
[4E4] Confused about a rule? Not sure if time travel is allowed?

Started by June 05, 2005 10:58 PM
147 comments, last by superpig 19 years, 2 months ago
We're writing our game using PyOgre, a Python binding to Ogre. We'll try to make it into an executable, but if that were to fail, would it be ok if we sent the "development folder" (i.e. including the python source files), and an installer for Python and PyOgre?

So the judges would have to install Python and PyOgre (just very basic installers), but not the game itself. Could that lower the polish score?

Another question about the hardware; it's nice to know which graphics cards the judges will have, but CPUs are important too. Is it still 1500mhz?
------------------"Kaka e gott" - Me
Not sure if this post was missed, or if I am blind and missed the judges confirming this post. Anyways, just need this confirmed and it should go into my entry thread.

Quote: Original post by DakeDesu
Hmm, so now that I let it set in... can I sum up what things I require to enter the contest as being:
1) Permission to use the characters in a fan based literature piece (games are literature).
2) Permission to have use stuff from the game in mediaclips.
3) Permission to have use the game to advertise their own site.
4) No need to transfer of trademark ownership (This is the most important of the four).

Also if number three is true, can I also use that to advertise (Most likely via an image you must see before entering the game, saying it was done by the KRFP)

Anything else?

edit: Also could I see an example of a mediaclip from a previous contest? This will certainly be an important portion of getting the "license"

[ Six Hour Game Contest | ( Thread | Blog | Wiki | 6hour Bio ) ][ Website | (Blog | Gallery ) ]
Ok, sorry to add to the confusion some more but I have a question about copyrights. I am planning on making a parody type of game and will be referencing to other video game characters. All the art work will be original, and there will be no 'direct likeness' of specific game characters, but it will be suggestive.

Is this allowed?

I mean for instance a funny little dude in a green hat would not be Link from the zelda series but it might put people in mind of that character. And possibly enchance the levity of the game. I am under the impression that it would be legal to do so otherwise shows like saturday night live would be sued into non-existence.
Quote: Original post by Srekel
We're writing our game using PyOgre, a Python binding to Ogre. We'll try to make it into an executable, but if that were to fail, would it be ok if we sent the "development folder" (i.e. including the python source files), and an installer for Python and PyOgre?

So the judges would have to install Python and PyOgre (just very basic installers), but not the game itself. Could that lower the polish score?

I would suggest making that as seamless as possible or it could potentially lower the polish score. I would also make sure there are no issues with uninstalling Python and PyOgre for those of us (like me) who do not want the installations lingering around after the judging is complete.

Another question about the hardware; it's nice to know which graphics cards the judges will have, but CPUs are important too. Is it still 1500mhz?

Yes, 1.5 ghz and if it changes the contest page will change. Anything higher is going into unsafe territory. Sorry, some of us can't stay up to date with the latest technology. :)

Admin for

Quote: Original post by DakeDesu
Hmm, so now that I let it set in... can I sum up what things I require to enter the contest as being:
1) Permission to use the characters in a fan based literature piece (games are literature).
2) Permission to have use stuff from the game in mediaclips.
3) Permission to have use the game to advertise their own site.
4) No need to transfer of trademark ownership (This is the most important of the four).

1. As long as cannot be held liable for you using the characters.
2. Correct, if we do something like that (we've never done mediaclips).
3. Correct.
4. Correct.

Also if number three is true, can I also use that to advertise (Most likely via an image you must see before entering the game, saying it was done by the KRFP)

We don't require exclusive use. Look at the Legal section.

Anything else?

Just what the contest page has listed and defined.

edit: Also could I see an example of a mediaclip from a previous contest? This will certainly be an important portion of getting the "license"

We have never done mediaclips for contests. This would be the first contest we might create some from.

Admin for

Quote: Original post by Wrathnut
Ok, sorry to add to the confusion some more but I have a question about copyrights. I am planning on making a parody type of game and will be referencing to other video game characters. All the art work will be original, and there will be no 'direct likeness' of specific game characters, but it will be suggestive.

Is this allowed?

I mean for instance a funny little dude in a green hat would not be Link from the zelda series but it might put people in mind of that character. And possibly enchance the levity of the game. I am under the impression that it would be legal to do so otherwise shows like saturday night live would be sued into non-existence.

Sure you can do something like that. We aren't going to stop you. The only caveat is if Nintendo comes to us complaining, then we'll point them in your direction. Given that you seem to be doing a satire you might be okay. You have to use your own discretion. We can't make that determination for you. All we can do is tell you we trust you to submit legal entries, and if you don't then we will not be held responsible.

Admin for

Hi, I'm not sure if I missed this in the thread or not, but are those who do not use all 4 elements going to be at any disadvantage in terms of final scoring? It's just that it is quite difficult to combine all 4 elements, but being called the 4E4 contest I would expect that a game would probably score better if it did include all 4 elements.

On the other hand, if a game would score just as well with only 2 or 3 elements, then it may provide greater freedom in terms of game design (i.e. not having to wrack my brains trying to work out how to fit in the final element when I should be concentrating on gameplay!), allowing a better game to be created as a result.

Any offical comment on this would be much appreciated!


Cheers,SteveLiquidigital Online
Quote: Original post by Mephs
Hi, I'm not sure if I missed this in the thread or not, but are those who do not use all 4 elements going to be at any disadvantage in terms of final scoring? It's just that it is quite difficult to combine all 4 elements, but being called the 4E4 contest I would expect that a game would probably score better if it did include all 4 elements.

On the other hand, if a game would score just as well with only 2 or 3 elements, then it may provide greater freedom in terms of game design (i.e. not having to wrack my brains trying to work out how to fit in the final element when I should be concentrating on gameplay!), allowing a better game to be created as a result.

Any offical comment on this would be much appreciated!



With the minimum requirement being two elements, use of more than two elements will be scored at the individual judge's discretion through the use of Kudos points. Use of all four elements does not automatically give a higher final score, even with Kudos points, because many categories are used to calculate that final score.

The goal of the contest is to produce the best game given the constraints of the contest (i.e. use of at least 2 of the four elements). If I were entering, that is what I would focus on first and foremost.

Admin for

Freeing up your game design to allow a better game is precisely why we only require two of the four elements. Better to make a good game that has only two elements than a bad one that has all four. The judging should reflect that.

Richard "Superpig" Fine - saving pigs from untimely fates - Microsoft DirectX MVP 2006/2007/2008/2009
"Shaders are not meant to do everything. Of course you can try to use it for everything, but it's like playing football using cabbage." - MickeyMouse

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