
cant use oop basecode

Started by February 08, 2005 12:45 PM
2 comments, last by stroma 19 years, 7 months ago
hi, i can build and run the nehe oop basecode but when i want to add my 3ds loader class to it, it cant render my model. i tried my code @glut and my code works ok. what can be the problem? i can post the code, if neceserry (but i dont think, i think this is a general problem) thank you very much..
okey i see the problem is i am defining the model in the application class and if i make it global it works.
so why does it happen? how can i use an object in another class? i tried pointers but could not make it work..
Why are you using OO base code if your not coding in a OO way?

There are many ways to do this, I suggest you use google for a beginers tutorial on OO.
of course i know oo basis but there is something wierd. i mean i try my system in another basecode "as same" and it worked but it did not work with nehe ogl framework. and i just ask are teher anything i may miss about opengl? or oop?

anyway i solved the problem with some fake..
Thank you.

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