
Window Resizing

Started by May 17, 2005 10:37 AM
2 comments, last by eSCHEn 19 years, 4 months ago
Hey, I'm looking for a functions that can give me the current height and width of my activated window. For Example : function makeTextures() { -> retrieve window height and width; -> ReSizeGLWindow(new height, new width); -> Do Some texturing code -> ReSizeGLWindow(old height, old width); } I searched through the MDSN but didn't found a function like this. Maybe i looked over it. Does there excists a function for this ? Thanks in advance, Codorke
Try looking for 'GetWindowRect' and 'GetClientRect' on MSDN, they'll give you what you need.

Generally it would be a lot easier to just store the sizes of the window when you make the call to create it. If you want the client size then you'll have to modify the sizes to reflect the window borders and title bar.

Hope that helped :)
Darren Clark
Thanks for the reply.

And indeed these functions helped me out. Thanks a lot.
No problem :)~
Darren Clark

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