
Amateur writing

Started by September 11, 2000 01:20 AM
15 comments, last by Iron Chef Carnage 18 years, 5 months ago
I think I killed this one...
I''ll just whip out the old defribulator... CLEAR!!!


official Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
____________________________________________________________unofficial Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
Well, heck with it. Here''s something.

In my dream, I stood upon a copse of stone pillars
And as I watched, one by one they began to collapse
And they were so austere, so resolute,
As they held up a roof that had rotted away centuries ago
And so beautiful, as they fell

"Sneftel is correct, if rather vulgar." --Flarelocke
quote: Original post by RichardMV
I''ll just whip out the old defribulator... CLEAR!!!

That''s funny. I just learned what a defribulator was Wednesday. Coincidence, or conspiracy?
And I still don''t get the point in putting poetry in a game writing forum is.

[Italics crazy, aren''t we all?]
"We''re losing her again! whip out the paddles... CLEAR!"
BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE........ (that''s the sound of a heart moniter for those of you wondering what the long line of capital letters is up there.)


official Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
____________________________________________________________unofficial Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
Stop it! It''s dead! Leave it the hell alone!

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