
mp3 sound data

Started by May 17, 2005 11:27 AM
2 comments, last by hamburglergt 19 years, 4 months ago
I was looking to make a music video in opengl / visual C++ as a side project to help me learn opengl, and i was looking everywhere for a way to take in an mp3 file and get the "data" from it, ive read about how the visulazations in winamp work by taking the different frequency data and set the value of a 3d plan to that value so it looks as though the plane is moving with the music. I've tried looking through the submissions for nehe's winamp visualization project code to find anything but can not figure it out. So if anyone can help me with this problem i would greatly appreciate, and just to make sure its clear i dont want to make a winamp visulazation, i would just like the raw data from the mp3, and if anyone knows of a tutorial on using that data that would be great also, otherwise i think i could figure it out by experimentation.
yeah, fmod's rather good at doing this (

There is an example on my website, here
ok, im trying the fmod thing out now, ill post how it worked for me, thanks for the timely reply
sorry to ask this, probably just me being stupid, but is there anything special i need to do to run the "fmod_frequencies" example? i get the error "could not initialise fmod"

Well it looks like it was just a stupid problem, i forgot that at work i hadnt installed my sound card drivers, so i fixed that and it works great, thanks again for the help

[Edited by - hamburglergt on May 17, 2005 2:55:33 PM]

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