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Stuck at story level

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9 comments, last by nonode 19 years, 10 months ago
ok, i am co-leading a game dev. team that has been trying to make a game. we have a wide range of talent and we are really getting somewhere. modelling, programming,sound and art departments are excelling at increasing rates and we really have done alot of work. however we are stuck at the story department. we are continually looping back to square 1. we make up a story, a week later a few members dont like it and come up with a different story. this has been going for so long that we are seriously thinking about making a multiplayer only game (i.e without story). But i believe the story is the most important thing in the game, so this is kind of a reach out. if any1 knows how to fix this situation or has any suggestions about what to do from a game dev. experience or just plain story writing experience,then please post them forward. Cause we really need them the original theme was a gang warfare type story in the present If you would also like to apply for a writer position then please do, email me a sample of your work at mondrawy2@hotmail.com
Serious Game Project: Midnight ManhattanTeam Website | Game Website | Screenshots Gallery | Game OverviewPositions Needed: Animators/Rigger | Texture/enviroment Artist | Character Modeller Recruitment Topic(more info) | Apply form | Email Contact: info.at.blueprintgames.com
There is no such thing as a story everyone likes. But, if your team is small enough you could try to please everybody, and if they're all volunteers then you probably should try, because people who aren't happy with the story may leave the project. *Sigh* This is why I reccomend having the story designed before you recruit a team, then everybody knows what they're getting into. But if you want to try to fix up what you've got to please everybody, it would be really helpful if you would post here the original story and all the subsequent changes people have suggested, so we could get a feel for the psychology of your teammembers and what they want.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

If you have a problem with the writers never agreeing on anything, you can establish an executive position. The executive would not write, especially, but would resolve any conflicts by making the final decision or compromise himself. This person would also be charged to ensure that the writing is finished on schedule. You'd have to be careful how you choose this person, I guess.
Could it be a marketing issue? Does your development team have a common vision of who the audience for the game is? If not, then deciding on one might make the story elements easier to determine.

I agree with Kelly's assessment. Regardless of how many people on the team have input into the story/writing, you have to have a single person in charge of any ultimate decisions when it comes to conflict resolution, or you'll never get out of the loop. The rest of your team will have to agree to abide by whatever decision that person makes, and move forward from there.

You didn't make it clear; is your writing staff a mix of people in other departments? Do you have a Lead Writer? Do you have a dedicated Story Department (or the equivalent)?

I might normally have agreed with Sun's reply, but in looking your situation over again I don't think adding even more input into the story through the forum is going to help your situation. In fact it might even worsen your problem; any suggestions or changes recommended on the forum might end up splintering your group even further as they branch off into new ideas and new directions for the story.

Set a management structure and have that person make any final decisions, period. The team may not be 100% happy with it, but at least they'll be able to take that decision and move forward instead of constantly moving backwards.
[font "arial"] Everything you can imagine...is real.
Quote: is why I reccomend having the story designed before you recruit a team, then everybody knows what they're getting into.

whats unique about the team is that most of us kinda came together. it wasnt my team or some1's team. an idea was posted, people liked it and headed forward. We have worked on several modding backgrounds and other stuff and we regard this as a bigger step. So we are all committed to it and i doubt any1 will leave over this. Mainly because we are all friends and come to know each other pretty well now.

Quote: Regardless of how many people on the team have input into the story/writing, you have to have a single person in charge of any ultimate decisions when it comes to conflict resolution, or you'll never get out of the loop

well,so far i have failed to find a storywriter for the team, hence we tried to make it indoors. i agree with all these points however, i feel paralised as i cant fix them
i managed to find a writer finally (a month ago) but he has just wasted our time, he claimed he will help but at the end he said he wasnt free. He is of the team now thats why i am looking for a "dedicated" story writer to help us. But until i find one i dont mind any help ;)

Quote: You didn't make it clear; is your writing staff a mix of people in other departments? Do you have a Lead Writer? Do you have a dedicated Story Department (or the equivalent)?

it is a mix of people in other departments trying to fill in for a non-existant lead writer.

The main theme that was agreed upon was a gang warfare theme in the present time where gangs fight out thier differences in the streets. that theme was agreed upon before, then discarded for another one with a story, now we are back to it.
currently there is no story to that theme as its being developed by a team member.

there is no "writer" on the whole team. we are trying to fill in for one until he comes
Serious Game Project: Midnight ManhattanTeam Website | Game Website | Screenshots Gallery | Game OverviewPositions Needed: Animators/Rigger | Texture/enviroment Artist | Character Modeller Recruitment Topic(more info) | Apply form | Email Contact: info.at.blueprintgames.com
Well I enjoy writing for fun and foresee some time free to develop your story. I would however like more information on the subject so that I may more efficiently assertain whether I can handle the creative work load. I will email you a list of questions that will hopefully be within my ability to manage.

I am also going to start working with sunandshadow on a purposed storyline. Prompted by MelodyMan but I am positive I can work through both since I am a very avid writer. It's mostly a hobby and kind of how I view my programming although I am going to school for it. LOL so it's something I do on the side and at work. Not bad for a carreer eh!

Sorry about the mindless dribble but I will definitely plaster you with ideas.
Although I would not have the time to work on the story full time, I would like to help. If you can post the details of what kind of story you want (First person engine? RPG? Space-sim?), I would be happy to post a starter plot. Hopefully this might spark an idea in the group.

Let me know how you go.
thanks for your interest every1. the problem boolean isnt the starter, thats usually what we get done. the problem is after its made, a few days later and we start falling out of favour with it. then make a new theme and starter......so on

hopefully with some of your suggestions and 5minutegaming's help. we can fix this problem, thank you every1

When I was doing Project Management, I saw this all the time. We would get confirmation that a design had been settled on, then someone would pipe up and say 'what if we do this instead?', and next thing we are a month behind and people are still changing thier minds.

What (in my opinion) you need to do is just get everyone seated, and say 'by the end of this meeting, we will have a plot that we will use. If half of you hate it, too bad.'. Take the top 5 plots that you were jumping between, and then cast a vote. Whatever wins is it. End of story. If someone comes up with a story 2 days later that everyone agrees will blow the world away, use it for your next project.

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