
finding publishers

Started by November 26, 2003 07:26 PM
4 comments, last by Bruno 20 years, 9 months ago
Hi Can anyone point me to some games publishing company''s ? Not garagegames or small online publishing companys, i mean average\big ones ? Thanks, Bruno
Hello i can help you out, from what i read
you want to find a good publishing company.
Go to and asked them if they wanna
be a publisher for your project, thats what i did
and then 2 weeks later they e-mailed me back and said
your game looks good so far will get back to you soon.
We are thinking of buying your game off you take care
for now. So ya man check out EA im sure they would love
to hear from you.
Check out this list......

and also this one

Dan Marchant
Obscure Productions (
Game Development & Design consultant

[edited by - obscure on November 27, 2003 9:20:40 AM]
Dan Marchant - Business Development Consultant
Thanks guys.,

Can you guys advice me on a way to contact them ?
Is there some company who''s job is to find publishers for indies or something ?

> Is there some company who''s job is to find
> publishers for indies

There aren''t that many. I know Warren Currell from Sherpa Games ( who is doing something along those lines. Here''s something from their web page that explains it better:

Title Representation:
For development studios with a marketable video game title, Sherpa Games will identify best fit publishers, help develop pitch material, and expose your title to the appropriate audience. Sherpa Games will also negotiate and deliver a fair and mutually beneficial publishing agreement

sorry for the question, it''s probably not meant to be here, but is it ethical to contact multiple publishers for a title or it''s just the way the things are meant to be? i mean there is a prety good probability a project to be rejected by most of the publishers, right? but what if the project is good enought to attract a few publishers? you work with the one who offers the most attractive conditions or what? thanks.

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