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glu functions and sqrt, trig?

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3 comments, last by rick_appleton 19 years, 7 months ago
Slowly porting to Brew, and I've just hit a snag. I use gluPespective, and gluLookAt to position my camera. But these are not available in OpenGL ES right? So I have to write my own routines? Also, the AEEStdLib header doesn't provide sqrt or trig. Is there anywhere else I can find this, or do I need to roll my own here as well?
This is my lookat function:

LookAt(GLfixed eyex, GLfixed eyey, GLfixed eyez, GLfixed centerx, GLfixedt centery, GLfixed centerz, GLfixed upx, GLfixed upy, GLfixed upz) {    GLfixed forward[3], side[3], up[3];    GLfixed m[4][4];    forward[0] = centerx - eyex;    forward[1] = centery - eyey;    forward[2] = centerz - eyez;    normalizex(forward);    up[0] = upx;    up[1] = upy;    up[2] = upz;    crossf(forward, up, side);    normalizef(side);    crossf(side, forward, up);    SetIdentity(&m[0][0]);    m[0][0] = side[0];    m[1][0] = side[1];    m[2][0] = side[2];    m[0][1] = up[0];    m[1][1] = up[1];    m[2][1] = up[2];    m[0][2] = -forward[0];    m[1][2] = -forward[1];    m[2][2] = -forward[2];    glMultMatrixx(&m[0][0]);    glTranslatex(-eyex, -eyey, -eyez);}

Coder beware however, I only use it once in my program right at the start, so it hasn't been extensivly tested.

For trig and sqrt you are on your own. I would suggest implementing your trig stuff as lookup tables, google will provide you with more example code than you will ever read.

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning." -Louis L'Amour
personally i preffer not using gluLookAt or something like that because it's computationally extensive. and for trig, you have to manage yourself:)
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------* *                            M A C R O S                                        * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/typedef __int64 int64;typedef unsigned __int64 uint64;#define memcpy MEMCPY#define Q_FACTOR	16#define X		v[0]#define Y		v[1]#define Z		v[2]#define W		v[3]/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------* *                          B E G I N   P R O G R A M                            * *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*===========================================================================FUNCTION: xxgluCopyMatrixFx  DESCRIPTION:	This funtion copy one matrix to another    PROTOTYPE:	void xxgluCopyMatrixFx( int32 from[4][4], int32 to[4][4] )      PARAMETERS:	from[4][4]	: copy from this matrix	to[4][4]	: copy to this matrix            DEPENDENCIES	none              RETURN VALUE	none                ===========================================================================*/void xxgluCopyMatrixFx( int32 from[4][4], int32 to[4][4] ){	memcpy(to, from, sizeof(int32[4][4]));}/*===========================================================================FUNCTION: xxgluCrossFx  DESCRIPTION:	this function performs a vector cross product   PROTOTYPE:	void xxgluCrossFx( int32 *n, int32 *a, int32 *b )      PARAMETERS:	n : pointer to int32, result of the vector cross product	a, b : pointer to int32, input of the vector cross product            DEPENDENCIES	none              RETURN VALUE	none                ===========================================================================*/void xxgluCrossFx( int32 *n, int32 *a, int32 *b ){	n[0] = (int32)((((int64)a[1]*b[2]) - ((int64)a[2]*b[1]))>>Q_FACTOR); 	n[1] = (int32)((((int64)a[2]*b[0]) - ((int64)a[0]*b[2]))>>Q_FACTOR); 	n[2] = (int32)((((int64)a[0]*b[1]) - ((int64)a[1]*b[0]))>>Q_FACTOR); }/*===========================================================================FUNCTION: xxgluDotFx  DESCRIPTION:	this function perform a vector dot product   PROTOTYPE:	int32 xxgluDotFx( int32 v1[3], int32 v2[3] )      PARAMETERS:	v1[3], v2[3] : dot product input vector            DEPENDENCIES	none              RETURN VALUE	return Q16 vector dot product of input parameter v1[3] and v2[3]                ===========================================================================*/int32 xxgluDotFx( int32 v1[3], int32 v2[3] ){	return (int32)(((int64)((int64)v1[0]*v2[0]) + ((int64)v1[1]*v2[1]) + ((int64)v1[2]*v2[2]))>>Q_FACTOR);}/*===========================================================================FUNCTION: xxgluSqrtFx  DESCRIPTION:	this function perform square root     PROTOTYPE:	int32 xxgluSqrtFx(int32 val)      PARAMETERS:	val : input value for the square root function            DEPENDENCIES	none              RETURN VALUE	return Q16 square root of input parameter val                ===========================================================================*/int32#define step(shift)											    if((0x40000000l >> shift) + sqrtVal <= val)				    {														        val -= (0x40000000l >> shift) + sqrtVal;			        sqrtVal = (sqrtVal >> 1) | (0x40000000l >> shift);      }														    else													    {														        sqrtVal = sqrtVal >> 1;                                 }xxgluSqrtFx(int32 val){// Note: This fast square root function only works with an even Q_FACTOR    int32 sqrtVal = 0;        step(0);    step(2);    step(4);    step(6);    step(8);    step(10);    step(12);    step(14);    step(16);    step(18);    step(20);    step(22);    step(24);    step(26);    step(28);    step(30);        if(sqrtVal < val)    {        ++sqrtVal;    }        sqrtVal <<= (Q_FACTOR)/2;    return(sqrtVal);}/*===========================================================================FUNCTION: my2gl_Norm  DESCRIPTION:	this function nomalize a vector     PROTOTYPE:	int my2gl_Norm(int32 a[3])      PARAMETERS:	a : pointer to a vector            DEPENDENCIES	none              RETURN VALUE	return the normalized vector of parameter a                ===========================================================================*/int my2gl_Norm(int32 a[3]){	int32 n, oon;	n = (int32)(((int64)a[0]*a[0]+(int64)a[1]*a[1]+(int64)a[2]*a[2])>>Q_FACTOR);	n = xxgluSqrtFx(n);		if (n==0) return 0;	oon = (int32)(((int64)1<<(Q_FACTOR<<1)) / n);	a[0] = (int32)(((int64)a[0] * oon)>>Q_FACTOR);	a[1] = (int32)(((int64)a[1] * oon)>>Q_FACTOR);	a[2] = (int32)(((int64)a[2] * oon)>>Q_FACTOR);	return n;}/*===========================================================================FUNCTION: xxgluUnitFx  DESCRIPTION:	this function calucate the unit vector   PROTOTYPE:	int32 xxgluUnitFx( int32 vin[3], int32 vout[3] )      PARAMETERS:	vin[3]	: input vector	vout[3]	: output vector            DEPENDENCIES	none              RETURN VALUE	return Q16 unit vector of parameter vin[3]                ===========================================================================*/int32 xxgluUnitFx( int32 vin[3], int32 vout[3] ){	memcpy(vout, vin, (sizeof(int32)*3));	return(my2gl_Norm(vout));}/*===========================================================================FUNCTION: xxgluLookAtMatrixFx  DESCRIPTION:	this function perform gluLookAt function   PROTOTYPE:	void xxgluLookAtMatrixFx(int32 *m, int32 ex, int32 ey, int32 ez, int32 atx, int32 aty, int32 atz, int32 ux, int32 uy, int32 uz)      PARAMETERS:	m				: pointer to the viewing matrix	ex, ey, ez		: eye position in x, y and z	atx, aty, atz	: look at poisition in x, y and z	ux, uy, uz		: up vector in x, y and zDEPENDENCIES	none              RETURN VALUE	none                ===========================================================================*/void xxgluLookAtMatrixFx(int32 *m, int32 ex, int32 ey, int32 ez, int32 atx, int32 aty, int32 atz, int32 ux, int32 uy, int32 uz){	int32 vEye[3];	int32 vDir[3];	int32 vUp[3];	int32 vRight[3];	//get viewing vector	vDir[0] = atx - ex;	vDir[1] = aty - ey;	vDir[2] = atz - ez;	xxgluUnitFx(vDir, vDir);	//get right vector	vUp[0] = ux;	vUp[1] = uy;	vUp[2] = uz;	xxgluCrossFx(vRight,vDir,vUp);	xxgluUnitFx(vRight, vRight);	//get up vector	xxgluCrossFx(vUp,vRight,vDir);	xxgluUnitFx(vUp, vUp);	//other 3 components	vEye[0] = ex;	vEye[1] = ey;	vEye[2] = ez;		*(m+0)  = vRight[0];     *(m+4)  = vRight[1];	*(m+8)  = vRight[2];	*(m+12) = -xxgluDotFx(vRight,vEye);	*(m+1)  = vUp[0]; 	*(m+5)  = vUp[1];	*(m+9)  = vUp[2];	*(m+13) = -xxgluDotFx(vUp,vEye);	*(m+2)  = -vDir[0]; 	*(m+6)  = -vDir[1];	*(m+10) = -vDir[2];	*(m+14) = xxgluDotFx(vDir,vEye);	*(m+3)  = 0; 	*(m+7)  = 0;	*(m+11) = 0;	*(m+15) = 1 << Q_FACTOR;}#undef X #undef Y #undef Z #undef W   

It is made by QUALCOMM.

[Edited by - easefly on November 18, 2004 9:43:19 PM]
Thank you easyfly. That seems exactly what I need.

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