
NeHe blog

Started by May 04, 2005 03:10 PM
15 comments, last by Alpha_ProgDes 19 years, 4 months ago Did this just show up yesterday or did I fail to see it during the past few weeks while I was checking to see if there was any new news?
Kinda sad, nehe is leaving us.
WOW I only just noticed it too.

Some big company needs to help this guy out once and for all, surely an opengl guru such as he should not be lost to the multi national corp forever
This is a very sad day for all.

Although I have regularly visited this site (it's my home page on my home computer and I view the forums on my lunch break at work) I always had the dream that one day I'd have enough time to sit down and write some OpenGL apps. Then I'd be able to give back some of what NeHe and the community has given.

Nehe is the **premier** site for OpenGL beginners and I think that if it ever changed hands it would not be the same.

Personally I think he should retain ownership and pass off much of the admin to others within the community (Matrix, DarkWing, etc) that have tried to help through out the years.

But in the end this comes down to dollars and cents. He doesn't have any and this site sounds like an asset that he can no longer afford to keep.

If thats the case then Jeff I (we) wish you the very best and hope that you find what you're looking for (and get what you want).

All the best,
He will be missed. He is the reason I actually got into programming in general.

I've offered to host the site and its content so he could still work on it on his off days, but so far he has refused (ratherly politly I might add) the offer(s).

I had a few idea for it making it more community drivin and putting control into those educated hands. Since Jeff has refused, what say the community? I'd be more than happy too if the support is there.

If someone wants to do the site design and code, Ill host it all. I have a few accounts I can share the space and bandwidth with.

Note: This is a last ditch effort to keep the work alive and going. It's a shame to lose such a valuable resource.
Quote: Original post by rjhcomputers
He will be missed. He is the reason I actually got into programming in general.

I've offered to host the site and its content so he could still work on it on his off days, but so far he has refused (ratherly politly I might add) the offer(s).

I had a few idea for it making it more community drivin and putting control into those educated hands. Since Jeff has refused, what say the community? I'd be more than happy too if the support is there.

If someone wants to do the site design and code, Ill host it all. I have a few accounts I can share the space and bandwidth with.

Note: This is a last ditch effort to keep the work alive and going. It's a shame to lose such a valuable resource.

FYI, we ( host NeHe and have been hosting NeHe without charge ever since he was given the domain name. So it's not that he has to pay for a hosting service.

Personally, I would have preferred Jeff contacted me before making this decision. has invested a lot in NeHe over the last 5 or so years through the amount of resources we have given the NeHe site in terms of hard drive space and bandwidth (around 10% of our total, which is significant for a hosted site), and I'm certain we could come to an agreement. Unfortunately we have not been able to help financially as much as we would have liked, but we have been working to try to remedy that problem and were working toward a solution. I guess we haven't been fast enough.


Admin for

Quote: FYI, we ( host NeHe and have been hosting NeHe without charge ever since he was given the domain name. So it's not that he has to pay for a hosting service.

That is nice to know, from the emails I recieved I got the impression he was paying for. I guess I misread them.

Quote: Personally, I would have preferred Jeff contacted me before making this decision. has invested a lot in NeHe over the last 5 or so years through the amount of resources we have given the NeHe site in terms of hard drive space and bandwidth (around 10% of our total, which is significant for a hosted site), and I'm certain we could come to an agreement. Unfortunately we have not been able to help financially as much as we would have liked, but we have been working to try to remedy that problem and were working toward a solution. I guess we haven't been fast enough.

Unless you guys are willing to hire him on ;) , I don't think there is much else that can be done.
Quote: Original post by Anonymous Poster
Quote: FYI, we ( host NeHe and have been hosting NeHe without charge ever since he was given the domain name. So it's not that he has to pay for a hosting service.

That is nice to know, from the emails I recieved I got the impression he was paying for. I guess I misread them.

Quote: Personally, I would have preferred Jeff contacted me before making this decision. has invested a lot in NeHe over the last 5 or so years through the amount of resources we have given the NeHe site in terms of hard drive space and bandwidth (around 10% of our total, which is significant for a hosted site), and I'm certain we could come to an agreement. Unfortunately we have not been able to help financially as much as we would have liked, but we have been working to try to remedy that problem and were working toward a solution. I guess we haven't been fast enough.

Unless you guys are willing to hire him on ;) , I don't think there is much else that can be done.

Well considering we don't do this fulltime and get paid for it either (we all have regular day jobs just like Jeff), that's not really an option. :)

Admin for

I just found out about this site, and now its going to be closed down. I haven't even finished all the tutorials yet >:(

BTW, how are we supposed to be sure thats not a blog entry from way back when or something?
Mainly because we've been following him for these past years and this blog thing is something more or less new on his site. And besides, the content in the blog has been changes a few times lately. So, I belive it's not an old entry, sadly. It's pity that the site is closing down.

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