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space pirates game idea: please critique!

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5 comments, last by Ajain 19 years, 11 months ago
Hello Everyone, First time to board as this name, so let me say hi first..."Hi" ;-) I have an idea for a game I would like to create. I know you dont know me, so I'll give a brief description. Been programming since high school. Published first nationally distributed game in bundle pack in 1999 called space arcade collection, game was alien invaders 2000. Got through college got a 9-5 job tired of that time to game program again - my true passion! ;-) I’ll get right to the gameplay You are a captain with his crewmates out in space. This is an open ended universe (mini universe) fps game. You fly around tracking trade ships, fed ships, etc, then try to seize their possessions. You do this by hunting them down, negotiating terms, or by force. It would relate much to historic pirates, as you would rather avoid the costs of warfare and use fear tactics combined with speed and agility to take possessions. During the action, you can do basic strategy like launching fighter drones and aiming your guns at their ships, firing, etc. Basically, anything you could handle doing while also in the heat of the action. This "heat of battle" comes in when you take up arms, jet pack over (or by any other means) to their ship, get inside and take the possessions aggressively or not, depending on situation. When not in battle, you will be exploring, hiding, trading via black markets/rogue planets (these views would be simple menu selection etc…). So basically you raid, gather their supplies, use for replenishing your own and keeping your crew happy, trade to build up ship, weapons, armor, vehicles, etc…, all for a purpose of avenging your families death and tribulation, etc… I skipped the story and why your character does what he does in the game, what Im interested in knowing is what people would think of a game like this. I know I left out a huge mess of details (basically, 99% of game), bare with me, those will be later disbursed, I am just trying to get a basic idea of what people would think of a game like this, would you consider this a game worth marketing, does it have a niche where people would want to buy this. Leaving so many details out may spring a bunch of questions, I know, and of course, all ideas are welcome, even more those who play space flight/sim games. Thank you for your time, Sincerely, Scott.
Welcome to gamedev!

Games like that have a cult following and for a good reason. Be it Frontier, Elite, X Beyond the Frontier or whatever.

If yours has a twist the others don't then it seems like a pretty decent idea.

Having a 9-5 myself these days as a analyst developer in business... I don't seen to have time for gaming much these days... much like yourself I expect! That "wage slave" article recently on gamedev was brilliant.

I think that would be a good twist - if you could figure out a way for a game like that be just take-it-or-leave-it without having the masses of time needed to devote to it to get anything fun out of it like X and Frontier then you would be on to a winner.

The industry I think is saturated with people whom have ideas... and I don't know how you would get in on an idea alone.

Check out Lionhead's website - it has a few interesting sections on the industry, a forum and other useful sources of information.

Anything posted is personal opinion which does not in anyway reflect or represent my employer. Any code and opinion is expressed “as is” and used at your own risk – it does not constitute a legal relationship of any kind.
I like the basic premise but you didn't really explain the interaction between player and game so I'll hold off the thumbs up until you explain that more
To answer Nuget5555's question "explain the interaction between player and game":

You are captain of the pirate ship. You interact through the captain. You are in charge of keeping the ship and its crew in shape while you quest out for more "booty".

During battle scenes, you may stand on deck, watching the battle (through windows in the ship, video screens on board, and a tactical map (say its a probe that hangs out in a strategic view if your ship in space sending video feed real time of whats happening around you). From the bridge you can control (macro manage) the battle. You have no direct control over units as in move here, then there, then fire, then this. More basic like do this objective, or get to this waypoint while and hold ground. Actually most of the commanding involves sending out fighter robots to support your ship, allowing fire of the guns on board, mostly generic commands any commander would do during battle. All the intricate details of how to battle are up to the AI. There is also the ability to remote control the robots, like the fighter bots in space, or any mechanical units. This all happens before raiding a ship. You also have the ability to hale other ships and try to "negotiate" them surrendering their goods or firing pot shots as scare tactics. Trying to get the goods without battling is encouraged, this idea related to the game Thief, was given to me recently by someone on the dexterity message boards, and I thought would fit great. You can also use stealth/surprise/speed to achieve the objective, getting close enough where the enemy cannot fire (to close for range) and thus cant escape either.

During raids, this is where the fps shooter type comes into play. Here you launch off your ship and get to theirs via jetpacks, mechanized units, troop vessels, etc... Attach to their docking bays, blow the doors open (if forced entry required) and now your on their ship. Here you lead your crew to victory in securing their ship. How you do this is up to you. A captured ship is yours for the taking, but beware, pirates are not likes, and its likely you may have been given your position via the capturees. Thus its possible while your invading their ship, other ships show up trying to help them out. Then you have to figure out what to do, fight or flight.

While not in battle, you can be out exploring the game universe, trading/buying/selling at black markets, or simply hiding. Im also considering the option if worth while to have the ability to walk around ship and talk to crew, grab a beer, hear the gossip, etc... Not sure about that part though. So thats the jist of what you do in the game.

To summarize shortly why your doing this (point of game), you come from family of pirates trying to escape the pirate life (hard to do since all people reject you as scum), you find someone says can help, later on find out its atrap, their working for federation, they capture you and family, parents get executed (hanging), brotheers sisters locked away or enslaved. You are enslaved, finally escape slavery on slave ship heading for mining planet, take over ship with crew and they join you as crew to you as captain of ship) Your goal is to avenge family, rescue live bros/sisters and join up pirates and rebels to fight off federation. Wow that was simple, but to point.

So that pretty much I think says what games about in more detail and your interact with game. Hope this answers your question.

If not, give me a yell! ;-)


Ah so the game would be a bit like Sid Meiers Pirates!, but in space then? Sounds like a good idea. To make your game differ a bit you could have the option for the player to choose between being a Pirate or something like a Pirate Hunter, or police.

The Pirate Hunter and/or police would work the same way with crew and ship managment, the only difference is that you are to prevent pirate attacks or respond to pirate attcks.. Just an idea though :) Good LucK!

>>To summarize shortly why your doing this (point of game), you come from family of pirates trying to escape the pirate life.

This sounds a bit canned to me.

People want to play games with heroes or powerful beings that aren't overcome with shame or whatever because they don't like what they are doing. I would try to spin the glory of being a pirate instead. For example, it could be that the trading companies have become horribly corrupt and abusive to the populations along the trade routes, and so the pirates are doing what good people wish they themselves could do.

I suppose you can work the murder of the family in this way, but my own personal belief is that there is nothing noble about personal vengance.

Would this game be truly a game or would it just be "rolling the dice" for each battle? Can you controle battles in a turn-based situation or would it be real-time?

just a question...

...though i do not believe in what you are saying, I will defend your right to say it to my death!(no source sited)

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