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Uh ... I barely dare to ask :

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19 comments, last by ahw 23 years, 10 months ago
In UO when you die you manifest yourself as a ghost right next to your corpes and wander about until you find someone nice enough to ressurect you or you find an NPC healer or Shrine that will ressurect you.
I''m not sure about how it works in games like EQ
In EQ, when you die you arrive at your last bind point. You lose XP and you have none of your stuff, but you''re body stays for a good while and no one can loot it unless you give them permission.

When you first start you''re bound at the town you start in. If you have the spell, or if you find someone to cast it on you can get bound to other spots.
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quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster

I think loss of stat points/items is in order for death, but permanent deah is bad in mmorpg. It is fine for people that have enough time to build/rebuild characters but not for the casual gamer.

Thankyou, that''s something that i should have realised by now but haven''t. How easy it can be to overlook these aspects. Thanks

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Well, hey, thanks all
So that''s even more like a thought, all the concepts of Quake likes adapted to so called *coughcough*Role*cough*playing ...

God help us find something to change all this crap.
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
Hmmm... I thought I was the only one who had thought of the idea of being sent to the Underworld when you die ...

Anyway, this is how I have implemented it in my game :

When the player dies, he or she is sent to the Wnderworld, with astral versions of their weapons, but no magical ability. Therefore, ignoring the development of melee fighting during the game is detrimental to your continued existence. You have to fight your way to the gates of the Underworld, and if you make it (which isn''t easy) you ''click'' back into your body so many hours later, wounded, but at least alive ...

It works well, and it keeps players from just building up magical ability and relying on it rather than good old-fashioned grunt.


PS Some characters may be at home in the underworld and have less difficulty escaping, but will be penalised in the ''real'' world, by being unable to enter Holy sites or something ...
Another docworthy mention Thanks anon...

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Thanks to all the goblins over in our little Game Design Corner niche
I like this idea of crawling out of hell more and more. But I am sure there are things to make it better.
First off, why have weapon skills, but not magic ?
IMO, great wizards have certainly more chance of fighting demons than a mere warrior. So there should be something else. Maybe base the stats of the player on his mental stats, mainly his Willpower (you WANT to live again), and his natural magical abilities (that is, his knowledge of ethereal/fantastic things).

I think all this would be a sort of dream sequence, and an opportunity for the player to redefine the character. Why does he want to go back, what''s so important that he has to live again, isn''t he well and comfortable here ? Oh yeah, I am also assuming that we would go with the idea of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. purgatory would turn you into a ghost, condamned to look at what you are missing without a chance to go back, you would have to find a way, and a reason to be reborn. Hell would be an ordeal, relative to the beliefs of the character (a dwarf condemned to live in the forests with elves ?), that would have to be overcome in some way (has anyone seen a serie called Brimstone ), while Heaven would be the nicest of places, and you would again have to find a reason to go back on earth.
All this would be a very good way to make the *player* understand that death is not necessarily a bad thing (renewal of character), and it would allow for (I am sure) very good role playing sequences.
Imagine trying to talk your way out of Hell, dealing with the daemons that you are gonna give them more souls in exchange for yours ! ( an excellent in-character excuse for Pkilling )
Imagine meeting a guy ''marked'' as being reborn :"Aaaaah ! this is Wolgang the Unclean, the Twice Born, let''s run while we still have our legs !"

waddaya think ?

youpla :-P
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
This netherworld idea kicks ass. Gonna hafta steal this one, too .

"What's the story with your face, son?!?"
-------------------------------------------The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.Exodus 14:14
Thx for all the positive comments, guys.

Pacman- at what I hear the going rate for ideas is, you owe me $0.00833 (dime a dozen, *natch*) So if that post was your $0.02. . .jeez, I need a new hobby.

ahw-Although I''ve abandoned the whole idea myself, I can see the argument for magic users haveing a better go at it than fighters. However, this idea was actually for a Genetic Breeding Tekken/RPG hybrid I was designing, (ask me sometime, its a doozy) so there was no "magic user" class. If I were to do this in an MMORPG, each class would have to have a pretty good chance of escaping in their own way *if* the player was extraordinarily powerful. After all, if any old shmoe could escape hell, don''t you think they''d beef up security?? *thhhbt* Anyway everyone would be a magic user if they had an easy time in the Underworld. I also like the idea of some chars being more comfortable there. . .mebbe more comfortable than they were in the Overworld? After all, ''tis better to rule in hell. . .}

If you see the Buddha on the road, Kill Him. -apocryphal
If you see the Buddha on the road, Kill Him. -apocryphal
I think that if a player dies, the player is DEAD. (for single, the player can save in a "safe zone")

Why would PKing not be a problem? Be sensible. In a city there will be guards and police and such to kill YOU if you kill another person without cause. If you''re not in a city, alone with this guy...WHY ON EARTH DO YOU _TRUST_ HIM??? especially if you don''t know who the player (in real life) is! This is part of Role Playing you guys.... (Thats the other thing...People seem to play their characters to make their characters better at making their characters better at...etc. If you''re a theif what are you doing in a dungeon? If you''re a cleric why arn''t you in a temple?)

Though I am divided on whether or not to give the player time to get his stuff... about 60no-40yes...

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