
trying to find a screensaver that was posted on nehe a long time ago

Started by February 13, 2005 11:38 PM
4 comments, last by loupgarou21 19 years, 7 months ago
There was a screensaver posted on NeHe a while back that I really liked, the hard drive I had it on was fried and was unfortunately unable to recover it. It was a multi-tiered, chrome clock, the tiers represented hour, minute, second, and I think millisecond and spun around, and the whole clock kind or rocked back and forth. If anybody has any idea as to where I could find this screensaver I would be very grateful.
I remember that too... yea that was neat. :) are you sure its not in the downloads section somewhere?
I looked through the downloads section a couple of times and didn't see it.
Quote: Original post by loupgarou21
There was a screensaver posted on NeHe a while back that I really liked, the hard drive I had it on was fried and was unfortunately unable to recover it. It was a multi-tiered, chrome clock, the tiers represented hour, minute, second, and I think millisecond and spun around, and the whole clock kind or rocked back and forth. If anybody has any idea as to where I could find this screensaver I would be very grateful.

If you remember it's name at all I will check to see if I have it. Any kind of other clues for finding what's in the title can help.

- Drew
The only thing that I can think of is this one from Sulaco, it's not a screensaver but it does match your description.

Hope it helps to jog your memory :)
Darren Clark
The only thing I really remember about it's name is that I think it was german, I could be wrong about that though, and for some reason I keep thinking it was called something like fendig or fendeng or something like that, but again, I could be wrong.

And just to clairify a bit (or maybe make my description a bit more muddy) the shape of the clock always reminded me a bit of an old style weeble (you know, weebles wobble but they don't fall down.)

maybe that'll jog someone's memory

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