
simple(?) blending question

Started by February 16, 2005 02:28 AM
2 comments, last by TerraX 19 years, 7 months ago
Hello everyone, I'm trying to get into OpenGL a littlebit. Basically I am doing those great tutorials here and then try out things for myself. Until now that worked out pretty good, but now, while doing the blending tutorial, I stumbled upon a little problem I can't seem to solve: I have drawn two objects. One should use alpha blending, the other one not. The problem is, that the opaque object always appears transparent. The first thing I tried, was using different glColor4f alpha values, but 1.0 won't make the object fully opaque. After that I played around with the glBlendFunc parameters, but that always caused weird apperance. The only thing that works, would be disabling Blending completly, but then my transparent object won't be transparent anymore ;) Can anyone help?
enable blending for the transparent object and disable it for the opaque
Darn, I knew it had to be something plain like that ;)

Thanks a lot *hits himself on the head*
hehe, glDisable(GL_BLEND);
hehe, people rule!
Am i too drunk to be posting again?

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