
2D in OpenGL

Started by May 17, 2005 10:59 AM
0 comments, last by Drew_Benton 19 years, 4 months ago
Hi! I was looking for a development tool and sdk to start my 2D racing game project. I found 2 great options: 'Visual Basic' + 'DirectX' or 'Visual C++' + 'OpenGL'. I've good experience with these languages. The faster way is Vc++ and OGL but i was asking to my self if OGL are good for 2d development. And if it is, can anybody show me where i can find ogl 2d tutorials? TNX!!!
One of them is avaliable at NeHe's site, Lesson 21. Have a look at that code to see what you can do. The whole concept that you will need for 2D OpenGL is though the function glOrtho. BTW, if you are doing all 2D, you might want to look into something such as Allegro or SDL as well. Good luck!

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