
Business logo design

Started by December 05, 2003 11:45 AM
1 comment, last by Hoser 20 years, 9 months ago
I was wondering if anyone could recommend the name of a person (or company) who is talented at designing business logos. Since I don''t personally know anyone who does this type of work, I was looking for some recommendations. Also, what can I expect to pay for this type of art work? Thanks for any input.
My company, Ciresoft, does logos and websites. Our official site is Prices normally range from $199-$250 USD for an okay logo, I have also seen them for around $399 USD though, so you never know. We pricematch pretty much any decent company and our prices very negotiable because I''m such a nice guy . Email me at if you''re interested.
I''ll keep you in mind. My software is still in the alpha stage, with an anticipated completion within the next few months. What is a typical time frame from request the request date to the completion date? A few days, a week, more?

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