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What do you feel is lacking from game stories?

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12 comments, last by Cangor 19 years, 10 months ago
Kind of a poll/ what are you thoughts. I'm curious to know what people are looking for in the story of new games. as well as what they feel has been lacking in most game stories they've seen. Also what are you looking for in terms of game world/story: 1) Humourous 2) Adult Humour/ social satire 3) Macabe themes 4) Film noir style 5) AntiHeros 6) Soical Commentary 7) Humanistic 8) Tragedy 9) Primitive/early civilization 10) Near future 11) Recent Past 12) Non Human based scifi 13) Non human based fantasy Your thoughts on those topics as well as the original question, would be great intrest and help to me as well as many other writers in this forum I think.
Personally I think games (Can I assume we're taking about RPGs?) need more romance and, in terms of gameplay, should try challenging the player to be persuasive (via dialogue puzzles and NPCs wit emotional states).

I like numbers: 1,2,6(but not too violent or preachy),7,12,13 I'm curious, how come human-based scifi and fantasy got left out of your list. My favorite kind of game world is 'sociological thought experiment', whether it's historical, fantasy, or scifi. Although maybe you would consider that to be a type of social commentary.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

I also agree with sunshadow.

I enjoy romance role-playing games but with more of a satire feel to it other then puzzles and voilence. But with a percentage of puzzles that actually agree with the storyline on why the character or characters are working on a certain detailed puzzle should give the players some replay value after playing through the game once.

The detailed storyline that draws the player in really passess the time really well and its like you dont want to drop the controller while run around and finding more clues on to the mysteries of how a romance is shared,showed or felt.
For me:
some humour, as long as it contributes;
I don't know why you grouped adult humour and social satire together, because of the association of "adult humour" and sexual jokes. Social satire is good. Adult humour in the sexual sense doesn't exactly broaden a game (not to say that it doesn't have its place. Everything does.);
Film noir is good;
Social commentary is a must;
Tragedy is nice, but all that really falls under is "real characters"--that is, characters with lives and stories, not just stereotypes with no story because you're assumed to pick up on it. Real characters please;
The others are setting issues. They don't belong on the list with the others, because they're completely unrelated. If the story and gameplay are well done, they shouldn't matter.

All I'm really looking for is a well thought out, real story. So I actually care what comes in the box along with the pretty polygons. Hope that helps.
Wizard's First Rule: People are Stupid.
hmm, It seems that romance is somthing people feel is lacking from games, and I can't argue that it doesn't play a role in many games. Apart from a genre of japanese dating sims, and a couple of rpgs I can't think of single game that really had romance as part of the story and gameplay.

So far the feed back has been helpful but keep it coming.


Do really belive that setting isn't important to story? I couldn't think of a worse approach to story-telling then to disregard one of the three key story elements(characters, setting, and plot). The setting is just as important as anyother aspect since it will directly influence the characters and events that happen throughout the story.
what I'm saying is that you can take the same story and write it in any setting. It need not be word-for-word, but it would be entirely possible to do LotR in science fiction or realistic fiction. It just wouldn't be as good, because it's the fantasy version that is entrenched in our minds. Setting is morphable. Not unimportant.
Wizard's First Rule: People are Stupid.
What form of Romance are you refering to? Do you mean where you the player are trying to court an NPC or where the main character of the game has romantic feelings towards another character in the game.

If its the former, I can think of at least on game. Harvest Moon [SNES] is the one that comes to mind. Where you had to court one of the girls from town, marry her and have a kid. It wasn't exactly the best example of courting in the world, but its a pretty good example I think.

If its the latter, I can think of numerous games. There were the majority of the Final Fantasy games where the main character or one of the main characters had romantic feelings for one of the other characters. There are more examples that I know of, but the Final Fantasy ones come to mind first.

Or when refering to romance are you refering to something completely different?
i actually think there should be less romance in games.

yes, playing the devils advocate here. but all things aside, there is a reason that romance has its own genre of games. if i wanted build a romantic relationship in a game, or even watch one unfold, i wouldn't have picked up that first person shooter. ;)

as with all things, it would be best but only in moderation.

as for style of game or setting, all that you mentioned appeal to me except primitive/early civilization. i could think of no worse setting for a game. except for maybe a cave...

anywho, there are plenty of good writers that we haven't heard from in this forum for a while. If you want to see the over-all quality of posts to increase, it is best to lead by example [smile]
Quote: Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.
Number 13 all the way. It’s always about humans, and I (being a RPG Geek) think we should have a wider variety of characters. I am making a game called Light in the Darkness which has shadows and other creatures as the main characters.
It also focuses on:
-A more nostalgic soundtrack - like those old SNES games. (e.g. FF6)
-A fun battle systems - think Dynasty Warriors 4 with a bit less hack and slash and a bit more of:
-A Good story - I've written the entire story in a book so it is more organized and makes sense to even those non-mortals... ;) It has plenty of Good vs. Evil with a twist and a very engaging side story. I might eventually start posting a little, but not the whole 200 pages of it. :?
-Different/Innovative. ??? We're still not sure what it'll be like. I'm working on making the models enhance the story. Nothing unrealistic, but depending on what mood the characters are in (about happenings in the story), the 3D model will look slightly different and they will have a morale change, meaning they will fight better or worse.

Here are a few of the specifics focusing on the topic:
A little bit of humor
Many cutscenes
Non human based fantasy
A bit of a romance story
A bit of tragedy as well...

Anyways, as if you havent figured it out already, this is the type of game I like. It will be interesting - take some of the games which are similar, only 2D, not 3D
-Secret of Mana/ Sword of Mana (Two Different games)
-Final Fantasy 5/6 (FF5 is also FF2, FF6 is also FF3)
-Chrono Trigger - My favorite game of all time.

I also think music has a lot to do with the story - if you want a sample of what the music will be like, Go to www.vgmusic.com, pick SNES, then find Final Fantasy 3. Try Celes Theme and you'll see what I mean.

There. That's it. Another one of my long posts which has bored people to death over the centuries on countless websites. Enjoy!

Blue Blaze Games, LLC.
No website as of yet.

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