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AU character descriptions

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6 comments, last by neogoukix 20 years, 1 month ago
Well I know it''s about a month late but here are some descriptions of AU''s character I will update them every 5 or more characters I complete. This will be apart of the AU plot guide ver 1.1 in which I will not post here if get useless replies out of this thread. Just tell me what you think.... ****************************** 6. Character List and Descriptions *** KRIS WILSON Height: 5''9" Weight: 125 and a half pounds Blood Type: AB Birth date: July 6th , 1985 Birthplace: Torrance, California(USA) Nationality: From America(African American) Superior Techniques: gDark Fisth , gHiroku Sakiih, gShun Goku Satsu (Instant Hell Murder)(AU2)h, gand Dark Kick(AUF)h Likes: Exotic girls, Capcom games, Anime, and a good challenge Dislikes: Stuck-up girls, Grand Theft Auto, and bad fighters Fighting Style: Ansatsuken and Dark Elemental Skills, Learns Bad Winds during AUF Interesting Fact: Kris is based on AUfs creator Christopher Wilson AU Series appearances: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe 2: Universe Wars, Alternate Universe Final: Revelations. First Appearance: Alternate Universe (Genesis Saga) Funny Thing he does: Sets up a date with Anna and tells her theyfll be alone but agrees to a double date that same night with Daraun and Brandi. Boldest move: Throws his pride out of the window and gives Tonya the letter that he stole back to her at the end of Alternate Universe Final. Analysis: Kris is the main character of Alternate Universe. He is very defensive when he is threatened and he is easily annoyed. But that is not his flaw, he is very emotional and arrogant towards serious situations. This does change throughout AU1, AU2, and AUF, Kris begins to realize how important he is to the universes and Anna and everyone else including Tonya. His feelings for Tonya show throughout the AU series(his feelings do not stay romantic), for example saving Tonya during the Parallel Universe during AU1 which lead to his death. He is resurrected though and realizes that he needs to be serious about defending the universes. Kris is 17 at the beginning of AU1, 21 at the beginning of AU2, and 27 at the end of AUF. Where is he now?: In Cerritos, California and married to Anna with their first daughter Sharon who was born at the end of AUF. He has his own studio gTitan Studioh and is working for Capcom which was his dream after all. *** TIM WILSON Height:6''1" Weight: 186 pounds Blood Type: A Birth date: July 2nd , 1966 Birthplace: Los Angeles, California(USA) Nationality: From America(African American) Superior Technique: gDark Kickh Likes: A good challenge, Transformers, football games, old school Sega games. Dislikes: Bad fighters, people who donft look out for their family, and the color white Fighting Style: Dark Elemental Skills and a mixture of Karate and Judo Interesting Fact: Tim Wilson is based in Christopher Wilsonfs father Tim Wilson. AU Series appearances: Pride: A Prelude to Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe2: Universe Wars, Alternate Universe Final: Revelations First Appearance: Pride: A Prelude to Alternate Universe(Chapter 1) Funny Thing he does(itfs sort of sad): During AU2 when he meets Kris he doesnft tell him that he is his father. But he tells him that he is his older brother. Boldest Move: Killing his alternate self during Pride: A Prelude to Alternate Universe and vows to stay in the AU forever. Analysis: Tim Wilson is Krisfs father, Kris does not meet him until AU2. Tim was chosen to be the AUfs defender but refuses to get his family involved, he kills his alternate self and remains in the AU to defend it. He soon partners up with Chigau and they defend the AU successfully for a few years, they split up and Jagan and Kou come and try to take over the AU. Tim kills Kou and Tim and Jagan battle to a draw, Tim disappears years after that and he is rumored to be dead. Kami-Tora decides to select a new defender he selects Timfs son Kris. Tim resurfaces during Gathering Saga of AU2 to help deal with the war threat. After AU2 Tim works for Kami-Tora and trains with his son many times and even teaches him the gDark Kickh during AUF. Where is he now? In the AU of course, Kami-Tora gives him a chance to go back to the NU but he refuses and says it was too late for him to go back. Him and Chigau become the sheriff and deputy of Alternate Menifeefs police force. He keeps in contact with Kris via telepathy often. *** TONYA MUSE Height: 5''10" Weight: 127 pounds Blood Type: B Birth date: March 2nd , 1986 Birthplace: Menifee, California(USA) Nationality: From America (Half Samoan and Half Caucasian) Superior Technique: gMetal Palm Strikeh, gMetal Spreaderh(AU2), Metal Fist(AUF) Likes: Nice looking guys, music, and walks on the beach Dislikes: Kris(for some part of the story), Getting advice(especially about Kris), and arrogant people. Fighting Style: Metal Elemental Skills and Normal Combat Skills(most likely Karate) Interesting Fact: Tonya based on one of Christopherfs high school crushes. AU series appearances: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe2: Universe Wars, Alternate Universe Final: Revelations First Appearance: Alternate Universe(Genesis Saga) Funny thing she does: Slaps the shit out of Angela when Angela tells her that shefs in love with Kris during AU1. Boldest Move: Betraying her friends during AU1 and stepping forward to help Kris get resurrected. Analysis: Tonya is a very important character in the AU series, for one she is the best female fighter in the whole AU series, and two she almost always has an effect on the way Kris acts when shefs around. Although her feelings about Kris seem to change sometimes, she somewhat goes easy on Kris sometimes. Keep in mind that Tonya doesnft really know how she feels about Kris which results in her ghatredh of him. Tonya hates receiving advice from others including Angela her best friend which is her flaw. Her and Kris do come around to being friends a little at the end of AU1(hey they beat Ten Ken together) Tonya really pushes going solo for most of AU2 but keeps in contact with everyone else. Tonyafs main goal is to find peace of mind and to just live freely(especially after her so-called best friend marries her ex boyfriend.) Where is she now? Traveling the world, everyone else wanted to relax and settle down after the fighting, not Tonya. Tonya still searches for peace of mind and clings on to the fact that Gabriel will come back to the NU. She still keeps in touch with Kris and the others and was named baby Sharonfs godmother.(to Annafs slight dislike) *** DARAUN GIVENS Height: 5''11" Weight: 160 pounds Blood Type: O Birth date: June 20th, 1985 Birthplace: Escondido, California(USA) Nationality: From America(African American) Superior Techniques: gHappa Sentouh ,gManga Beamh, gEarthShakerh(AU2) , gApocalypseh(AUF) Likes: Making fun of people, Square Enix games, Anime, and just about everything Kris likes. Dislikes: Bad fighters, quitters, hockey, and people who bother Kris. Fighting Style: Receives normal combat training but learns Kempo Karate and Earth Elemental Skills. Interesting fact: Daraun is based on Christopherfs real life best friend Daraun Givens AU series appearances: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe2: Universe Wars, Alternate Universe Final: Revelations First Appearance: Alternate Universe(Genesis Saga) Funny Thing he does: Tries to convince Anna to go out on a date with Kris without knowing that Kris and Anna were already going on a date. He even gives her money Boldest Move: Stepping up to fight Bad Winds Kris during AUF. Analysis: Daraun Givens is Krisfs best friend, he is one of the few straightforward characters. Daraun encourages Kris to make moves and not get ran over all of the time. Daraun is very intelligent but doesnft act like it and he can easily make an ass of himself. His extreme friendship with Kris shows when he becomes physically involved in the Tonya Situation(mainly becuase Tonya was cool with Daraun and didnft see him as a threat). Daraun is a formidable fighter and he is always improving he defeats Omega in AUF showing how far he had come over the years. Where is he now? In Cerritos working with Kris for Titan Studios, He is engaged to Brandi and they live right next door to Kris and Anna. He also trains teenagers in Kempo Karate. *** CHIGAU Height: 6''1" Weight: 190 Blood Type: O Birth date: Jan 8th, 1968 Birthplace: Kyoto, Japan Nationality: Japanese Superior Techniques: gDark Flashh and gDark Bombh(AU2) Name Means: Different or to deviate in Japanese Likes: A good challenge, Italian dishes, enforcing law, and Nintendo games. Dislikes: People who donft rely on skill to fight, and people who fight for recognition. Fighting Style: Self Taught Happa(Explosive) Style along with Judo and Dark Elemental techniques. Interesting Fact: Chigau is the only character to appear in all four AU series stories. AU series appearances: Pride: A Prelude to Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe 2: Universe Wars, Alternate Universe Final: Revelations First Appearance: Pride: A Prelude to Alternate Universe Funny thing he does: Makes fun of Gyro after he loses to Anna again during AU2 and then kills him for being useless. Boldest Move: Betraying Ultima just when he was about to defeat Kris in AU2. Analysis: Chigau had been a universal bounty hunter since he was 15 years old. He meets and challenges Tim Wilson and loses, but Tim lets him become his partner. Young Chigau learned his Judo and the Dark elements from Tim, and learned to rely on his skill in battle. Chigau soon became embroiled in saving the universe but he wanted to do it alone, so he went back to bounty hunting and disappeared for a while. Chigau emerged again during AU1 as a well known fighter in both universes and with a new ally Ultima but many questions were raised about Chigau he didnft seem to be fighting to destroy the Universes, but it was almost like he was fighting for himself. Chigau does betray Ultima in AU2 and helps Kris defeat his old enemy Jagan (just as he helped with Ten Ken in AU1). In AUF Chigau is mainly a freelance advisor to Daraun and the rest of the group. Chigau was never really a bad guy but a rogue in his own right. Where is he now? In the AU with Tim, the two are the sheriff and deputy of the Menifee Police department. Basically Chigau kept the same job throughout his life but this time he was doing it the way he liked it. *** ANNA VEST(WILSON) Height: 5''8" Weight: 124 pounds Blood Type: A Birth date: April 2nd, 1987 Birth place: Manila ,Philippines Nationality: Half Filipino and Half Japanese Superior Techniques: gBlow Outh, gWind Scarh(AU2), gWind Strikerhand gStare of Deathh(not a real technique she just does it when Kris hugs Tonya at the end of AU1 and when Kris names Tonya baby Sharonfs godmother) Likes: Writing Manga, Drawing Manga, reading Manga, and Kris. Dislikes: boring Mangas, not being paid attention to, and Kris being nice to Tonya Fighting Style: Tae Kwondo and Wind Elemental Skills, Learns Bad Winds during AUF Interesting fact: Anna is based on one of Christopherfs friends from High School AU series appearances: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe 2: Universe Wars, Alternate Universe Final: Revelations First appearance: Alternate Universe (Genesis Saga) Funny thing she does: takes Daraunfs money when he bribes her knowing that her and Kris were already going on a date. Boldest Move: Challenging Chigau during AU2 Analysis: An important but gwild cardh like character. She is not as important as Tonya is early in AU, but Annafs importance raises as the stakes in the series do. When Anna is first introduced her feelings about everyone is a total mystery. As time goes by she develops a friendship with Brandi and Daraun and a crush on Kris. Although she never openly admits this but the two begin going out at the beginning of the Parallel Universe Saga of AU1 and never look back. Basically Anna is the second best female fighter in the AU series although Brandi and Solara would have something to say about that. During AU2 Anna remains with Kris throughout the story and the same applies during AUF, Bad Winds Anna actually fights against Brandi and Tonya mainly becuase Annafs power increased by four times. Anna also has a problem with not being not being paid attention to hmm thatfs a problem. Where is she now? In Cerritos married to Kris with their first daughter Sharon, She is now the best Manga-ka at that time and she has her own studio and itfs in her and Krisfs house. She and Brandi sat and watched while Kris and Daraun worked on it for months. She still gives Kris the gStare of Deathh when he talks on the phone with Tonya. *** ULTIMA Height: 5''11" Weight: 200 pounds Blood Type: B Birth date: August 7th, 1986 Birthplace: Las Vegas, Nevada Nationality: From America (Caucasian) Superior Techniques: gWind Tunnelh, gAvalancheh, gDark Blasth, gPoison Injectionh(AU2) and gUltima Barrage(AU2)h Likes: Fighting, Fighting for recognition, and Ramen Noodles. Dislikes: Weak and Useless People Fighting Style: All Self-Taught with Dark, Metal, Fire, Wood, Water, Earth, Wind, Electric(AU2), Time(AU2), Mud(AU2), Ice(AU2), Solar(AU2) Skills. Interesting Fact: Ultima gains elemental skills through biological experiments. AU series appearances: Alternate Universe and Alternate Universe 2: Universe Wars First Appearance: Alternate Universe(Elemental Masters Saga) Funny Thing he does: Throws a fit when he finds that he and the Elemental Masters ran out of ramen. Boldest Move: Using a poison technique on Kris to beat him. Analysis: Just like Chigau you canft really call Ultima a bad guy, Ultima as a child loved science and he began studying the elements. He soon at 14 years old perfected a biological experiment that injected 7 basic elements into his bloodstream. He began training to control his powers and some what mastered them. Chigau finds him and Ultima demonstrates his amazing powers, Chigau is impressed and lets Ultima join him. The two soon recruit 6 others, SwitchFire, Gaeshi, Gyro, Kyu, Dan, and Jing to create the Elemental Masters. The EM can be loosely considered as rogues who do whatever they want, basically in AU1 they used the gWefre going to destroy the AUh trick to get noticed. Although their motives are usually hidden Ultima did mention before he died that he and the EM were just trying to be the grealh heroes of the AU. His problem in AU1 was his lack of fighting skills compared to Kris, He improved them in AU2 but Kris improved his elemental skills even more. Chigaufs betrayal leads to his death but he leaves behind the legacy that you can learn more than one elemental skill. Where is he now? Dead, Kris killed him in AU2 with the Hiroku Sakii. *** GABRIEL BARRIGA Height: 5''10" Weight: 145 Blood Type: A Birth date: August 13th, 1985 Birthplace: Monterrey, Mexico Nationality: Mexican Superior Techniques: gElectric Drillerh, gShun Ten Setsu(Instant Heaven Kill)h(AU2), gElectric Tornadoh(AUF) Likes: Fighting, Soccer, and Tonya Dislikes: Kris, goodie goods, and stereotypes. Fighting Style: Ansatsuken and Electric Elemental Skills Interesting Fact: Gabriel uses a sub-element during his fights. AU series appearances: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe 2: Universe Wars, Alternate Universe Final: Revelations First Appearance: Alternate Universe(Genesis Saga) Funny Thing he does: Interferes in Tonya and Angela tag-team match versus Delta and Gamma and smacks Tonyafs butt and flies off. Boldest Move: Gotta be joining the EM Analysis: Gabriel is a case of one of the good guys gone bad, he begins the Parallel Universe Saga on Tonyafs side and he even fights against the Elemental Masters with them. He disappears after this though and emerges by interfering in two matches( including the Kris vs Alpha/Omega match) and actually helps Kris win. Now although Gabriel does not tell Kris that he is apart of the EM until the end if AU1, Gabriel joins the EM sometime during The Gods Saga(most likely early becuase he emerges almost midway in the Gods Saga). Gabriel has a small crush on Tonya which could be the reason why he left, he dislikes Kris mainly becuase of the respect Tonya showed Kris during their rivalry. Gabriel is mainly the second best male fighter although Chigau and Daraun could also vie for that spot. Gabriel goes rogue after the fall of the EM during AU2 and he actually helps deal with the war threat. At the end of AU2 he becomes an assassin for a government organization and is sent to kill Jagan which is the only reason why he was even there. He does save Jagan and the two get away, find Omega and form the New Tri-Stars, and use Kris and Annafs disappearance as a diversion to take over the PU and parts of the AU during AUF. Where is he now? Alive some where in the AU, Kris did let him go at the end of the battle in AUF. The real question is will he come back to the NU, he did pledge his love to Tonya at the end of AUF and shefs still single I think...... *** BRANDI BLAS Height: 5''6" Weight: She wouldnft say (seriously) Blood Type: AB Birth date: Jun 18th 1986 Birthplace: Oceanside, California Nationality: From America (Filipino) Superior Techniques: gTri-Blazeh, gTrail Blazerh(AU2), gFire Starterh(AUF) Likes: Music, hanging out, and playing around with people Dislikes: Guys with blown up egos, lazy guys, and Mountain Dew Fighting Style: She receives normal combat training but learns Kempo from Daraun and Fire Elemental Skills Interesting fact: Brandi is based on another one of Christopherfs friends. AU series appearances: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe 2: Universe Wars, Alternate Universe Final: Revelations First Appearance: Alternate Universe (Genesis Saga) Funny Thing she does: When Daraun asks her out on a date instead of saying yes or no she tells Daraun shefll go on a date with him if he convinces Kris and Anna to go on a double date with them, the stuff that happens after this is classic. Boldest Move: Telling Daraun that she loves him. Analysis: Brandi is one of Krisfs best friends and one of his biggest crushes ever. Believe it or not Brandi is an important part of the very prideful Kris that he is now. Brandi is a nice girl but can show a firey side. When Brandi first meets Anna she dislikes her but as the story goes on Brandi and Anna become inseparable. Brandi tries to hide her feelings for Daraun but Kris already knew how she felt. Brandi remains with Daraun and Sora during AU2 until the team is reunited but 80% of the time overall shefs with Daraun. Brandi is a superb fighter and gained a respectable reputation in all three universes shefs not as strong as Tonya, and not as technical as Anna, but a hell of a lot better than Angela. Where is she now? Brandi is engaged to Daraun and they live in Cerritos right next door to Kris and Anna. Brandi works with Anna, sometime during AUF she took up writing mangas.........( hey youfll have to ask her about that along with her weight). *** SWITCHFIRE Height: 5''7" Weight: 117 Blood Type: O Birth date: January, 7th 1986 Birth place: Tempe, Arizona Nationality: From America (Caucasian and Spaniard) Superior Techniques: gRunning Blazeh, gBlaze Kick(AU2) Likes: Fire, Fire, and Fire Dislikes: Water, Water, and Water Fighting style: Karate with Fire Elemental Skills Interesting Fact: SwitchFire was the first EM to make an appearance during AU1. AU series appearances: Alternate Universe and Alternate Universe 2: Universe Wars First Appearance: Alternate Universe (Genesis Saga) Funny Thing she does: nothing Boldest Move: Leaving the EM and going rogue Analysis: SwitchFire is the only Elemental Master that didnft offer their services to Ultima, SwitchFire who had been a fire starter her whole life was found by Chigau and taken in. SwitchFire is one of the few brilliant fighters in the AU series, but her technique with her element had always been lacking. She could easily be Tonyafs second, and in AU2 SwitchFire actually beat Brandi and fought a brilliant match against Solara but she did lose, after the Universal Tournament SwitchFire disappears never to be heard from again so it seems SwitchFire gave up fighting for good. Where is she Now? She is alive but her whereabouts are unknown. *** DANIEL RAMSEY Height: 5''10" Weight: 156 Blood Type: B Birth date: December 3rd, 1985 Birthplace: Tampa, Florida Nationality: From America(Caucasian) Superior Techniques: gOver Waveh, gFlood(AU2)h Likes: Unknown Dislikes: Kris and his friends teamwork and comradery compared to his, Tonya, Angela, and Gabrielfs. Fighting Style: Normal Combat Skills(the little he actually paid attention to) and Water elemental skills. Interesting fact: None(Daniel really wasnft an open character) AU series appearances: Alternate Universe and Alternate Universe 2: Universe Wars First Appearance: Alternate Universe (Genesis Saga) Funny Thing he does: Yelling at Tonya after she saves him during his battle with Beta Boldest Move: Challenging Ultima during AU1 lol(laugh out loud) funny. Analysis: Daniel is Tonyafs boyfriend during AU1, it is not exactly confirmed when the two broke up mainly becuase in AU2 Daniel and Angela make their first appearances together. Daniel never really played a significant role in the story mainly becuase he wasnft skilled enough, Daniel spent a lot of time goofing off during his combat training and spent more time plotting to kill Kris than train his elemental skill. This puts him very far behind which is the main reason why when he challenges Ultima he nearly gets killed. Daniel does train really hard before the Universe Holyland Saga and actually wins a battle(on his own), but unfortunately fighting was not Danielfs calling he does fight during AU2 in the Universal Tournament but gets destroyed by Gabriel(Denki). He marries Angela sometime after that and those two losers disappear for good. Where is he now? In the NU most likely married to Angela and definitely not fighting. *** ANGELA HAYNES(RAMSEY) Height: 5''10" Weight: 136 Blood Type: O Birth date: Feb 8th, 1986 Birthplace: San Diego, California Nationality: From America (Caucasian and Mexican) Superior Techniques: gTimberLineh Likes: Daniel(secretly during AU1), just about everything Tonya does. Dislikes: Hard work and commitment. Fighting Style: Normal Combat Skills and Wood elemental skills Interesting Fact: Angela is based on Tonyafs real friend Angela Haynes. AU series appearances: Alternate Universe and Alternate Universe 2: Universe Wars First Appearance: Alternate Universe (Genesis Saga) Funny thing she does: Trying to help Daniel fight Ultima in AU1 and getting cracked(lol) Boldest Move: I guess marrying her best friendfs ex boyfriend. Analysis: Angela is Tonyafs best friend during AU1, just like Daniel Angela does not play a significant role in the AU series. She did everything Daniel did, goofed off during their combat training and spent time plotting to kill Kris. Angela and Tonya were weird best friends to begin with, although the two had a lot in common they constantly bickered becuase Angela was constantly giving Tonya advice(if you didnft know by now Tonya hates that). Angela always disappears when the going gets rough which is the main reason why Tonya why Tonya became so strong(Thanks Angela!!!). Angela is hands down the worst fighter in the whole AU series and only won a battle becuase she used the Earth Orb on Triplex Unda. Where Is she Now? In the NU somewhere married to Daniel doing nothing. *** KYU HIKARI Height: 5''9" Weight: 143 pounds Blood Type: AB Birth date: January 15th , 1983 Birthplace: Osaka, Japan Nationality: Japanese Superior Techniques: gKokoro Waveh, gKokoro Spawn(AU2)h Likes: Nature, Piece and Quiet, and Training Dislikes: People who disrupt gThe Flow of the Universesh and People who donft rely on their fighting spirit to win battles. Fighting Style: Kokoro Style with Earth elemental skills Interesting Fact: Kyu is one of only two men to master the Kokoro Style AU series appearances: Alternate Universe and Alternate Universe 2: Universe Wars First Appearance: Alternate Universe(Elemental Masters Saga) Funny thing he does: He steals Ultimafs ramen and tapes himself eating it for Ultima disrupting his meditation. Boldest Move: Isolating Kris during their Tag-Team match during AU1. Analysis: The Elemental Master of Earth, Kyu was recruited by Ultima. Kyu has been mastering the martial arts his whole life. He and his friend Dan have won countless tag-team tournaments as a tag team. Looking for a challenge and hearing how Kris and Daraun work as a team they dive into the opportunity. Kyu did appear in AU2 as a returning EM and also participated in the UT where in the individual tournament he finished in the semi-final after being defeated by Kris. In the tag-team portion he and Dan were eliminated in the finals by Kris and Daraun. After the UT and the fall of the EM Kyu went back to professional fighting. Where is he Now? In Tokyo fighting professionally. *** DAN LEE Height: 5''11" Weight: 166 pounds Blood Type: O Birth date: January 15th, 1983 Birthplace: Guangzhou, China Nationality: Chinese Superior Techniques: gKokoro Growthh, gWood Smash(AU2)h Likes: Partying and Training (sometimes) Dislikes: People who disrupt gThe Flow of the Universesh and boring parties Fighting Style: Kokoro Style with Wood elemental skills Interesting Fact: Dan was born on the same day as Kyu. AU series appearances: Alternate Universe and Alternate Universe 2: Universe Wars First Appearance: Alternate Universe (Elemental Masters Saga) Funny Thing he does: Misses an EM meeting after getting piss drunk at a party. Boldest Move: Isolating Kris during their Tag-Team match during AU1. Analysis: The Elemental Master of Wood. He is Kyufs partner and co-member of the Kokoro style of the martial arts. Dan is a little more lively and less serious than Kyu, but he possesses the fighting skill of a master. The two meet when they were sent on a journey after their elemental training, the two traveled to Aomori where they met their master Hideki. Hideki told them that they were meant to meet each other and to fight together was their destiny. Hideki trains them under the Kokoro style in which he was the last member of the style. Kyu masters the style before their training ended and Dan came incredibly close. Where is he Now? Fighting professionally alongside Kyu, Dan had improved as a singles fighter and won the World Title in 2013 to go along with he and Kyufs 7 straight tag-team titles.
You should go through and fix the punctuation. Whatever program you wrote this in uses symbols that aren''t recognized here.

It''s a good start. Character profiles will be the meat of the writing for the game as you describe it, and your detailed work here is promising. Good work.
im surprised you still are working on this idea, personally.


as for these descriptions... 1 dimensional.
i forgot if this is a fighting game or whatever, but these descriptions don''t say much.

the characters show two emotions- like/dislike. everything else about them is left inferred by their backstory. you''ve got about enough material to make a children''s action cartoon. that''s it.

I guess you took to heart my earlier advice, "What does your character eat for breakfast?"

unfortunatly, you did what I warned you not to do. Characters are more than just the sum of *i like anime/ i hate gta* you just end of with stereotypes. with the information you have given me, i have about an 98% chance of guessing what any assorted character would do in any given situation. thats just boring.

basing characters off of people you know is a very, very, bad idea. instead of trying to impose copies of other people into your game, start from square one. don''t think of your characters as your creations, or what you wish they were, but think of them as real people. They don''t like anime just because you wish they did. most people other than 14 year old american ad/hd children hate it.

start by looking at the events you have said happened to these people. shape these people around how they would react to these situations. how you, in their shoes, would react. (and be honest.)

thats about all the advice i got. i''d recommend starting these characters over. including the names. most people are over the whole "psuedo-japanese" thing. seriously.
Quote: Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.
Is that It? Next time write a book.....
*steps off the pulpit*

fine. no need to get offensive when people offer some tips of the trade. actually i am working on a website, i''ll post it when its up and running.

but ''till then, don''t post unless you expect veterans to shovel crap on it. we wont complain when its any good.
Quote: Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.
Ha ha ha lol: You didn''t take that up the arsenal did you?, your the second person to call my characters generic(1 demensional same thing) I really don''t care thanks for the input though, I too am working on a site for promotional purposes.
What are goods methods of turning 2d characters into 3d ones? I badly need my memory refreshing.
-------------------------si vis pacem, para bellum
1 - d
two states of emotion. + or -.
find weapon +
chased by enemy -
find pizza +
find brocolli -


mixed states. +, -, +-, 0
classic scenario:
a child is raised by parents that punish him. his emotional state toward them varies.

if the person accepts punishment, +. he is loving.
if person hates punishment, -. he hates parents.
if person is indifferent, 0. he is apathetic.
if person is +-, he is both loving and hating. psychotic.

the goal is for the person to be at a rough equality between both + and - .

Sorry if that doesn''t make very much sense. its from an article at gamasutra i read a while ago. it made sense the way it was explained to me.

the main difference between 1-D and 2-D is about the complexity of the person''s emotions. The person should not do anything unexpected, while at the same time be fairly difficult to predict.

or something.
Quote: Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.

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