
Share your idea

Started by June 23, 2005 01:32 PM
32 comments, last by baddogj 19 years, 1 month ago
1. Right now I'm calling it "The Pirate Ninja Monkey"
2. Third person shooter
3. Zombies and Pirate Ninjas
4. 3D
5. Hard to keep it brief - just imagine Splinter Cell, PoP:Warrior Within and Painkiller fused together.
6. First time I've ever used DirectX (I'm an OpenGL boy, but I'm using DirectX so I can use pixel shader 1.1 without writing 3904823904823 different code paths) and its gameplay.
1. Green Notebook
2. Roguelike
3. All four.
4. 2D ASCII, with a touch of 1D textual description.
5. Destroy your enemies to gain experience, items and skills. Move down one level. Rinse and repeat.
6. The probability of another game having the exact same behaviour, design and looks is pretty low, so I'd say it's unique.
1. Ultimate (Elements?) Quest
2. Final Fantasty 1-esque RPG
3. All four
4. 2D
5. The game takes place in the world of Awesomeia, which is inhabited by pirates, ninjas, robots and zombies. The world is sustained by four elements: Booze (pirates), Chi (ninjas), RAM (robots) and Brains (zombies). However, mysterious monsters who are not members of the four races have arisen and taken control of the elemental orbs that act as the foci for the world's elements. As the monsters drain the orbs and the planet grows weak, four heroes arise to challenge these fiends and save the world. The player controls the four heroes during their totally wicked adventures.

6. It's supposed to be a Final Fantasy clone, but I made quite a few changes to the original template. Most of the changes relate to party formation; for example, your party will have a pirate, a ninja, a robot, and a zombie in it. However, each race has 2 to 3 classes that add variety to the game. If you want to rely on brute strength, you can have a Fighter (pirate), Assassin (ninja), Gear (robot) and Grunt or Ghast (zombie). If you'd rather burninate your opponents with magic, you can go with a Corsair or Rogue (pirates with attack/buff or healing/nerf magic, respectively), Shinobi (ninjas that use magic scrolls), Mech (robots that use powerful energy weapons) and a Lich (negative status effects, attack and necromancy magic). And, of course, you can use may different combinations of classes for a party that's more balanced than the extreme ones given.
"Sir, it is pie." - Mark TwainThe ArchWizard's site.

Seriously though, I really haven't decided yet. The other entries seem to coming along well, though.
-----------------------------Play Stompy's Revenge! Now!
1. Undecided yet
2. Action RPG
3. Zombies, Ninjas and Pirates. Possible Robot cameo
4. 3D, openGL, custom engine

5. Think Final Fantasy Tactics style battles, only in real 3D (so you can rotate the world, etc.). The game runs in it's own time, and involvement in the story is strictly optional. You can choose one of two sides in the global conflict, or just ignore it and explore, or try your best to mess it up for both sides.

Encounters will be one of three types, there's the basic random encounters, scripted story encounters, and what I'm calling raid style encounters, in which your party will have to coordinate their efforts to take down one big, nasty enemy that drops phat lewtz (yeah, I borrowed the raid idea from EQ).

6. It's basically infinitely replayable. The skill/stat system allows any kind of character to be created, and the party (4 characters) can be set up in all sorts of ways. Kind of like GTA, the story can be completely ignored in favor of random spelunking and exploring, but following parts of it leads to special encounters and dungeons and gear that wouldn't otherwise be obtainable.

It's also cool because it's totally scriptable. Levels are designed in a language that's like a combination of FORTH and Logo, in 3D with textures, and the game is scripted in a C-like OO language that allows for all sorts of fun shit to happen.


1. Wander
2. RTS(woo we have a lot of thoes here! Nice! :) )
3. All, I really want to make them really special
4. 3D all the way
5. Hmmmm it's a secret, but it'll be very hardcore rts
6. It's a secret also, but im using lots of special effects too, shaders , etc

1. Name of game
2. Genre
3. Robots, Zombies, Ninjas or Pirates?
4. 2D or 3D
5. Brief description of gameplay
6. What makes your game unique (optional)

1. Name of game
Legend of the Mystical Sausage, starring Keilbasa--er... I mean Kobayashi

2. Genre:
Single Screen 80s style Arcade game.

3. Robots, Zombies, Ninjas or Pirates?

Robot: The Death Machine.
Zombies: The Corrupt Sprite of a character that to give the name would be a spoiler... though he doesn't seem mindless, he feasts on the brains of NPCs.
Ninjas: Kobayashi of course... and maybe Knarl could be considered a Ninja
Robotic Pirates: Guybot 3Wood, a robotic pirate.
Zombie Robotic Pirate: Spoiler to give it out. You can guess though

4. 2D or 3D

5. Brief description of gameplay
Well, each level, under the current design, is a single screen filled with hazards. You go into the Death Machine, and avoid the hazards to try to hit a red blinking light in strategic locations. You can hit it either with musket(sp?), sword or later in the game, chest canon.

6. What makes your game unique (optional)

Well, at first I thought it was because it will be a "licensed" game based on the comic strip Kid Radd. It takes place sometime after the comic ends.

However, I noticed that nobody is doing old arcade style games. It appears RTS' seem to be the popular choice for gameplay. I might have an advantage there.
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Is it just me or is there a lot of RTS entries in the works?
I dunno... there do seem to be a few Warcraft-style RTSes, but I'd be very surprised if all of us who mentioned "RTS" are doing that type of game. I know I'm not. "RTS" as a genre is actually a fairly broad term.
Why are there so many RTS's? And why so many like mine? [crying]

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