
Font Distribution Legalities

Started by September 04, 2003 07:33 PM
3 comments, last by PaulCesar 20 years, 12 months ago
I am about to release a "gdk" of sorts, which just so happends to make use of true type fonts. Now, my question is this, which fonts are legal for me to distribute? Right now I am using Arial by default, but i have no idea if it is legal or not. Im just planning on sticking to the standards here, can comeone help me here?
Arial and such are in Windows, and as such you shouldn''t even need to distribute them.
Unfortunatly, Im not dealing just with windows though. The engine runs cross-platform (WIN/LIN/MAC) and there needs to be a standard set of fonts.
Microsoft''s "Core" fonts are not allowed to be redistributed without a special agreement of some sort (too lazy to look up the specifics).

If you just need a nice Sans Serif (along with a Serif and a Monospace if you''d like) font to redistribute, may I recommend Bitstream Vera Sans? I link to that page, rather than the official Bitstream site, because it has an abundance of information about them compared to the official Bitstream site, at least the last time I bothered to check . The licensing information is on that page.

Here are some nice (but not quite as nice as Bitstream Vera) GPLed fonts too (Serif, Sans Serif, and Monospace).

Do freeware/public domain fonts located in places like work? I am curious because I have seen some nice ones on there that work well.

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