
[4E4] Game Length Question

Started by June 23, 2005 01:10 PM
10 comments, last by Michalson 19 years, 1 month ago
I'm working on an innovative survival-horror game that will have in excess of 10 hours of gameplay. Now, the part with the zombies wont come in for at least 3-4 hours. Would it be alright if i submited my game as a demo with a few levels instead of the full game? or is a full game required?
If you have content that only the judges should see (this includes save games, source code, or other such things you want to include) then it is included with your submission.

When the submission form is opened up for use (a few weeks before the deadline) it will provide the instructions on how to include this extra content. Currently you would include all the judge specific material in a seperate folder and advise us of it in the entry form. We will then zip a seperate download for regular users with your judge material removed.

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