
Lesson 13: Using Windows Fonts & GLUT

Started by April 04, 2005 01:16 PM
3 comments, last by Ludi83 19 years, 5 months ago
I was wondering if there's any easy way to use the windows fonts in GLUT? Since I am using a console application and not a WINMAIN( ) I don't have the HDC and HINSTANCES the tutorial uses. It would cut down on my memory footprint heavily if I could do this and would really appreciate it. Side note: I love this site, thank you for all the great information. Brian
chapter 7
you can get it
enjoy it!
In the book "OpenGL SuperBible" chapter 7
Anonymous Poster is me !
registing is so difficult :)
You can try glFont:

It is easy to use and platform independent. It hasn't the quality of glyph fonts, but for the beginning, it should be good enough.

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