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intresting writing opportunity

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28 comments, last by sunandshadow 19 years, 10 months ago
Helpwanted Ad This guy is starting a game design project. He wants about 3 writers to work cooperatively to create a story for a single-player RPG. And he apparently has money. I like group writing projects, so I'd be interested to do this if I could find some good teammates. Anyone else think this looks interesting? What would you want the story to be about? Here's what I would want: - Multiple endings, at least one of which is tragedy-free HEA - not noir or horror - some romance in there somewhere - no environmentalism or revenge obsessions, those are so overused - world should not be earth - a 'time loop' framing device to explain why the game+ feature exists (game+ is, at the end of the game, you get the option to replay the game with advntages, explore previously locked areas, and try to earn a better ending.) - the main character has to uncover mysteries of worldbuilding to gain access to better abilities and advance the plot - something about compulsion, such as the main character being captured and tied up or put in a cage - 6-8 well developed characters including the villain What would you all want to do? Don't be afraid to disagree with me, because maybe three of you will be the most compatible and take the job. [Edit: thought of more things to add to my list] Bad: Huge evil corporations Good: shapeshifters, collective amnesia, dreams and totemic powers, an imaginary friend, humans with anthro traits like wings or anthro humanoid aliens, gender and race/species issues Characters: If we're divvying them up, I'd like to write the minor villain, I have a cool idea for him ^_^ . [Edited by - sunandshadow on August 25, 2004 1:55:34 PM]

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

What do you mean by not based on Earth? Like do you mean that it has to be an alien planet or just not Earth as it is today or in history? Like could we change certain aspects of Earth like technology etc? Other than that, sounds like an interesting idea.

Actual I have something fairly similar along those lines that I've written a fair bit for already (outline more than anything, and backstories).
Quote: Original post by Terlenth
What do you mean by not based on Earth? Like do you mean that it has to be an alien planet or just not Earth as it is today or in history? Like could we change certain aspects of Earth like technology etc? Other than that, sounds like an interesting idea.

An alien planet would be ok, a fantasy planet would be cool too, a blend of fantasy and a historcal setting might be interesting aslong as it has some original culture building, but it can't be present day or near-future earth, it can't be set in an actual historical country, and the monsters can't be normal animals. Is that clearer?

Actual I have something fairly similar along those lines that I've written a fair bit for already (outline more than anything, and backstories).

Well by all means, share. ;) You can pm me if you don't want to post it publicly.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

I don't mind sharing (I've got semi-protection with my Aunt's publishing company =p). Anyways, the story I was thinking of was basically that what would have happened if we weren't the only intelligent life forms to develop on earth originally.

This would be set back when the continents were splitting and such and there would be about 4 continents. Each continent is inhabited by a different species.

There would be the typical human, an insectoid race, a race of underwater dwelling creatures, a race of intelligent carnivorous dinosaurs, and a race of intelligent herbivorous dinosaurs.

Just general descriptions (nothing to far into the inner workings of their society, just the main trait)
The Humans are a fairly neutral race when it comes to everything (like we normally are).

The insectoids are very xenophobic and are always thinking someone is out to get them.

The underwater dwelling race is the race that most people don't really know of.

The carnivorous dinosaurs are a warlike race.

The herbivore dinosaurs are a very peaceful, zen-like race.

Basically what happens is that each of these races are gaining specific technology/magical powers at different rates so each of them have advantages at certain things.

The insectoid race percieves that everyone is going to wipe them out of existance so they have secretly been working on a weapon to destroy everyone who may oppose them. This is discovered by on of the underwater dwelling race who then is required to procede and warn the rest of the world and stop the insectoids from destroying the world.

Edit: This is just some preliminary work that I haven't gone too far in depth on.
Did you happen to read the responses to the original thread? I cant believe the way people are so cut throat on message boards. People love sitting behind their anonymous computer screens, and ripping others apart. The only problem I have, is that it often comes down to the uninspired, uncreative criticism and flaming of ones....grammer...How pathetic is that? If your going to try to bring someone down, please do it on a more personal and creative level then pointing out flaws one's grammer..

As for the project, I would lend a hand where I could if youd have me. Feel free to contact me: nahoopii@hotmail.com

Of interest to me would be dialogue and back stories for the different races, although I think theres already some pre-determined facts about the inhabitants in the world from whats already been written. Id like to see where you are already at, and work from there..Just let me know if this is still of interest to either of you, and if theres room for one more.
I'm up for whatever, I was just putting this forth as a possible idea. Its more up to Sunandshadow as to whether or not he wants to work with that idea or not.
Firstly, I am a she. ;) Secondly cutthroat is normal for the helpwanted forum for some reason, it requires even more moderating than the lounge. Fortunately the writing forum is more civil. :) *pats nice writing forum*

As for the different intelligent races on different continents... Well, I like the idea of different races each with their own philosophy influenced by their biology. I don't think they should be on different continents because there's this principle called unity of location which says that you get more vivid conflict if your characters are stuck in a contained area with each other. An ocean or other continental divide is a huge natural barrier that will discourage interaction between the people living in two places; you will get more conflict between the races if they are all on the same continent, or even in the same city, where they can get at each other. Anyway, this is a bit more detailed than I wanted to get yet - I want to let all the forum members have a chance to toss out their ideas and preferances before I try to combine them into a story. Could you two maybe do like I did, make a list of thinks you would like to see in a game and things you don't want to see in a game? That would be helpful. :)

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

Perhaps criticism is more common online, but in this case they do have a point.

Whilst I tend to be reasonably forgiving of typos and grammatical errors in ordinary posts, seeing them in "help wanted" ads always makes me take the poster less seriously and/or question his/her common sense.

I'm not saying that game developers, designers etc. need a perfect grasp of English usage, but if they have even a slight weakness in that area it would be wise for them to run any text used in marketting or formal announcements through a spellchecker and/or get someone else to read through it first.

After all, we don't know any more about the person who posted the ad than we do about those that criticised it.

This is even more important if the person aspires to be a writer or programmer.
Firstly, I humbly ask forgiveness for my presumtion Sunandshadow.

Secondly, here's my list (which doesn't overlap with Sunandshadow's):
- I like the comic moments
- some romance in there somewhere (I'm sorry I had to repeat this one because I completely agree =P)
- I've always kind of like the idea of someone gaining too much power that they risk the world (technological or magical[I'm both a scifi geek and a fantasy geek =P])
- I'm not too choosy on planet
- I would kind of like to see a main character that is sort of an anti-hero, in the sense that he/she doesn't seem like your normal hero (big strong, etc. but becomes more powerful some other way)
- As for number of characters I'm not too picky again. I always say though, "The more, the merrier"

Bad: (Can't think of any at the moment)
Good: magic, mystery, (again sorry for repeating, but if I didn't a friend of mine would kill me =P) anthro/human creations
Characters: I'd personally kind of like to share the creation of the characters (two heads are better than one, etc. =P)
I'll wait to see what the original work requestor (cant remember his name) posts in here about what his constraints would be. As for my list, I will mentally make one and compare with what that person had in mind for their project. But really, it wouldnt be far from what you've written already Sun. We agree on the same cliches and the same interests.

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