
Pay Packets

Started by December 15, 2003 11:32 AM
0 comments, last by arka 20 years, 8 months ago
Hi guys, I am from a game dev house in Asia, and we are in the process of completing our first major title, which can broadly be classified as a squad action title, in the same league as Hidden and Dangerous. Now heres my question - I would like to know the average monthly salaries of coders, creative artists and game designers and writers in the US and Europe. I understand that it would not be possible to give specific figures, so ballpark figures would do . We essentially need this data to do a feasibility study. [edited by - arka on December 15, 2003 10:49:36 PM]
Logos Incarnatus
Gamasutra's 2002 salary survey.

You'll also need to nose around the IRS's website for tax information. The company pays a portion of the employee's income tax, IIRC.

And then there's benefits on top of all that - which you can probably research at any general job seeker's site.

[edited by - cheesegrater on December 15, 2003 3:34:46 PM]

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