
Blurring a simple triangle

Started by February 12, 2005 12:17 PM
1 comment, last by Steve132 19 years, 7 months ago
Hi! I need to blur a simple triangle. The triangle is part of an effect and will be added onto the 2D-game-screen with ADD-effect (Color = Color1 + Color2). But I don't know how to get a blurred triangle without using a special texture for it? Is there a FAST way which won't take too much speed or should I really use a texture for it?
no, there is no ultra speedy magic way of bluring stuff, your probobly better off with that texture.

Quote: no, there is no ultra speedy magic way of bluring stuff, your probobly better off with that texture.

Well, actually I found something neat as a really fast blur: it is an extension to do just that: GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS. But, to do that you have to blur a texture anyway, so it probably would be far better just to go with the preblurred texture in your case texture

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