
NeHe blog

Started by May 04, 2005 03:10 PM
15 comments, last by Alpha_ProgDes 19 years, 4 months ago
Quote: Original post by Ghost Freeman
I just found out about this site, and now its going to be closed down. I haven't even finished all the tutorials yet >:(

I very much doubt the content will go away given that its hosted by gamedev, so I wouldnt worry about that, there will just be a lack of new tutorials unless someone (or a group of people) take it over

i felt bad and tried to give a donation. but the link just sends me to the paypal login. it doesn't tell where to send the donation to. [sad]

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Quote: Original post by Alpha_ProgDes
i felt bad and tried to give a donation. but the link just sends me to the paypal login. it doesn't tell where to send the donation to. [sad]

Are you sure? I just clicked on it and it sent me to the page (And I don't even have PayPal):

Pay To:
Payment For: NeHe Productions

Try again perhaps? That or at least now you know the account [wink].
Thank you. You got a reward for that [grin].
I think we all should give a donation.
I did... now it's your turn!!! [smile] (please)

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


Surely some company somewhere would be willing to sponser Nehe for the running of the site? I mean, how many games developers use OpenGL and im sure most of them have used Nehe as a resource at some point.

I hope that Nehe somehow manages to keep the site running. Maybe someone could take over temporarily just while Jeff gets things back on track?

Member of the NeHe team.
Sad news. I would help if I could but I myself is having some financial issues. I just hope he gets over it soon.

Kudos to nehe!
Quote: Original post by Kazade
Surely some company somewhere would be willing to sponser Nehe for the running of the site? I mean, how many games developers use OpenGL and im sure most of them have used Nehe as a resource at some point.

I hope that Nehe somehow manages to keep the site running. Maybe someone could take over temporarily just while Jeff gets things back on track?


but he doesn't pay for the site. GDnet is hosting it for free. The content is solely his though. So I don't see it coming down just not being updated.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


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