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J.R.R. Tolkien and fantasy RPGs.

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35 comments, last by Voodoo4 23 years, 10 months ago
Here''s why I didn''t mention them: I haven''t read them yet... And my tight university budget and the fact that I bum around on this board every spare minute is a reason why I still can''t . I intend to at some point and I hear rave reviews, I just found I couldn''t get into them quick enough (I only read 1 chapter).

Owell, I am sure I will read them at some point

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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tolkien as well as wagner before him tried to CREATE a mythology that was lacking in their own lands (britan? germany) like the greeks or romans have/had. strange both central needs are powerful rings. (is there a link?). ive always loved the hobbit and LOR and theyre filming it not 100km from here in greatest secrecy but i havent got the drive to get off me ass and sneak in and have a look, time ages
In fact there must be a conection between them.
Wagner''s Ring of the Nibelungen is inspired by an ancient German myth.Tolkien has studied a lot W.European mythology and i believe his LOR inspiration is coming from the same myth.

Now about dragons and other creatures.
Tolkien may have taken them from W.European mythology but he is the one who gave them a story and an origin.
And dragons are not W.European invention.

Dragons come from China and as i read somewhere the Dragon myth came from dinosaur bones discovered in China many hundreds of years ago.And since there wasn''t any dinosaur theory then, people''s imagination created the Dragons we all love.

Here these words vilifiers and pretenders, please let me die in solitude...
Trying to say "oh you''re copying Tolkien" is a bit bull$hit, really.
Tolkien was inspired by his knowledge of Northern Mythology and probably by all the readings he had done during his studies (wasn''t he a Litterature teacher at Oxford ?).
Wagner''s stuff was also inspired on all this, he did NOT create the Nibelungen story, come on guys !
Oh and did you notice that Hitler himself was greatly inspired by Wagner''s "mythology" ... (Hitler was actually part of a weird sect ... )
Really, beginning to worry about who did it first, at this stage, is too much hassle. Just go on and try to make something a bit new. It''s just becoming very annoying to see people "assume" that because it''s fantasy, it''s copied on Tolkien.

As for elves and dwarves and gnomes and trolls, you would love to look at anything by Bryan Froud, the father of all artists when it comes to drawing a faerie.

You could also read very interesting irish legends, about the fay people and the celtic myths (try "Essential Celtic Mythology" by Lindsay Clarke, or "A guide to Irish Mythology" by Daragh Smyth. The first is only the stories, while the second is a little encyclopedia).
Their is also an excellent book called "Druids" by Llewelyn (don''t remember if its the name or the surname, though.) it has not really anything to do, as it''s based on History, but I loved it.

For f*ck sake, look at Conan the Barbarian if you want cool fantasy without elves and dwarves. There is a very good RPG called Bloodlust (in French sadly) in such a world, and it rocks.

Also look at Moorcock sagas : Elric the albino, sole survivor of the Melnibonean, a race of tyrants and his vampire sword Stormbringer. Read also Hawkmoon, based on a degenerate Europe, ravaged by the twisted Grandbritons. And there is also Corum''s saga , but I haven''t read that yet.

As for another founding father, you just can''t ignore Fritz Leiber and his Cycle of Swords. A collection of stories published since 1947 ! As lyrical as tolkien can be, Leiber created a much darker and sinister world, Nehwon, where sorcerers are people you don''t want to mess with, and no one is the Good guy. The adventures of Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser (a norse barbarian and a thief, wannabe wizard) are just unforgettable. Forget about the elves singing under their trees

I also have to mention David Eddings (and his wife Leigh) and their books which are very nice indeed (Even if there is a strong smell of AD&D coming from it) ... I particularly liked the books with Sir Sparhawk (dunno the title in english) and the way the magic is handled, especially Necromancy.

Also I''ll have to read some Ann McCaffrey, because I have heard of her for too many years now, and I still don''t know anything about Pern and its Dragons.

Oh, and what about Terry Pratchett !

Please, just don''t think because you''ve read the Hobbit, and you''ve been told that Tolkien is a genius, no one else is worth of interest.
If you begin to think like this, then what the heck are you doing in a game design forum !
I have a 214 pages book on elfic languages, but it doesn''t make me a fanatic of Tolkien. I read as many authors as I can, because every one of them as something different to offer (God forgive me for even reading the first Magic the Gathering novel, called "The Arena", THAT was a piece of crap)

As for the dragons, Voodoo. Please stop saying stupid things like that. I heard this story of bones in China, but dragons have been described a long long time ago during medieval times across Europe. True, the legends could have come from China, and the design changed, but I think you shouldn''t say things like "dragons are not a W.European invention", unless you are a Doctor in European Mythology or something like that.
As for Tolkien "giving them" a story, well, it''s not because you haven''t read anything about dragons before that it suddendly appeared in Tolkien''s mind. In the Middle Ages, people sure thought that Dragons were real, and surely described their life, habits, appearances, etc.
As for Tolkien''s inspiration you are very true, that''s why some people described the races of Tolkien as "biased". They made the connection between Tolkien, Wagner, and Hitler... think about it.

youpla :-P

and good readings !
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Yeah! Terry Pratchett is cool!

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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This is probably rather off topic, but did you know that Tolkein''s books were a commentary on the deprevity of man with a Christian world view (not obvious though). Seems sort of amazing that it can go from being something like that to an inspiration for the first pen-and-pencil RPGs and later go on to inspire so many games as well.
I don''t really care who got what from where... Inspiration is Inspiration... and I can''t get enough of it

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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As for the dragons, Voodoo. Please stop saying stupid things like that. I heard this story of bones in China, but dragons have been described a long long time ago during medieval times across Europe. True, the legends could have come from China, and the design changed, but I think you shouldn''t say things like "dragons are not a W.European invention", unless you are a Doctor in European Mythology or something like that.

Well if you think medieval is "a long long time ago" then you miss some thousand years of history.
At the time when China had its great civilization, in W.Europe people still lived in caves.

When i say "in China" i''m talking about hundreds of years BC.Well mediaval times are just tooooo far away from that era!

And if you think what i say is stupid then don''t bother posting to this topic.

Here these words vilifiers and pretenders, please let me die in solitude...
Actually, the original dragon was about the size of your leg (from the Chinese bone discovery in {A long long time ago} BC) but with more recent findings in Europe of large dinosaurs, the dragon was increased in size to that of a house (mainly because of exaggeration by the populous )

-Chris Bennett ("Insanity" of Dwarfsoft)

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Guys, keep it calm in here, or I''ll be forced to do some serious moderation.

On another topic: the reason rings are so important in European mythology is because of the Vikings, and their ring-hoards. Rings were their currency and reward. They had small finger-rings, and huge neck-rings, but they were always considered imporant.

And, I believe Tolkien''s elves were based on Irish elves ( from the Tuatha? ), the people that lived there before man became too powerful.
Plus, The Hobbit was written as a serial for his sons, while LoTR was simply a long work of art he tried to make, with no particular significance of any kind (read the introduction if you want to be sure. )

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