
iPicture texture quality problem

Started by February 14, 2005 01:10 PM
2 comments, last by 19 years, 7 months ago
I'm using the NeHe ipicture code to load textures, but I'm having a problem with the quality of the displayed textures-- they look like the color depth was reduced without any dithering- lots of banding on gradients and whatnot. I tried using all the possible file formats (exported from Photoshop), but the result was always the same. I'm using Dev C++ to compile the program (the iPicture code won't work with Dev C++ unless I link to lole32, loleaut32, luuid, and lolepro32). Does anyone have any idea as to how to get the images to look normal? thanks- Jeremy
It sounds like your rendering it in 16 bit's instead of 32.
Somewhere in your code something is set to 16 bit, find it and destroy it(change it to 32).
I tried that-- I replaced every instance of 16 with 32, but there was still no effect.
i had the same problem with IPicture, and i didn't find a way to fix it, after 3 months search. My only solution was: live with it, or remove IPicture, and go for something else (i stayed with IPicture :) )

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