
New Tracks for 'Battles of Norghan' Soundtrack

Started by January 15, 2004 08:06 PM
15 comments, last by Buckles 20 years, 7 months ago
Heya guys This is actually the first time Ive posted my music to be listened to on here since i started using this place ages ago. I suppose its about time These are two tracks which have been completed for a fantasy strategy game called ''Battles of Norghan''...which has probably been floating in a few posts....dunno....anyway: ''Centaur''s Lament'': This is the main theme, which is pretty simple but fairly pretty in nature. ''Norghan Battle Waltz'': This is a battle sequence based on the main theme above....its pretty Zimmerish (Gladiator waltz style). It gets pretty epic towards the end. Tell me what you guys think. I always appreciate feedback. Thanks! -Scott Buckley
I like both a great deal; the battle theme is suitably martial and the Lament has a nice touch of melancholy to it (for synths anyway). Let''s see if I can throw out some constructive criticism...I felt as if the battle song was a little longer than it''s main theme can properly support; there''s a spot from about 2:30-3:20 where it goes away entirely in favor of gradually crescendoing repeating line, that I think sounds particularly empty. Maybe it was meant to build tension, but IMO the song would be stronger if a couple of bare spots like that were trimmed.

Good luck with your game!
Thanks Muse.. I was too impressed to make up constructive criticism myself. :/

but yea I think he has a good point there.
Great point...thanks muse. I might just cut it down a bit....i just thought it might have been a good change in the track to go to something a little barer.....a slight change from the rest of the track which is a little more busier....

Anyone else?
Hey, good stuff, man! The cello sound in the beginning is really rich.
I''ve just listened to the Norghan Battle''s pretty good! It sounds kinda like something out of LotR. Same adventurous, whatever feeling.
______________________________"I was thinking of using WeightWatchers, but I decided I was out of their league."
Heh, yes, very Hans Zimmerish, especially in the Norghan Battle Waltz where it collapses into a percussion section before the buildup. Some really good orchestration you got there. I''m jealous
I liked both very much. Your sounds sound very releastic. I was just wondering what keyboard or synthesizer you used for those tracks? I''ve always used real orchestras but I think it''s time for me to buy a better setup.

How do you get a real orchestra to do your stuff? Doesn''t it cost a lot?
Yes, it does cost a lot. My old college has a full orchestra that is the same level as professionals basically. The recording engineer use to record for Sony too. If you take all of your pieces and setup a couple of sessions it''s not too bad. It helps knowing people in the orchestra too. But I have a very cheap keyboard (under a $100) that I used to write my music. It has horrible sounds and I have to remember what everything sounds like in a real orchestra. It makes it much harder.


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