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Game Attributes (RPG-like)

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17 comments, last by dwarfsoft 20 years, 4 months ago

Re: the MMO
I agree with the MMO problems you pointed out. The world is static (it shouldn''t be), it takes a lot of effort to manage, and players consume new areas faster than you can make them, player death is annoying at best.

I think you could maybe get around this (some) by
1) Dividing the players into guilds or teams or clans or whatnot. Not necessarily in opposition, but to provide different experiences for different players.

2) Set up a nomic-style system for the area of expertise within each guild/clan. The guild then gets to nominate one new idea / expansion per month. Example: a college of pyromancers. Once a month, the head(s) of the college take ideas from the members for new fire spells (or maybe fire creatures) under the guise of magic research the members may have done during the month. They vote for the best idea and submit it to the game creators, who are charged with implementing it. Note that the college itself gets to determine the specifics on who gets to submit ideas and who gets to vote. And the creators obviously can negotiate or tweak the ideas. No one outside of the guild would know what that guild would be up to.

3) The adventures should often be created as a consequence of the actions of another group of adventurers. Party A kills the local goblin king. So the goblins move to another nearby city, prompting Party B to go after them. Or maybe someone discovers a cave with mutilated goblin corpses and a few goblin ghosts, and must strive to lay them to rest. By adding downstream effects from completing the adventures the players get a wider variety of things to do with a smaller set of resources.

4) Player death could be trivialized by making it common/expected with little consequence, or made more interesting by providing something different to do after death.
Since killing a PC is usually not allowed on multiplayer online games, have 2 cases:

being killed by a PC - items are lost, player starts from scratch, or perhaps keeps levels, but the killer gets all items from the deceased.

being killed by a NPC - No items lose, no (or limited) penalties, just returned to a nearby town.

I would like to see a game in which the player is given a toolset and the ability to pick either a dungeon, town, etc., and create an X by Y area which the creators will connect to other areas, and then all players, once they have contributed to the world, may join in the fun. Players can get jobs, and such, but each player has a domain which they have created, where they may choose to start, or have even more control over. Also, having a player created story line could be fun. A power hungry guild, perhaps, in which the players become a part of the story. This way, an ending is not determined when the scenario starts, and a story can be begun at any time. Perhaps the guild takes power, murdering innocent people, or perhaps the guild is put down and the realm returns to peace. These events can be recorded on the website, with details as to who did what. This could make for a great roleplaying experience.

Also, I''d like to see an epic, first-person shooter, somewhat like Turok, except with towns and other elements found in RPGs. Perhaps a combination of Parasite Eve and Turok? It would have a huge world, and a great story line, of course.

Another idea I''ve had is having a racing game in which the player has nearly free roaming of a world full of roads. The player can set a distance or a path to travel, and the opponents then race in this setup. This could be really cool as an online game, as players can set up races and invite X people to race with them.
____________________________________________________________unofficial Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
True greed driven economics systems. There have been numberous studies to show what makes things addictive, and one of the best of them, is the potential to get stuff, get stuff that others dont have. Now, in MMORPG''s and the like, alot of times it ends up being (for the vet players), a battle of who can achieve the greater level. Instead, provide the player with other ways to show off there actual in game wealth and such, through allowing them to buy space (on the server), build huge elaborate mantions, hire guards, enlist/place monsters they have purchased, exc. I am essentialy doing this already, but on an online MMORPG it would truely be awsome. You need things to show off, thats what keeps people at it.
quote: Original post by RichardMV
Also, I''d like to see an epic, first-person shooter, somewhat like Turok, except with towns and other elements found in RPGs. Perhaps a combination of Parasite Eve and Turok? It would have a huge world, and a great story line, of course.
Ah, but are you sure you would really enjoy such a game? I personally don''t think it would flow very well. I think the point of this thread was to forget about genres. Let''s try to think of something new, instead of thinking about making the newest MMORPGRTSFPS.
“[The clergy] believe that any portion of power confided to me, will be exerted in opposition to their schemes. And they believe rightly: for I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man” - Thomas Jefferson
Yes, I think I would like it. But the main reason I wanted to post was to ask if anyone saw the date on the original post, or even the one before mine. I just revived a very old forum! Now, lets see if Dwarfsoft comes back...
____________________________________________________________unofficial Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
>> aspect of ANYTHING that you would want in a game

ANYTHING? Well in that case, I want to be able to order pizza online without having to Alt-Tab out of the game.
I''d also like to see a game using the Creatures engine, allowing the player to communicate with a town created Sim City style. I''d like to see a game in which the player is a sim in a growing sim town. I''d also like to see it done in a way that combines many sim games, for example, you can make a planet, a civilization for that planet, countries for that planet, cities for the countries, buildings for the cities, and people for the buildings. then you can become one of the people and interact with the world you have created by getting a job, buying stuff you can use, etc. Perhaps have a computer which can connect to your own where you can play games, a TV which connects to internet TV stations, a radio which connects to internet Radio stations, etc. This would bring a whole new dimension to computer gaming, but it would take so much computer power that I can''t see a game like that coming any time soon.


official Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
____________________________________________________________unofficial Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
I am enjoying this topic, so, I''ll give it a bump.


official Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section
____________________________________________________________unofficial Necromancer of GameDev forums Game Writing section

My friend and I are making an rpg (Demorg)- of you have any suggestions on how to improve it, email me at



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