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Fortune cookie messages.

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42 comments, last by JTippetts 20 years, 7 months ago
It seemeth to me, this might be the most appropriate forum for this question to avoid the steaming morass that is the Lounge. In my game, I have a fortune cookie system similar to that of various roguelike games I have played in the past. As you adventure about the land, offtimes you will find fortune cookies which, when broken open, reveal a slip of paper with a message written upon it. Some of the messages are meant to give gameplay hints--ie, hints about certain legendary places, people, events or objects, hints about where to find secrets, etc... Others are meant to be silly and nonsensical, perhaps false horoscopic type information. Others are meant to be misleading, or falsely informative in the same way that the hints are helpful--outright lies, rumors, and trickery. And last, others are meant to be just plain solid inspirational good sense or wisdom, not necessarily in the context of the game, but in the context of life in general. What I am looking for, and the purpose of this thread, is small messages or quotes (non-copyrighted; I don''t need any trouble) of the silly/nonsensical and inspiration/wisdom variety. Game play hints and falsehoods I can handle myself, but I''d like to have a little bit of input on the rest. So, if you have any thoughts or ideas on small sayings (a few lines only), post them here. I''m striving to avoid a M for Mature rating on this game, so please keep it clean and above board. Thank you. Josh vertexnormal AT linuxmail DOT org Check out Golem: Lands of Shadow, an isometrically rendered hack-and-slash inspired equally by Nethack and Diablo.
Nobody has ever died of truth - there are too many antidotes. -Nietsche

For any problem there is a solution that is simple, quick, and ultimately worse than the problem.

It''s better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you''re stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources. --Albert Einstein

The amount of work that needs to be done to complete a project in time is inversely proportional to the amount of time remaining.

There is never enough time to do it right the first time, but there is always enough time to do it over.

The number of theories about a phenomenon is inversely proportional to the amount of knowledge about it.

I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

100 different sparrows make 100 different sounds

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education.

Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software.

That which does not kill you only postpones the inevitable.
Beautiful. I used almost all of those. Thanks, AP.

EDIT: Link removed due to Nervo's 1 month time limit. Thanks again, Nervo, for the image hosting.

[edited by - VertexNormal on November 24, 2003 1:55:59 AM]
Rudeness is a weak man''s imitation of strength. - Cervantes?

Wizza Wuzza?
You could include one that says "It is far better to do something than to waste your time searching for answers on small slips of paper you find lying around..."
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
How about:
" is how you unlock cheat mode."
"Everything I learned, I learned from scraps of paper."
"The best things in life arn''t free, you always have to pay for them one way or antoher."
"All you can eat, is not a challenge."
"Blank slip number 7!! Can you collect them all?"
"To do list: Buy Milk - done, Buy Bread - done, conqur the know world."
"Fire Fighters fight fire, Crime Fighters fight crime, what do Freedom Fighters figh?"

"War is romantic only to dreamers and fools."
"In life you only get one shot at the silver ticket so don''t miss it."

Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
Current Design project
Chaos Factor Design Document

This one''s great:

IM: CScoder@aol.com/ahmed7500@hotmail.com
Well, R2D22U2..
Written on a friend''s test while grading papers for a teacher: "Don''t worry, even your organs are destined to fail sometimes."
Glad you liked the first batch. Here''s some more. (I notice the dialog for the cookie is a little small, so I chose shorter quotes for ya this time around.)

A penny saved is a penny taxed.

If God hadn''t meant for us to eat animals, He wouldn''t have made them out of MEAT.

The graphics remind me of Quake; 256 shades of brown

Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence.

Husbands are like pancakes - you''ve got to through away the first one.

Never say "OOPS!" always say "Ah, Interesting!"

bug n.:
A son of a glitch

There were computers in Biblical times. Eve had an Apple.

Hit any user to continue.

It said "Insert disk 3..." but only 2 fit.

Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.

Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.

If the spoon don''t dissolve, it ain''t coffee!

Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math.

The meek shall inherit the earth, if it''s ok with you.

War doesn''t decide who''s right. Only who''s left.

We are born naked, wet, and hungry. Then things get worse...

Why do drive through ATMs have Braille dots?
Alright, more goodies.

AP: I can stack as many lines onto the fortune as needed, so don''t worry about trying to fit into the dialog as seen above. It grows with more lines added. I just worry about 3 paragraphs of text boring the player before he finishes reading it, that''s all. Again, thank you very much.

Nervo: Heh heh. I like that one.

cowsarenotevil: That one is going into the string table right now.

Technogoth: "...is how you unlock cheat mode." So is that one.

Thanks, everyone, and keep ''em coming.

vertexnormal AT linuxmail DOT org

Check out Golem: Lands of Shadow, an isometrically rendered hack-and-slash inspired equally by Nethack and Diablo.

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