
Lesson 46 problem

Started by May 10, 2005 10:14 AM
7 comments, last by eSCHEn 19 years, 4 months ago
I've a problem with lesson 46. My card can't recognize "wgl_ARB_multisample" extension. I've a radeon 9250, so it should support multisampling. The card is installed correctly. If anybody could help me or suggest a great tutorial about OpenGL and Multisampling I would thank it. thx
The name string could be any of the following:


All of the Radeons should support the extension under GL_ARB_multisample name string.
Thx help but I can't resolve the problem.

I've tried to get available extensions both with "wglGetExtString" and "glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS)" but neither result contains any multisample extension. I've also called "glGetIntegerv" with GL_SAMPLES and GL_SAMPLEBUFFERS and both of them is 0. It seems that I can't force my card to support multisampling :(

I've look through display control panel and didn't find any switch regarding to multisampling or FSAA. However, my purpose is to handle everything inside my program because I can't ask my users to switch it manually.

I've been examining forums and helps for nearly a full day and I'm getting totally confused about this topic. If anybody could give me a tutorial about multisample antialiasing from baseline I would be grateful.

First the obvious check: first make sure your drivers are up to date.

Second, look up your specific card on, and maybe download and run their detection tool to verify that your card and driver combination support it.

Next, assuming your updated drivers support the extension, there is was a tutorial at GCD by NVidia on this. See their multisample presentation for the code snippets required, and (I think) a demo with source.
I've visited the Delphi3D site and found out that multismapling is supported only by Radeon 9500 and above. I' ve looked for both "GL_ARB_multisample" and "WGL_ARB_multisample" and neither of them is supported under this version. I've tried a GeForce MX440 but it failed, it is one of the few GeForce cards that don't support these extensions. Now i'm tending to give up using multisampling.

The other two methods I've heard about seem to me too cumbersome. I can't use Polygon smooth because I can't sort polygons to build it from front to back. I think the other way using accumulation buffer would slow down my application.
Run lesson 24.
It lists all available extensions on your system(most of them atleast).
It's a pretty handy tool when your dealing with extension programming and stuff.

If that fails, you could allways ignore errorchecking and implement it anyway.
For knowing the extensions supported you could also try this:

Trust me it's pretty good.
/* As always forgive (or better forget) my english *//* I promise I will learn! */
I've tried all of the three detection application and none of them found any multisampling extension. Yesterday I tried a 4 years old GeForce3 and it supported multisampling. My only question is that how is antialiasing implemented on Radeon cards under version 9500. I've just tried out the accumulation buffer method. It looks smart but my program become so slow that it is untreatable.
You could try rendering to multiple buffers and jittering the results, not really my area but that ring a bell.

Yeah, the accumulation buffer seems to be always implemented in software so without the hardware support it's awfully slow. I'm not sure if any card supports a hardware accumulation buffer, I'm sure someone who knows will be able to provide an answer.

/edit: Damn beer makes my spalling bed.
Darren Clark

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