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7 comments, last by Estok 19 years, 10 months ago
The following is a story starting anew. Please provide any feedback or comments. The setting: The story takes place in feudal asia (think feudal japan or romance of the three kingdoms), about two characters that belong to the same force that began as a revolting force, and later evolve to be an army that unified the land. Main Characters:
Quote: Drake - He is a military adviser, extremely knowledgeble, intelligent, and loyal. Although he is not a warrior, he wears a full armor that covers most of his body and headband that covers his head except one eye (think Kakashi in naruto). If you can read chinese characters, the SummerDragon is his last name, the other portion is the title of his Flag (regiment). The other three Flags are BlueDragon, RedEagle, and WhiteTiger. He has the most respect among the Flags, and he is the one that prevent the Flags from attacking one another. DreamBell - She is a servant of Drake. She was rescued by Drake early on in the war and she followed him through his rise in power. She admires Drake very much. At night, Drake will teach DreamBell go (a chess) and meditate with her.
The Starting Plot: The story begins with DreamBell discovering Drake's death in his tent. Next to him was his will, to DreamBell. In his will, Drake told her to put on his armor, go to the regular meeting as if nothing had happened to him, how to respond during the meeting, and to open his drawer when she return. She burnt the will as instructed, and dressed herself up like him (think kakashi-chan, a girl version of kakashi). She went to the meeting, and went through a fierce debate over military strategies that, again, united the different Flags. After the meeting, DreamBell opened Drake's drawer, and found a bell and a scroll. The scroll, written by him, described a method that DreamBell can use to summon him through lucid dream. That night, she used the method to summon him. And there he was, at the go board, waiting for her. Drake first answered the obvious question of why he died. His answer was that he had an inherented lethal diseases, and it was getting worse. He told her that he could not live through the war, but he could see through it. Therefore, he had decided to store his strategy through many nights of meditations, in DreamBell, and then committed suicide while his situation was still stable. Through the go board, Drake told DreamBell about his strategy. The Game: From here on it becomes a political, military strategy game, where the player will play Drake and DreamBell. As Drake, the player will plan out the battle and political strategies, and as DreamBell the player will carry out the battles on horseback and survive through assassinations. Through choices and outcome of battles, the game will approach one of the endings, revealing secrets about Drake, DreamBell, other characters, and the truth behind Drake's death. Comments? :/ [Edited by - Estok on August 25, 2004 2:10:04 AM]
Hey, that's pretty cool. :) One of a very few game concepts I've seen described on this site that I'd actually consider buying the game of. Reminds me a bit of _Fushigi Yuugi_ and _Vagrant Story_, an anime and game that I really like. And _Mulan_ of course.

Next thing you need is some more characters - the two arguing people Drake/Dreambell must mediate between (needvivd personalities and ambitions), and someone who should be D/D's friend or love interest that they have to keep their secret from, while angsting about whether it's ethical to keep the secret from them, etc.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

Thanks for reading. For me, the inspiration was Phatom of the Opera. The other characters and plots are what I want to hear from other people.

There are some basic questions and starting points:

Q1) Why is Drake so loyal to the Emperor?
Q2) What is the reason of the war?
Q3) What other forces should there be?

More Characters

DarkKnight Flag- Commands the defense and reserve army, characterized by heavy infantry. The leader is Drake. He is the main advisor on politics.

BlueDragon Flag- Commands the divisions characterized by heavy calvary. The BlueDragon Flag is seen as the strongest division among the Flags in terms of military strength, and invincible on battlefields. The leader is Halberd. He is sometimes impulsive. He is the most likely one among the Flags to revolt against the Emperor.

RedEagle Flag - Commands special strike forces characterized by light calvary, calvary archers, and archers. The RedEagle Flag also conducts intelligence, stealth, and ambush operations. The leader of this Flag is a woman, Rosefinch. She herself was a former spy/assassin, sometimes she does the job herself.

WhiteTiger Flag - Commands logistics, siege operations, traps, and constructions. Characterized by infantry, siege weapons, and engineers. The leader is Rook.

Some help on their personalities and their relationships and conflicts with one another will be cool.

Quote: and someone who should be D/D's friend or love interest that they have to keep their secret from

Any suggestion on who this person should be? How should the love triangle be dealt with the end? Should DreamBell have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? Should Drake have a girlfriend? DreamBell has no other friends, maybe secret admirers. In the evil endings maybe DreamBell would have a boy/girl friend. Drake on the other hand might already have a wife, or someone that had liked him and had been courting with him.

What should happen to the times when DreamBell is tired or depressed? Would she summon Drake or who would she talk to? Or would she just keep it all to herself, cry to herself, with Drake standing behind the curtain, unable to comfort her?

Anyone knows chinese that knows what the second part of Drake's name translate to? Is it Black Knight or Black Snake?

[Edited by - Estok on August 23, 2004 7:03:34 PM]
Well, I try to refrain from telling people how to write their stories because I know I tend to be bossy if I'm not careful. ;) But I can tell you how I would handle it if somebody handed me just what you have posted here and told me to start writing. So, remember that this is just IMNSHO, and take it with about a tablespoon of salt. ;)

1) Narrow the scope. What you have is the seed of astory of personal loyalty, identity and friendship... in an epic setting. That won't work so well. Instead of an emperor (probably far away from the action) and several branches of an imperial army, why not have a charismatic visionary rebel leader to whom Drake is personally loyal leading a fairly small force. As courageous underdogs they get sympathy from the audience, and rebels geneally have more personal intense motivations than regular army soldiers. The rebel leader can be so caught up in his vision that he doesn't notice his argumentative captains are going to tear his little army apart, so Drake steps in to play peacemaker because he wants to protect his leader's dream from being broken, as well as just keep the rebellion going well.

2) I would re-think the suicide part. Nobody would purposely leave their friend to find their dead body with no warning, and nobody with a purpose in life (loyalty, rebellion, maybe girlfriend) would kill themselves unless they had a very pressing reason. I would have him just disappear, maybe right at the beginning of the game - start with DreamBell looking frantically for him because he's going to be late for the meeting, finding the note (which apologizes for leaving her in this situation, but he can't tell her where he went, and she should impersonate him at the meeting, etc.)

3) Add confusion - after the masquerade begins, someone could casually mention that that they saw DreamBell, as a girl, doing something... while DreamBell was in disguise as Drake. And then there should be a party or something that requires both D's to make an appearance, with a few frantic costume changes and a near miss at being discovered. And again a mysterious double sighting, which makes us suspicious that Drake is really lurking around the camp somewhere...

4) Love interest... well, if it were me I'd make Drake in unrequited love with the rebel leader. You could make the rebel leader female I suppose, but that takes away emphasis from DreamBell's Mulan act which would be bad. Next best choice would be DreamBell herself, but that also doesn't lend itself well to creating more drama. A daughter of an enemy nobleman might be good, it depends whether you want to personify the enemy side. And then there's always the annoying effiminate nobleman who could be persuing drake and drake isn't interested... but would DreamBell be able to resist? Ooh, that one might work quite well... Or, here's another thought - flip all the genders. Race of amazon warriors and DreamBell is the male servant of the female officer, etc. That would work fine too and might be more appreciated by your audience.

5) Dreambell shouldn't be able to summon Drake just any old time - maybe it only works at night when she has time to sit and medtate alone and breathe incense, or when the moon is not hidden by clouds, or some such. DreamBell should at first panic when she can't ask Drake what to do, then grow and become more confident acting on her own until she doesn't have any real desire for Drake to come back... and of course tht's when he finally does come back and sees what a tangle she's made of his personal relationships, and the climax happens.

6) I would definitely go with some fantasy cavalry animals just for visual coolness.

Ok, there's my take on it, hope it helps. You might want to watch the anime _Berserk_ for some inspiration.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

Quote: 1) Narrow the scope

Yes, that was the intent. The Emperor wasn't an Emperor yet, The four Flags and the emperor were originally rebelling forces, but the army grew big. But in the process or rebelling, the Emperor would have already called himself an Emperor, eventhough the land he owns is not the land on the whole map. But I see what you mean, I need to tone down the imperial sense.

Quote: 2) I would re-think the suicide part

Drake's will suggested he kill himself because of an inherented diseases. He might die suddenly during battle, or during a meeting that he could prepare for. He knew he was about the age to die, therefore he arranged premediated death. I would have to think more about just disappearing. There are a couple versions leading to the current one.

v1) Drake was shot dead in the eye en route to rally another group of soldiers, during a very important turning point of a battle. DreamBell, understood the situation, took his armor and continued, with a banded head. But then Drake would not have left with any will, and DreamBell would have to have realized that she could fullfill Drake's work herself. This was the very first version.

v2) The second version involves assassination, where DreamBell found Drake dead in his room, assassinated. But if he was assassinated, his head would have been cut off as a proof.

v3) The third version, the current version, makes the assassination looks like a suicide. There is an ending where Rosefinch assassinated Drake, and made up all the crap so no one will know that Drake was dead, so her plan could carry out. The person that DreamBell see everytime would be Rosefinch.

v4) Now your version, that Drake just disappears. I haven't thought about this because Drake was always dead since v1. This version does not reduce any possible plots from v3. I guess this is a better version, since I don't know how DreamBell should to deal with Drake's corpse anyway. But I will have to be careful so that the plot doesn't sound like Drake is playing around or something. relating to the plots about Drake discovering DreamBell was smarter, the effect of simply disappearing seem to have less effect than a suicide to bring out DreamBell's will to command.

Quote: 3) Add confusion

Yea, the player will get the suspicion from various sources. The lucid dream thing is just a disguise, none of the endings will have superstition, super natural abilities, ghosts, telepathy, anything like that. In the evil ending B1, the one that DreamBell killed Drake, DreamBell would be constantly replacing and/or killing her guards. (ie, if you have been fighting evily, your guards will be dead mysteriously. The player would think that someone had assassinated them, but no, it was DreamBell.) Yes, if you are playing towards the Rosefinch or Drake endings there would be signs of seeing doubles like that.

Quote: 4) Love interest

There is an idea that Rosefinch is the type that always want to win, always want to showoff. Rosefinch hits on Drake. Drake is like the smart but quiet type, and Rosefinch is like the smart but showoff type "who could be persuing drake and drake isn't interested."

Quote: 5) Dreambell shouldn't be able to summon Drake just any time

Yea, this is a problem. What you said about panic and getting used to the ghost are implied. But the idea that Drake would come at specific times adds possiblilities that Drake is continually doing more strategies behind the scene. There must be something that Drake know about DreamBell on when he is summoned. Since battles are fought irregularly, Drake will need a mechanism to tell DreamBell when he is available. Maybe DreamBell would place the bell near the go board at one orientation, and if Drake is available, the bell would turn (by Drake's magnet, again, no magic), or candles will get blown off. In the case G1, the bell will turn by itself because the go chess pieces are magnitized. In G1 there is only DreamBell so it doesn't matter if the bell turns every night.

Quote: until she doesn't have any real desire for Drake to come back

why no desire? Rosefinch hit on her too much DreamBell fell in love with her instead?

Quote: 6) I would definitely go with some fantasy cavalry animals just for visual coolness.

Ancient oriental armors look cool too... I will think whether fantasy works better or historical allusion works better.

The original post is getting hauntingly long. I am taking off some section to see if others will comment on the original first.

[Edited by - Estok on August 24, 2004 1:40:14 AM]
This suicide/romance stuff is complicated and I want to think about it more so I'll reply to that part tomorrow.
Quote: 5) Dreambell shouldn't be able to summon Drake just any time

Yea, this is a problem. What you said about panic and getting used to the ghost are implied. But the idea that Drake would come at specific times adds possiblilities that Drake is continually doing more strategies behind the scene. There must be something that Drake know about DreamBell on when he is summoned. Since battles are fought irregularly, Drake will need a mechanism to tell DreamBell when he is available. Maybe DreamBell would place the bell near the go board at one orientation, and if Drake is available, the bell would turn (by Drake's magnet, again, no magic), or candles will get blown off. In the case G1, the bell will turn by itself because the go chess pieces are magnitized. In G1 there is only DreamBell so it doesn't matter if the bell turns every night.

Umm, what's the point of it being a bell if it doesn't ring? Another thought: maybe it would be better to name the _game_ DreamBell and name the character something else.

Also, Go is not like chess, it's more like tic-tac-toe on a really big board. It is a game where the pieces are small black and white stones, which would be very unlikely to be magnetic. Shogi is more like chess and might be a better choice of game for symbolzing army movements and assasinations.

Quote: until she doesn't have any real desire for Drake to come back

why no desire? Rosefinch hit on her too much DreamBell fell in love with her instead?

Lol well I guess that's a possibility, but I meant that DreamBell has gotten used to being Drake, likes having so much power, doesn't need Drake's instructions any more, and she wouldn't want to give his life back to him because it's her own life now. She has settled into her role, a natural psychological response that should happen no matter what ending is being played toward; people become what they do, this principle is known as performativity.

Quote: 6) I would definitely go with some fantasy cavalry animals just for visual coolness.

Ancient oriental armors look cool too... I will think whether fantasy works better or historical allusion works better.

Umm, why is it an either/or question? Use both.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

Ok, the bell is going to ring when summon is available. The ritual: 1) DreamBell would begin will meditation until her mind is cleared, then 2) DreamBell would use place the go pieces the way her heart feels, 3) She would hold the bell (a hand bell) above the go board, and close her eyes; 4) If Drake is available, the bell would ring by itself, and she would open her eyes and he would be at the other side of the board.

The reason of using go instead of shogi was that shogi has words on them, and each piece symbolizes something. The military and political movements takes no form, power gather and disperse like mist. It is in this form of war where Drake saw DreamBell's ability to see through the mist and represent the true war on the go board. Drake couldn't see it the way DreamBell sees it. But at the same time DreamBell doesn't know her subconscious is a war genius. hmm... too exaggerated? :/

BS Alert:
Quote: The go pieces made by Rook will have made of a special magnetized crystal, that can switch between a magnetized state and non magnetized state. The white pieces will oscillate between no force and south pole, and the black pieces will oscillate between no force and north pole. The grids on the go board is made of a conductive material that synchronizes all the pieces on the board. When the pieces are placed in certain patterns, the combined forces of the pieces will be able to ring the bell through the oscillations.

Quote: I meant that DreamBell has gotten used to being Drake, likes having so much power, doesn't need Drake's instructions any more, and she wouldn't want to give his life back to him because it's her own life now. She has settled into her role, a natural psychological response that should happen no matter what ending is being played toward; people become what they do, this principle is known as performativity.

Yea. I guess Drake won't mind. And we will make DreamBell start to fall in love of the servant Drake. And they will still be in love but DreamBell is the guy and Drake is the girl. Do you think that it is more interesting if Drake simply told DreamBell to switch role with him instead of Drake leaving her alone? It takes away the surreal dream aspect, and the shadow of death though. And, if they DreamBell thought that she is dreaming, she would confess to Drake, which she wouldn't do if they just switch. In the beginning, DreamBell was a peaceful person, she doesn't like power, doesn't like war. But will pretending to be Drake change her or will she be able to hold on to herself and see the peace after the war?

Quote: Umm, why is it an either/or question? Use both

Oh I thought flying hippos don't exist historically...Let me check...oh, how come the texts are all fuzzy? Even after tragic deaths of Drake or DreamBell (assuming they were deeply in love) It can turn back to the ending that Drake and DreamBell were playing a harmless game of go, in the peaceful palace, where Drake is the benevolent Emperor and DreamBell is his beautiful and intelligent wife. Well this is the original reason why Drake is so loyal, he kind of is the Emperor.

Would you delete the AP post please? :3

[Edited by - Estok on August 24, 2004 3:09:19 PM]
Well, I re-read these posts thinking about your plot... and came to the confusion that I was confused. But here's my suggestion - read The Fire And The Rose. (You may have to join the yahoogroup before you can read it.) This is the best identity-switch story I have ever read, and it's even a man and a woman who switch, where the woman takes over the man's responsibilities (as a teacher and a spy), aaaand it's a romance. So go read it and take some notes! ;)

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

Thanks, i got access. i never harry potter before, but i will try to read that.

Another idea:

In the beginning there were two guys and a girl, let just call them Sasuke(Drake) Naruto(Emperor) and Sakura. Sakura openly loves Sasuke and Sasuke never cares and Naruto loves Sakura but accepted the fact that Sakura doesn't love him.

Then they were in the underdog rebellion force, and during a very important rally, Drake was shot in the eye and died. Sakura took on the role of Drake and continued. At that time, Naruto was already going with a different girl. Sakura tried to tell Naruto that Drake died, but she couldn't accept his death and told him that Sakura died instead. After that Naruto married the girl that would later become the empress.

A dozen years had passed since the incident.

She looked out of the window and wondered who she was. She was not Drake, and not Sakura. For her, both Drake and Sakura died years ago. She was filled with denial and regret. She couldn't accept that Drake died, couldn't accept that Naruto was married, and couldn't accept that she actually loved Naruto more.

Behind her came DreamBell, her servant. Her innocent and dreamy eyes looked at her like how she used to look at Drake.

Sakura wanted her life back.

(This is the part where Sakura turns into a super villain, where the lives of naruto, dreambell, and the empress are all at sake)


[Edited by - Estok on August 25, 2004 10:28:28 PM]

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