
DIVA Classical Female Soloists Official Demo # 2

Started by October 07, 2003 11:12 AM
22 comments, last by Bela D Media 20 years, 11 months ago
Win some awards, post some critical acclaims you''ve gotten . . . for that matter, prove you have any extensive professional experience (or true artistic ability) at all . . .

and maybe then your comments will have some legitimacy.

(blindly praises DIVA set)
_____________scott b. mortongame music composer/geekwww.scottbmorton.commember of G.A.N.G. (Game Audio Network Guild)
quote: Original post by sonicthreadz
Win some awards, post some critical acclaims you''ve gotten . . .

Is this how these kind of discussions are settled? The guy with the most awards and the highest acclaim is always right?

What''s up with your posts? If you have anything to add to the discussion, then go ahead and add it. If you''re interested in hearing my compositions, then why not contact me personally? Then you can judge for yourself whether or not I have "true artistic ability".

Anyway, if you listened to my compositions and loved them, does that mean I''m right? If you hated them, I''m wrong? If Phillip Glass hated them, I''m right?

Suffice to say, I''m not currently looking for work in the field. I will be one day, but for now I''m going to concentrate on my studies and individual compositions. If I enter and win a composing competition, I''ll let you know.

quote: Original post by sonicthreadz
extensive professional experience (or true artistic ability)

Sorry, but to me "extensive professional experience" does not equal "true artistic ability".

Anything else?
Nope, no more comments. If you are a real composer, I''m sure I''ll hear of you down the road someday. If not, well then . . .

What a massive ego you''ve got. For your sake, I hope you can put it in check somewhere in the near future. If you can''t, I''m sure there''s a place for you as an old crusty serialist composing professor who can debate his way out of anything but can''t compose for ****.

That''s my last post. =D

_____________scott b. mortongame music composer/geekwww.scottbmorton.commember of G.A.N.G. (Game Audio Network Guild)
It''d better be your last post. You''re too prejudiced about me to talk to me reasonably. You know, musician to musician?

On a sadder note, it has come to my attention James Horner is not on board for scoring The Passion. That''s just too bad, in my opinion.

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