
Two new 'action' mp3s. Opinions?

Started by January 20, 2004 09:30 AM
2 comments, last by micktaylormuzik 20 years, 7 months ago
Me again. I''ve been busy! Here''s two new short ''action'' style mp3 samples. Both are only around 30 secs long. They are demos for a local company asking for 30 sec samples. Comments and criticism? Thanks...Mick. Pro music for FILM, GAMES, MULTIMEDIA. Free mp3 samples at:
Cool music for FILM, GAMES, MULTIMEDIA.Free mp3 samples at:
Not bad there Mick,

Sounds quite porfessional. What''s your setup like?

Very good stuff. You must have some sort of extensive orchestral sample library to be able to pull off all the experesions that were used. The hits in chase one emphasise the excitement while the background strings keep things tense. If it had a bit more percussion, I might think it was Hanz Zimmer.
Wow, thanks guys. Hanz Zimmer, now there''s a compliment!
My setup? Well, I don''t actually have an extensive orchestral sample library. It all comes from Edirol Orchestral which is a million times cheaper than buying Gigastudio and all of it''s accompanying and very expensive sound libraries. Edirol Orchestral can be limiting but the sounds it does have are great. As long as you just don''t go putting in your notes all the same length, velocity and quantization etc. That will sound silly. I just get really detailed with velocity changes and various controllers, especially the ''expression'' controller. Basically just alot of attention to detail. Other sounds come from my KORG NS5R sound module (I want a Triton!) and various synth samples. I also use an Alesis SR-16 drum machine on some tracks but not these two. And I also record live guitar for some tracks where it''s needed. Oh and I also make alot of my own sounds (like banging on pots and pans or whatever else is around) and then processing them sometimes thru fx etc. I refuse to use loops/drum loops etc. I make my own loops. My sequencing and processing software is Sonar and Cool Edit Pro2. I find that''s all I need.
Thanks alot for the feedback fellas. I really appreciate it.

Free mp3 samples at:
Cool music for FILM, GAMES, MULTIMEDIA.Free mp3 samples at:

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