Kingzoolerius666, do whatever you like. If it doesn''t actually happen, you''ll at least learn something. I always do.
quote: Original post by Iron Chef Carnage
Or you could just target a wicked small demographic, like druidic shamans or something.

Even then, you''re playing with fire...even going with the smaller factions of neo-pagan relgions, if you dont do the proper research on the group, you''ll piss someone off. All it takes is one of them to be some type of journalist to give you enough bad press to drive you into the ground.

We''re the game designers, we''re the artist, we''re the creative people who work hard on these games. Those who mal-criticize us only criticize us because they can''t be as creative or good as a designer as we are so they mal-criticize us.

Out of the three major entertainment industries, music, movies, and video games. It seems that the video game industry fears controversy the most. I say pluck those who mal-criticize me. I''m going to design this game the way I want it. If I get bad press for being a creative guy then this world is a horrible place to live in(which is already true).

We, as game designers have to break new ground even if it means losing respect from outsiders(religious people who say video games are bad). I say pluck(screw) them.

~~~ Signature: ~~
"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)
"God is a game designer too and his game, ''Life'' " - Me
"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus
~~~ Signature: ~~"Satan sent me to destroy the video game industry." - Trigger(my alter ego)"God is a game designer too and his game, 'Life' " - Me"Squirrles make me horny." - Sean Randy Rowlen Uranus

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