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Characters for my Game

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5 comments, last by Cangor 19 years, 10 months ago
Hi. The game Story i Have Written (Total Purge) has a Few Characters, I Thought you might like to get to Know them!. Playable Characters: Mike Stone: Age - 15 D.O.B - 27th, October, 2290, 8:04am History: Born in Sanctuary City he was raised by his Parents (Josh Stone & Morgan Stone) and his Older Sister of 4 Years (Pamela Stone). On his 2nd Birthday Mike's Father left to get some sugar for his son's Birthday Cake, But never came back. Two weeks passed and his Father was nowhere to be found, on the Morning of April 8th at 7:02am, Pamela found her mother dead after a Overdose. Pamela Could not take care of her Baby Brother, as she was only 6 at the time, so she decided to take him down to the church to see if anyone would take him. Pamela Asked some people and waited for a while, The preist then told her that he would take the child into care, If Mike could remember that moment then it would be the last time he see's his sister. (FILE MISSING) A man named Alan Bates found Mike in a puddle of dirty water and decided to take him in. (FILE MISSING) After some training Wess decided to make him a Member of the Hunters, And now Mike fights for himself and still searches for his Missing sister. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Regina Yamamura: Age: 24 D.O.B: 1st, March, 2281, 1:22am History: Born in London she lived with her Mother (Director of Development at HopesWind), Father (Vice President of HopesWind) and Grandfather (Chairman of HopesWind) in Soho, London until she was 6. After attending a Privet school in Cornwall she proceeded to Anderson's Finishing School for Girls, At the age of 18 she had Degree's in Math, Science, English and Many other subjects. On the Eve of her 19th birthday her Mother and Grandfather were killed in a Car crash, it said in the will that her father had to become Chairman and that his next of kin must become Vice President. So they packed up there things and were taken to Sanctuary city in America where to this day they run and control HopesWind International. What do you Think?
well, what exactly do you want us to think? you haven't told us how the characters are related, what they are going to do, or even really anything about them for that matter.

I've read some of the posts that you've written before. I think you might get more positive feedback if you stopped treating us like players of your game. There's no point in hiding anything from us, making teasers, etc.

Taking your Mike Stone character as an example...

Mike Stone is born in the future, in the year 2290. When he was only two years old, his father walked out on him and his mother died shortly there after. His sister, only six, was not able to care for him so she left him in the care of a local cathedral.

Mike nevr saw his sister again.

Periods of time for the next 13 years are marked with memory loss, but Mike is now a member of an elite guild known as the Hunters, where he is searching for his sister.


That still doesn't tell us much of anything tho. What is the premise of the game? Does it all focus around Mike trying to find his sister?
Quote: Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.
I did not know how to think of you guys...but i dont think of you as gamers!:

Okay...Mike is Searching for his sister but he cant find her...well not in this game.
The premise is that there is a Virus in the city that has every one infected and it kills in 30 days - so in the game you have 30 days to find a Antidote and save the city, plus there are rioters that dont trust HopesWind anymore and are fighing with them - it is not in real time though - think of Missions and Chapters from FF10-2.
During the game you will do somr missions and collect clues that help with the cure - And the more info you find on it - The better the cure....and the better the cure..the better the ending result!.
It is a 3rd Person Action game with RPG elements, and there are two playable characters that become playable at certain points in the game.

That is all the info i can type down right now!...if you need more info please tell me and i will put more down!
that's definitely a move in the right direction.

what i would recommend you do know is think about how the events in each character's life impact them. We still don't know much of the characters themselves. You are starting to have some great back story to work on, but now expand on them as people.

For instance, Mike was probably too young to really remember the events of his tragic upbringing. How does he feel about his past?

When you start to look at how the character would/or should react to the events in his or her life, you really get a good image of who the character would be.

Too often, characters in games are done horribly because they don't act like real people.
Quote: Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.
Okay....this will Spoil the Story but here goes:

Mike is really unsure about his past - He knows nothing of his Parents or what they did for a living, He still wants to find his Sister but the trail does stop at a dead end when he finds blood stains in his sister's room when he visits the ruin of his old house.
There he finds 'PupPup'.....a old plush dog he used to play with as a Baby, he rips it open and finds a locket that has a photo of him and his sister inside, then (In the Second game) he goes around looking for the person in the locket.
But events for him get tough near the end because he finds out about a man who knew his father but before he can get to him his apartment block is gased and he dies....so he is a bit pissed at that!

Regina does get sad too! - She learns that the under city *Sub-Dome* used to be Chicago and that her Predecessors killed the people down there if they did not evacuate, in the Debris she finds skelington's and animal corpes and the bones of a baby in a old crib with a old used gas grenade next to it.
She is angry at this and proceeds to the headquarters to talk to her dad bout it, when she arrives she finds her dad with sombody pointing a gun at his head, he tells regina that his name is 'Miles' and he is a Member of the Karidii - a group of people her great great grandfather made a deal with so that HopesWind would prosper.
He kills her father and tell's Regina that the deal is off for some reason, now she is angry at Miles and sad cause her dad is dead - now she wants revenge and want to be angry at him but is afraid to be angry.

If you need more info...just ask
sounds like you have a good idea of what you are looking for for characters. now i'd recommend working on your story.

good improvement to the characters, i see you've got lots of potential [smile]
Quote: Original post by EtnuBwahaha. I would've shot the guy in the balls.
My problems with reading this type of thread is not reading the story, but reading the replies, so forgive me if I get something wrong.

It isn't bad, especially after your second revision, but can everything be (FILE MISSING)

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