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The ultimate space game?

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41 comments, last by aegrimonia 23 years, 7 months ago
I was wondering what all of your thoughts were on the ultimate space game? What sort of things have you always wanted to do? what sort of weapons? i''m curious to know what you all think. No More Clones! Stop The Madness!
A comfortable level of interaction mixed with some new idea''s and balanced out with good AI, graphics and sound FX. But the thing i really like in a good space game is when they''ve had an experienced and creative musician behind it, this makes a big difference to me in these types of games.

One more time for the dumbies
ar+gu+ment n. A discussion in which reasons are put forward in support of and against a proposition, proposal, or case; debate.
Okay, you asked for it!

Most "space games" are really just space shooters with pretty graphics. But to truly deserve the title of "ultimate" you need a heck of a lot more!!! You need a decent cosmos players can roam in, not a bunch of levels that feel like... well... levels!

So, here''s my X-mas list:

A cosmos to explore, with star systems that you can move through, and planets you can land on.

A decent level of science. You don''t need to have a degree in astrophysics, but PULLL-EASE! Save the science fantasy for friggin''Final Fantasy XLIV!

Different ships to buy

Ships that can be upgraded, named, and refitted in dry dock

A crew that can be developed. Maybe even SimCrew, or at least the sense that they''re real people (think Star Trek: The Next Generation)

More than just space combat: Trade, exploration, stealth work. Maybe specific puzzles or tasks to solve for certain cultures or events (again, think TNG)

Ability to freelance and choose your own missions, or join a factions or navies (for the folks who DO like levels)

Alien cultures detailed enough to be TRULY different (think Zerg and Protoss in Starcraft). Aliens can join crew, and interact in sometimes strange and surprising ways (cultural barriers)

Different cultures have unique technology, philosophies, goals, abilities, and AI. ("A Klingon warrior NEVER yeilds!!!!!!" )

Action in space, on the ground, and in buildings and ship hulls (boarding ops!)

Cities. Navigable, like the old Traveller CRPG. Think Grand Theft Auto.

A changing galaxy where nations and cultures rise and fall

If a storyline, one that''s OPTIONAL to follow.

I don''t need kicka$$ graphics and the voice of friggin'' John Rhys Davis, or Bruce friggin'' Campbell, or &%#%! FMV! Most of the game is going to go on in my head, and you just need enough to make me feel like I''m really in a future society.

Got many more, lemme know!

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
well.. the reason i'm asking is because me and a partner are working on a massively multiplayer space simulator.. i was going to say space combat simulator.. but i'm trying to impliment much more then that.

As For ships and upgrades? I've got FORTY ships.. so i think that will suffice.. everything from little interceptors to huge starships...

Upgrades are a given.. and there will be many upgrades to beef up your ships..

the demo is playable.. and we've fought against each other a few times, though currently it's just the bang bang bang of guns ala subspace.. but give us a few months.. we're adding more everyday..

what sort of missions would you like to go on?
think of something that can be done in a massively-multiplayer environment..

if you're interested in helping out.. and you are actually SKILLED at what you're going to help with, by all means, please send me an email at: crowley@aegrimonia.com

Edited by - aegrimonia on November 22, 2000 6:48:56 PM
Ah, i just remembered that i once tried to do one of these games too once but it came to the same old problem - too many chefs wanting to chuck in their secret herbs and spices - so it collapsed pretty damn quick.

One of the things that i was working on before it went down that i thought was pretty cool was a system for modifying the ship. Also to have a good variety of weapons and add-ons that are well balanced but i couldn''t complete that becasue of the above mentioned problem. But the best thing you could have is a combat system as this (by the sounds of it) will be the heart of the game.

Anyhow, best of luck.

One more time for the dumbies
ar+gu+ment n. A discussion in which reasons are put forward in support of and against a proposition, proposal, or case; debate.

Okay, you meant "ultimate 2D in space only massively multiplayer Subspace like game..."

Shoulda told me, I wouldn''t have gotten my hopes up!!

Okay, MM and top level 2D plane (if not 2D graphics), right?

Focus? Long term, or death match? Persistent world? Lots of design suggestions don''t make sense with one or the other, so ya gotta specify.

Here are some generic ideas, I need more detail if you want more specifics:

Players can ally and group into fleets, either long term or at game start up.

Players can share resources (transfer power, wrap shields, send marines)

Players can own bases with modules on them (or specify at startup if deathmatch environs only). Configuration is no different from ships.

Risk like empire game (your fleet vs. mine, fighting system to system).

Smaller ships are faster, more nimble, harder to see... if MM persistent, newbies start small, but it''s hard to just kill them off outright

No crappy ideas like "space walls." (Subspace) Use objects natural to the setting (asteroids, wormholes, planets, nebulas). Get creative. Watch Star Trek or Bab5 reruns (so you get crazy stuff like "chronopockets" and "collapsing singularity vortices")

Make use of gravity and inertia. Maybe vary this by race. Don''t just make it a tank game on a 2D plane with starship graphics, that''s weak.

Capital ships, that are slower, and more functional, but need weaker ships for agile protection.

2 or more players can operate 1 ship.

Ships can carry other ships (so the cap ship could carry 10 fighters that are each one player)

Strategy game UI for coordination by command ship. I click on an object and click a destination, the player gets a waypoint. This way, fleets with high level control can kick the butt of a poorly organized fleet

Player "companies" as well as player "fleets." Goes with the empire theme, and boosts trade as an alternative to combat. Players can join companies and try to take over the market in certain ores and commodities. This could affect the finances of what the military has to buy.

Okay.. enough for now.. if we''re on the same wavelength, I can add more if you like. Wish I could help you out, but I''m trying to do the above in a Starflight like game myself (though only multiplayer, not massively multi )

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
hehe.. well.. we''re not making a subspace clone..

that game is about as deep as a cup of water...

though you WILL have the choice of flying around with your head cut off shooting at everything that moves in a little interceptor.. if that''s not your style.. try a friage or starship on for size.... and slow things down.. use your beam weapons or dumb-fire rockets instead of those nose mounted lasers..

that''s where we''re headed.. i''d be curious to see what you''ve got thus far.. my programmer is wonderful, maybe you 2 could help each other out?

No More Clones!
Stop The Madness!
The ultimate space game? I gotta go with Wav on this one. I want the whole shebang!

You've got your ship. You can modify it, but you may have to go to the derelict spacecraft wrecking yards and scrounge for parts to retrofit it. And you may have to rent some hangar space and buy some machine tools and hire a competent crew to get it just the way you want it. Or maybe you'd just assume become a commander for a government run ship. It's up to you.

On board your ship you've got your crew and they're autonomous and hopefully capable and loyal. At your disposal are possibly numerous diagnostic tools, data screens, analysis programs and so on to decipher all those strange things you're going to find out there.

Speaking of out there, there's a lot out there. Thousands of galaxies, billions of stars, and just as many planets. And of course a dappling of superquasars, black holes, supernovas, nebulas, wormholes... There's more than a couple of conflicts raging out there too. Seriously big conflicts that make our wars seem like petty insults. And there are some seriously mean and nasty cultures out there, the likes of which we cannot even understand.

But all the same, there's plenty to do without running afoul of these nasty types. Plenty of worlds to explore, cities to revel in, apartments to break into, bullet trains to ride, people to meet on the street and chat with, mile high skyscrapers to hack into, caverns to mine, partners to partner with, gun smugglers to buy guns from, taverns to consort with seedy individuals in, androids to hire, and so on.

Physics work, and spacetravel across the universe is dealt with based upon the latest developments in science.

Edited by - bishop_pass on November 22, 2000 11:23:00 PM
"To understand the horse you'll find that you're going to be working on yourself. The horse will give you the answers and he will question you to see if you are sure or not."
- Ray Hunt, in Think Harmony With Horses
ALU - SHRDLU - WORDNET - CYC - SWALE - AM - CD - J.M. - K.S. | CAA - BCHA - AQHA - APHA - R.H. - T.D. | 395 - SPS - GORDIE - SCMA - R.M. - G.R. - V.C. - C.F.
combine freespace2 and homeworld for the ultimate kill shit game.

I am not text, I am not organized pixels, I am not killed by turning off your monitor, I am not isolated by turning off your computer. I just am.

Conshape Electronic Arts

you forgot to add the unreal engine for walking around the planets you find along the way

if we could.. we definately would..

No More Clones!
Stop The Madness!

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