
[4E4] Legend of the Mystical Sausage Staring Keilbasa... er, I mean Kobayashi

Started by June 13, 2005 03:45 PM
18 comments, last by d000hg 18 years, 10 months ago
Is anyone actually reading this journal thingy, and have any idea what it's about? Something to do with comics, right?

(I feel like a dad trying to understand what the hell a child is talking about for some kids' TV show in this thread[smile]).
I was getting the same vibe...
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
Sorry about this necroing... but trust me, there is a good chance this might become active again. Two people have asked a question, and I am merely quoting the first post in this thread, and only the second question.

Anyways, to d000hg and PnP Bios:
Quote: Original post by DakeDesu
Q2) What is you game?
A2) Story: Based upon Kid Radd comics, it takes place afterwards.

Not sure about you, but I have been told this numerous times: learn to read.

If you need a more specific answer, ask a more specific question.

There have been plenty of people who have said, "if the back story is too long, I will fall disinterested in it," I decided to cover it in the game manual. Which I wouldn't mind comments on.

(Posted anonymously, as I don't feel like tracking down my password, and you could probably easily figure out who I ham.)
Mmm, ham.

I don't know what Kid Radd comics is about. You seem to assume everyone does, which makes your posts pretty cryptic. And I don't really have time to go through it all with a fine comb looking for some coherent meaning in your typing.
Quote: Original post by Anonymous PosterOh look, Dake is back...

Unlike other posters, you have managed to dedicate an entire thread to your project. A thread which prety much only you have posted in. A project that nobody has a clue what it's about. Then, you go away for a couple of months, come back, and necro your thread without adding any substance to it.

I wish you well on your project, but you could get a myspace or xanga for this, then just link to it when you make some real progress. Then people wouldn't get aggitated and call you out as an attention whore.
HxRender | Cornerstone SDL TutorialsCurrently picking on: Hedos, Programmer One
I agree. This forum--and the forums in general--aren't really the place for your development journal. If you've got something against paying a few bucks for a GDNet+ account and getting a *real* journal, fine, but you should really take it to Livejournal or something.
DakeDesu is a moron anyways.
-=-I feel my last signature was too political for a newbie.
Perhaps. But why necro this thread just to tell us that?!
artwork for the mystical sausage's manual ? what da !?...

im not sure i would like to work on that hehehe... manually speaking

as for doing a huge journal to build hype for your game... having working links to images to see if this actually exist would help.... hey.. im talking about his game... maybe this hype thing is working after all !!!!

that thing is so funny... is that humour or for real ? its brilliant hehehe


Cut scene (1):
Title: How Kobayashi got into this
Scene: Kobayashi and Gnarl's shared apartment.
Sheena: Kobayashi... we need you to protect Sinead.
Kobayashi: I don't work like that... too cool to give out freebies.
Gnarl: It just ain't our style.
Radd: So... still holding onto the idea you like the ladies.
Kobayashi and Gnarl: !!!
Sheena: Quiet Radd, you're not helping
Kobayashi: We need something in return.
Gnarl: as much as I like the idea of having a niece around--I am starting to get hasseled over it.
Kobayashi: I guess it is nice to have a half niece
Radd(to Sheena): told ya so
Sheena(to Radd): please don't instigate(sp?).
Sheena: How about I allow Kobayashi another chance at the death machine against Radd?
Kobayashi: ...
Sheena: With four blinking lights... no make it five.
Kobayashi: !!! We'll do it.
Gnarl: What?
Kobayashi: We just simply just need to rely on my mechanical brilliance!
Gnarl: Yeah, and my Gnarlborg will be useful too

End Cut Scene

I never actually read that 'till now. What does it mean - seems to be in some form of code...!

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